


  • newmooon56
    newmooon56 Posts: 347 Member
    Just wanted to comment on one part that caught my eye. Counting calories becomes a focus - and then you dont focus what you are putting in your body was said by the OP.

    I HIGHLY disagree. For myself anyway- counting calories has caused me to fully rethink and revamp every bite I take. I want to stay full - so instead of 150 calories of garbage- I eat 150 of high fiber, nutrition. I eat protein also to stay full. And because I am counting each calorie I choose lean meats- eat more egg whites then whole eggs (just to scrape off more cals).

    Counting calories has taught me to look for the BEST calories with each meal. I have found just counting does NOT work- I would run out of caloires by lunch time if I only counted and was continuing to eat the way I did before changing up so much about 2 months ago.

    So count - but read the rest of the label- learn what fills you and what ppl mean by 'empty calories' - which would be lame calories that do not keep you full or fuel your body properly - and clean, nutritious calories. You will find it easy to eat low cal when you choose well.

    Theres a reason we always feel hungry when eating crap- regardless of how big the crap makes us our bodies are HUNGRY for more- more nutrition that is- but we dont listen and dump more crap in. Horrible cycle and we all can break it if we want to. Not easy- lots of road blocks and tough battles in this- but can we? YES OF COURSE!!!
  • agonzalesjoy
    Because you are heavier you will lose more than 1 lb a week, if you are eating very small portions and exercizing. I weighted 262 and I lost 100 lbs in a year, so you can definietly lose more than you think in less than a year. But once you lose that weight, dont think you can eat whatever, you will always have to watch what you eat. especially to maintain or you will go right back up.
  • kehuizenga
    kehuizenga Posts: 151
    Just a thought on your method for figuring out how long it will take you to get to your goal weight: there are a few days more than 4 weeks in some monthsand 52 weeks in a year. That is 52lbs in a year, which sounds great to me! And anyway think of how much better you will feel, even if you don't immediately notice a change in your appearance. Once I lost 2lbs, I already felt so much healthier even though I couldn't see a difference. Now I have lost almost 9 and some of my pants are too big. Even though it's not a lot, those little victories along the way will keep you motivated.
  • apocalypsepwnie
    Just wanted to comment on one part that caught my eye. Counting calories becomes a focus - and then you dont focus what you are putting in your body was said by the OP.

    I HIGHLY disagree. For myself anyway- counting calories has caused me to fully rethink and revamp every bite I take. I want to stay full - so instead of 150 calories of garbage- I eat 150 of high fiber, nutrition. I eat protein also to stay full. And because I am counting each calorie I choose lean meats- eat more egg whites then whole eggs (just to scrape off more cals).

    Counting calories has taught me to look for the BEST calories with each meal. I have found just counting does NOT work- I would run out of caloires by lunch time if I only counted and was continuing to eat the way I did before changing up so much about 2 months ago.

    So count - but read the rest of the label- learn what fills you and what ppl mean by 'empty calories' - which would be lame calories that do not keep you full or fuel your body properly - and clean, nutritious calories. You will find it easy to eat low cal when you choose well.

    Theres a reason we always feel hungry when eating crap- regardless of how big the crap makes us our bodies are HUNGRY for more- more nutrition that is- but we dont listen and dump more crap in. Horrible cycle and we all can break it if we want to. Not easy- lots of road blocks and tough battles in this- but can we? YES OF COURSE!!!

    omg so this!!!
    Because I'm making better choices I'm heaps fuller and meeting most of my macros every day. I went out for chinese last night and had 1000 cals to go. Even though I could pretty much eat whatever I wanted, I had vegetables instead of rice, steamed dumplings instead of fried and had prawns over pork belly (If you know how much I love pork belly this was a huge deal) and just picked the snow peas and tofu out of my boyfriend's pork belly dish...
    I'm not sure I've lost any weight. I *think* I've lost water as my derby clothes don't cut in around my tummy anymore but nothing is loose or anything. But I FEEL amazing! I wake up properly and my productivity at work is really awesome! I also did a first aid course in the last 2 days and would not have been able to make it through if I hadn't been eating properly.