Slowing down my eating speed?



  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    There are a few methods, Here are a couple;
    1. Counting your chews
    2. Putting your knife and fork down and not preparing your next mouthful until you have finished your last
    3. Putting less food in your mouth
    4. Making sure you sit at a table and try to slow down

    Hope these help - I know there are more and maybe someone else can add to them.

    These are great - I have also found that if I am too hungry I eat fast, I eat crap, and I eat a lot.
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Use your other hand when eating. If your right handed use your left hand. Vice versa worked for me.

    OooOOoooO...I have never heard of this idea....I am going to try it.

    Then you'd better wear a bib ...... and spread newspaper under your chair :laugh:

    I was once at a yoga retreat where lunch was held in a "quiet room" for ""mindful eating ........ no talking, no distractions ........ well, I can appreciate the fact that the chicken or chickpeas or lettuce leaves gave up their lives to feed me ....... but it was far from "quiet" ...... all I heard was chewing & chomping & crunching ROFL

    My tip ...... chew everything REALLY well before you swallow ...... your stomach will thank you !
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I have to count chews to get in the habit.

    (BTW, yes I taste and LOVE my food even when I eat fast!)

    A speech therapist working with my dad on swallowing issues actually makes him put his fork down between each bite. That seems a bit much to me, but you could try putting it down after every two or three bites.

    You can also sip a drink between bites. It clears your pallete as well.
  • msiamjan
    msiamjan Posts: 326 Member
    Being mindful, putting down your fork between bites and taking a drink of water between bites are the things I try to do, but it takes effort to remember. I do know people who have had some success by eating with chopsticks. I'm good enough with chopsticks that it doesn't have that much impact, but if you are clumsy with them, it could work.
  • FunandFitMom
    FunandFitMom Posts: 146 Member
    One of the strategies I have found helpful is to put down my fork and take a drink in between bites (my mom always told me to chew every bite 28 times - but that's enough to drive me buggy!)
  • lacewitch
    lacewitch Posts: 766 Member
    i was reading about this on t'internet and one thing that came up was eating with chopsticks!
  • chissa710
    Working in a hospital I have the same problem... I wolf down my food because I never know if i'm going to have to run to a code and not get to eat. Unfortunately now I eat really fast ALL the time, even if I'm at home or out to eat! It doesn't help that my fiance is also a fast eater. I think I'm going to have to impliment some of these ideas!
  • JenniferNoll
    JenniferNoll Posts: 367 Member
    Some time ago, I watched a documentary about the super obese, people weighing 500 pounds and more. It was done very respectfully and sympathetically, and I did not feel it was exploitive. As I watched, I noticed that when they showed footage of the subjects eating, their forks were overloaded. Huge forkfulls, so overfull that the subjects had to open their mouths extremely wide in order to eat.

    I began to wonder if this particular habit was something that contributed to weight gain. I concluded that it was likely, since eating faster inevitably leads to consuming more calories. I also decided to slow down my own eating. I had begun eating much faster due to the fact that I had babies who never allowed me much time to eat. Now I cut off each bite as I eat small bits of food. It takes me longer to eat a meal, I feel more satisfied with what I eat, and I actually get to enjoy the flavors more. I can't help but feel that it is contributing to my weight loss.
  • ladyark
    ladyark Posts: 1,101 Member

    1. set aside time for eating with no distractions

    This is an important one. Don't eat while watching TV, on you laptop etc as you tend not to notice what you have eaten or how much.

    I find that if i am looking at a magazine ( fitness related helps ) or a book i tend to eat much slower. Plus putting down your utensils and i try to take a sip of water between bites....ive been known to sit at the kitchen table for 45 minutes just to eat.
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,312 Member
    I eat really fast when it comes to my favorite foods. Get a nice, big glass of water. Take a bite. Put fork down. Drink. Take another bite. Drink. Actually helps me a lot.
  • suzieqcookie
    suzieqcookie Posts: 314 Member
    I heard the tip that you should put down your cutlery (or if using your fingers put down the food) between bites and don't pick it up until you have swallowed the food you are eating.

    yup... don't even reload the fork til after you have swallowed. Harder to do than it sounds when you're so accustomed to shoveling. I grew up the same way.. rush to go play or rush for seconds.
  • erinxo13
    erinxo13 Posts: 892 Member
    Take sips of water in between bites (not every bite but yeah) and realize what you're doing then you'll be able to slow down a lot easier. It's helped me, I'm realizing what I'm putting into my mouth and I'm also helping myself drink more water and eat less.
  • Linda_Darlene
    Linda_Darlene Posts: 453 Member
    There are a few methods, Here are a couple;
    1. Counting your chews
    2. Putting your knife and fork down and not preparing your next mouthful until you have finished your last
    3. Putting less food in your mouth
    4. Making sure you sit at a table and try to slow down

    Hope these help - I know there are more and maybe someone else can add to them.

  • NYChick84
    NYChick84 Posts: 331 Member
    I started using chopsticks this week...WORLD of a difference!! Try it!! :)
  • motown_groove
    motown_groove Posts: 30 Member
    Use your other hand when eating. If your right handed use your left hand. Vice versa worked for me.

    OooOOoooO...I have never heard of this idea....I am going to try it.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    Have you tried eating meals with chopsticks or using your non-dominant hand?
  • motown_groove
    motown_groove Posts: 30 Member
    Use your other hand when eating. If your right handed use your left hand. Vice versa worked for me.

    OooOOoooO...I have never heard of this idea....I am going to try it.

    Me too ...great idea :O)
  • crzyone
    crzyone Posts: 872 Member
    The weight loss doctor I know of tells his patients to get a timer and set it and you can't take another bite until it goes off....start with one minute...then move up till you are taking bites five minutes my 20 minute lunch break, I wouldn't get much to eat, but someone I know lost several hundred pounds using this......I don't think I have the self control for it!!! LOL
  • WickedPixie1
    WickedPixie1 Posts: 111 Member
    I turned into a speed eater once I had kids (3 under the age of 2) so in order to get a hot meal or any meal for that matter, I had to inhale.
    Prior to having kids, I was always the last one finished eating.
    I used to cut everything up into small pieces and I chewed a lot more than I do now. Cutting things up actually did help, it was like portion control. It makes it seem like there is a lot more on your plate than there actually is.
    Sitting at a table helps too.
    Good question! I know I need to slow my eating down again.
  • jbrann911
    I am using diet shakes for breakfast and lunch - though I also eat lunch. I do put in 1/2 a bag of frozen fruit in the blender with the shake. This makes a very yummy smoothy and since its cold you can drink it slower makes brain register that shake was my meal not the juice cup.

    Freeze grapes for a snack or eat the chillled you eat them slower not that quantity of grapes is an issue its to re-associate the I eat something to yes I feel full now.

    My favorite snack is jello I make the whole sugar free pack 5 cal at 4 servings a full 20 calories, add a 1/2 can of fruit calories range 30-60 here and a serving of cool whip under 90 calories. Fills you more than a 100 calorie pack of 6 chips.

    Spicy food are harder to eat faster also and I LOVE THEM.