Anyone else have an non-supportive spouse?



  • Kiliz35
    Kiliz35 Posts: 1
    I saw this topic and just felt I had to make a comment :smile: After reading these posts etc, it seems like I must be in a minority as my wonderful partner is very supportive of me and helps me a lot. Some might say we are like chalk and cheese as he is thin and I am overweight, but what is most important is that he loves me for me, it's about who I am not what I am. He has been helping me look for low calorie recipes etc that we both like, are easy to cook and are filling. If I am struggling in wanting things that I really shouldn't have then he really helps me there too, in fact he was the one who found this site to help me and it has been a godsend! :happy:

    I have struggled with my weight for a long time, but have found out that I have a medical condition that is the cause of my weight but I am also limited as to what exercise I can do due to having problems with my legs. However, none of my medical problems stop me from losing weight. If you want to achieve something then you can achieve it if you have the motivation you need. Yes, of course it is great to have support from loved ones etc, but ultimately it has to come from you.

    Not only do I want to lose to weight to help me with my medical problems but my partner and I want a family in the not too distant future and I want to be as healthy as possible when, god willing, we do have a family.

    If your partner isn't supporting you then does it matter too much when you are doing it for you? Do your own meals then you know that what you are eating is the healthy option you want. However it doesn't hurt to have "naughty" days every now and again too :laugh:

    No-one should ever change who they are for anyone, they should only ever do it for themselves but we should never give up, especially if you have an "end goal". I am just very lucky that I have a wonderful partner who is very supportive.
  • Camille0502
    Camille0502 Posts: 311 Member
    So the moral of this story is dont get married?

    Not really. It is just to choose wisely!
  • helen0616
    My husband is very similar to this but I will say that he is getting better. The most important part of ALL of this is that your spouse know that this is a journey for you to be HAPPY. HAPPY. HAPPY. Not a super model, not eating only celery, not a compulsive exerciser. It's not about torturing him or starving him or inconveniencing him. He doesn't have to do the work, you do.

    It has taken my husband a few years to finally understand what my goal is, and he has watched my weight go from 120 when I met him to 160 after our first baby, down to 140, back up to 205 after the second one, down to 145 again, back up to 189, and now here I am at 177. It's hard - and he finally recognizes that. It took some tears and a lot of arguing, but he really loves me however I am and your husband probably feels the same way. They don't see the fat, they just see us, the women they love. I think it is hard for them to understand.

    Just hang in there. Try not to complain. Try not to force him into changing anything he doesn't want to change. It will get better.