Over 100lbs to go and motivated...just lacking supporters :(



  • You can add me if you like. You are off to a great start. I am online daily too.
  • Peanut0711
    Peanut0711 Posts: 88 Member
    I log my food daily. Not much on the forum but I'm around. Hit me up if you need anything.

    umm, yes! I need..umm....YOU....i mean your body..i mean...damn. whatever you'd like to give me...I will take!:devil:
  • I am pretty new to this also and I also have 100 pounds to lose. I log on faithfully every day and would love to be your friend so feel free to add me.
  • MeltingCandlewax
    MeltingCandlewax Posts: 42 Member
    Im here pretty daily too, usually more than once a day. I don't have tons of time to always respond but you can definetly add me, message me or email me. I have a 2 year old so the only time i really have time is when he is napping or asleep. but i do check regularly with my phone.
  • Nettabee
    Nettabee Posts: 296 Member
    i'll be your huckleberry. lol add me if you like!!

    I don't know how I missed this but I LOL'ed and damnable near fell off the toliet... :blushing:
  • shaleasymphony
    shaleasymphony Posts: 172 Member
    a request has been sent :) i'm trying to lose between 100-120 lbs myself so if you help me, i'll help you :happy:
  • Getting back on the wagon myself.. I also have 100+ lbs. To lose so feel free to add me also
  • you hare doing great. congrats. I am new to this site but plan on being on every day. You can add me if you like.
  • charver35
    charver35 Posts: 24 Member
    New to this site, in the same boat as you - I would appreciate support too... So feel free to add me as a weight loss buddy! :flowerforyou:
  • Nettabee
    Nettabee Posts: 296 Member
    I log my food daily. Not much on the forum but I'm around. Hit me up if you need anything.

    umm, yes! I need..umm....YOU....i mean your body..i mean...damn. whatever you'd like to give me...I will take!:devil:


    "This comment was rated: A for Awesomesauce!"
  • You can add me! I am new to this and looking for a couple people to keep me motivated and inspired as well!!! Good luck to you!!!!
  • ginabops
    ginabops Posts: 26
    You can add my too. I am a health and wellness coach. I coach people like your self to live a healthy lifestyle though nutrition and active lifestyle.
  • turntechBiologist
    turntechBiologist Posts: 374 Member
    I just started getting back on track after going to the doctors last Friday to see my weight at 329. So I know what's it like to be at a really heavy weight (my heaviest was 371 in 2009). So add me if you wish to! I'll be more than happy to help support you! :)
  • lachivis
    lachivis Posts: 43 Member
    Add me too :) I log everyday and I have an open dairy. I'm also determined to get this weight off. I have 88lbs left to lose, my grand goal was 100lbs. Lets do this together!
  • velmaisvelma
    velmaisvelma Posts: 90 Member
    I have a little over 100 pounds to go, too. It its so hard top stay motivated,I have no supporters here, either. I wish you luck! Friend me if you wish :)
  • ellennow
    ellennow Posts: 568
    Girl I'm with you. Feel free to friend me!
  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    I feel a million years older than 90% of the people on this site. I have kids older than some of you.!!! LOL But I am determined. I am supportive. I have a terrrrrrrrrrrrrific sense of humor about everything and I can whoop yer *kitten* when necessary.

    I too have 100 to lose.........or more depending. Ive already dropped almost 35 at last weight. Im deadly serious about this lifestyle change. I warn my kids and everyone younger than me
    DONT LET THIS HAPPEN TO YOU. Its scary. I have had horrendous breathing issues since last year that the docs / specialists cant identify. NO one will say the freakin words---LOSE WEIGHT chunky. I think it's because Im just about the cutest damn thing there is :smooched: :bigsmile: :blushing: :flowerforyou: but seriously. I havent been able to go shopping in months...or clean my own home (thank GOD the fiance' loves my cuteness and does it all) My chronic pain from surgeries and injuries gone bad is made a million times worse. WHY? Because being this damn cute doesnt matter when you're chubby :bigsmile:

    Anyway dahling....add me. I'll be your staunchest supporter and kick yer *kitten* when needed. Im nice like that :flowerforyou:
  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    Velma....you can add me too if youd like. Hell any of ya.........add me if ya want
  • Elizaj85
    Elizaj85 Posts: 158 Member
    hi hun feel free to add me to I'm on daily an like to offer support
  • Hi i have over 100lbs to go so i would like to help and support you x