i need to cry :(



  • Huertamom
    Huertamom Posts: 7 Member
    hang in there, girl. We're all carrying a cross. If you need to, go ahead and cry, then do something constructive. I too joind this cause its too hard to find time and vent with my 'real' friends. Everyone is so busy, including myself. We can do this together!!!
  • EricMurano
    EricMurano Posts: 825 Member
    We've all hit bottom in this regard. It's a common thing to go through. You will get through it.

    The silver lining about people going through what you're going through is that it's the thing that makes you stop and take action.

    Push through this feeling until you start seeing progress. That progress will snowball, you'll see.
  • GabsMommy28
    GabsMommy28 Posts: 47 Member
    You won't be able to move on till you do that.
    Step Two: Stop and think about how you are approaching food. You seem to be approaching it as the thing that made you (in your eyes fat (btw you look beautiful in your picture in my opinion)). It didn't. It is the amount and type that you ate. Food is not your enemy, or your friend. It is just the fuel you need.
    Step Three: Think about the positive and the future.
    Step Four: Make a plan for your food and workouts. If you need help with food there are lots of people on here that will help and you can even looks up cookbooks to give you ideas (I love my everything guide to low glycemic cookbook). I find when I plan out my day for the next day it is sooooo much easier to stick to it.

    Use your anger over what has happened to fuel some of your workout, as you go you will get stronger and no longer need that anger cause you will be happy about it cause you will see the difference in yourself.
    But remember to actually eat the right amount of calories, that is very important or you won't lose the weight healthy. Here are two links I found helpful.



    If you want to add me for some extra support and motivation, or even just someone to talk feel free.

    Oh and did you know, crying is actually good for you. It releases chemicals that actually (when you are done) make it easier for you to think clearly. So cry away! Get it out of the way and than kick your weights butt!
  • whitneyas
    whitneyas Posts: 95 Member
    I feel like that all the time, with the fat and judging. And that's because people do judge... Recently, i've just had the 'to hell with you' type attitude and try not to let them get to me. Try and just stay positive, and think of the good things in your life, that will get you through the tough times. Also, feel free to add me =)

    ... what she said! I have adopted the "f you" policy. I know we all judge people for different things and people judge me. I hate it too and it makes me upset, but then I just think, whatever. Eff you and your judgement... if you will judge based on something you don't know anything about I have no need for you in my life! AND you are beautiful!
  • livelivefree
    livelivefree Posts: 18 Member
    we`ve all been try taking a few days for your self. just stop worrying about that number on the scale for a few days. instead do things you enjoy, eat what you enjoy, go out meet some people, do something active that makes you happy.

    I had a really bad down last week, where not only was i starting to get frustrated with my permament restricting but as a result was starting to binge eat.
    then i decided to just stop worrying so much. i hosted a couchsurfer, we went to do some great touristy stuff and went to a concert, i ate whatever i wanted and felt goos about it.

    now i`m back on day three of a new start. i feel like suddenly i have so much more energy to lose those last few pounds. and they definitely are dropping.

    so maybe you just need a break, sometimes it`s important to stop worrying so much and just decide to feel good about oneself.
  • I have those days too letting it go and a good cry helps a lot! But then you get back up and you keep going, these guys are awesome at supporting if I wasn't here I would still be stuck with not eating bc I felt guilty. You are amazing and gorgeous just take it one day at a time you'll. Get there but always remember you are Beautiful!

    I have a lot of days like that I'm always up for support and encouragement hope you feel better :flowerforyou:
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    Do not apologize. We all need to vent once in a while. That's why the rest of us are here: to listen and be here for you.

    If that is your picture as your profile then I just have to say, you are most definitely not ugly. I see a gorgeous strong woman with beautiful curly hair! Rock what you have! We can spend our entire lives comparing ourselves to everyone else, and we will never be happy. Have a cry, get it out and then wash your face and stare at yourself in the mirror. Ask yourself this, "If I allowed a friend to talk to me the way I talk to myself, would that person still be my friend?" Then take the time to see what the people who love you see. See the person who supports her friends and family.

    Do not give up on yourself. You are on a journey, and yes, it is a difficult journey, but you can and you WILL do it. People will always try to bring you down no matter what the journey is. NEVER let them. Your strength lies in you, so be you.

    Keep your head up and smile even when you're scared as Hell.

    ":A smooth sea never made a skillful sailor."
  • I am with you today I feel like I know what I am doing but I keep eating, thinking it will go away. I wish things did not get so bad. That one day you look and wow!!!! who is that person in that body. So I started this my fitness, well see how it goes. I hope for a better day on Wed.......
  • volume77
    volume77 Posts: 670 Member
    I completely understand how you feel. Two and a half years ago I got sober from meth and put on 60 lbs. I was so uncomfortable and hated the way I looked on the outside even though I was healing ( from drug addiction..) I was still so depressed about my weight. I completely understand. Even days now I still struggle with my relatiOnship with food and body image. I went to shop for pants and when I couldn't fit into a size 16 I came home and cried had a mental breakdown. Then ate some chicken nuggets. Every time I would get sober I would put on weight and then go back to the drugs to starve myself back down to a normal weight. I didn't know that using the drugs hurt my metabolism so much because I was starving all the time. Then of course comming off the drugs I would eat any carby calorie heavy thing I could get my hands on. Anyways I found something . I found a program called Fa. It's food addicts anonymous. It truly saved my life. It helped me loose weight and know what to eat. they helped me so much. After six months I was down to 144 lbs... Then I did a low carb diet. And learned that my body was carb sensitive. I adopted a low carb approach to my way of eating and I have to say from my experience its saved my life. Not only do I not have to starve but I can actually maintain my weight. I thought I was doomed . Feel free to add me and if you believe in god ask him for his love and help. I think you're absolutely gorgeous just the way you are and just know he will take care of you. It may take time but you can find happiness.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    So some tough love here

    Put some perspective thought into this. Everyday I go to work (I work in a Wellness Center) I have to pass by our Rehabilitation center. People there are rehabbing from heart attack, stroke, paralysis, major surgery, and some are learning how to work with prosthetics. What some of these people wouldn't do just to be overweight. Some will never have the same physical functions they used to. So count yourself lucky and take this opportunity sit down a create a plan to achieve the look you desire. It's never a hopeless situation unless you give up.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • kgoodwin84
    kgoodwin84 Posts: 9 Member
    You are not alone, and you are NOT hopeless.

    One thing I got from this is that you've gained all this weight in a little over a year. Have you seen a doctor? Sometimes in the case of rapid weight gain, there could be a medical issue that started it and that would make it hard for you to lose. It may be something you want to look into; it might help!

    At any rate, this is the right place for you. Everyone here has been so supportive and encouraging. Stay with it, we'll be reading your success story soon enough!
  • Okay, first of all I know how you feel about feeling like the ugliest person ever. I've had the same issue with not feeling like the most attractive chap in the world but I have found that worst thing you can do is to allow yourself to believe that you are anything less than beautiful. Physical beauty will fade over time but if you've got a beautiful soul that will automatically augment the outward apppearance anyway. However, as far as feeling like you do about feeling hopeless, please remember that you didn't gain that weight in a minute, so it's not going to come off in a minute. As much as you hate food right now you need it to lose weight. I'm hardly an expert but I for the first time in ages have had a consistent weight loss and I'm down twelve pounds because I track what I eat (it makes me more mindful of what I put in my mouth) and my exercise. I take it one day at a time and I use the friends here for motivation so I'm not in this alone. The most important thing I do though is I believe that I will make my fitness goal, no matter how long it takes. As far as feeling like people are judging you, ask yourself this: do they really matter? do they really affect my life in any way other than a few stares? No one can make you feel badly unless you allow them to do so. You look up and be proud of the fact that at least by coming onto this site you are at least doing something about it. That alone makes you better than a lot of people that choose to do nothing. You're gonna make it through this because it's already been proven that it can be done! You go ahead and cry if you need to but then wipe your tears and keep on going on this journey. You haven't failed as long as you haven't given up!! YOU CAN DO THIS!!