How do I eat all those calories?

Hi! I'm kinda new to this site, alas not to losing weight :smile:

I recently decided to change my lifestyle, and become again the athletic type I used to be when I was 16-18. I'm (almost) 27 now, I've chosen a rather sedentary career in academia, and quit, year after year, all the sports I used to practice (basketball, horse riding/showjumping, running and high jump). You guessed it, I have ended up with a fair amount of belly fat and some general discontent.

Last month, I <i>broke the bottom of my bed</i> while sleeping on it. I was 82 kg :noway: Given that I'm 1.67, that's way too much.
So I started exercising again (running and doing calisthenics) and cleaned up my diet (that is: I gave up ice tea, as I was already eating "clean", or at least I think so).
I noticed a sudden reduction of my general weight (down to 72.5 kg), and also a couple centimeters less on my waist - excellent, I said. Then I started to read something about nutrition here and on other sites, in order to start controlling my calories intake. I found this very well known post ( particularly helpful, and - following this advice - I started tracking calories and macros for good.
<b>I found out that I am not eating enough, and I don't even reach my daily BMR!</b>
I'm kinda scared about this. I mean, I have never eaten very much, but, as my belly fat can testify, as soon as I focused on study rather than on sports, I have gained a lot of weight. I blame the ice tea, but it might also have been something else... I don't really know.

Anyway, now I'm starting to reach a plateau. I am determined to overcome it, and I really want to eat the right amount of calories. But... how do <i>you</i> do that? By now, I should create a deficit by eating 1881 calories/day. My TDEE is 2351. But I am really, really struggling to reach even 1300 calories! I eat three to four times a day, and every time I eat I feel full and satisfied. Still, when it come to counting the calories, they are way too low for my needs. If you check my diary, you'll see what I mean. I eat a lot of food, but I have never been able, in these days, to eat more than 1500 calories, which I guess happened only once. Yesterday I even willingly ate junk food (!!!), i.e. nachos, at lunch, to improve my caloric intake - but it made me sick, and I couldn't eat more than a couple yoghurts in the evening.
I'm confused. I have never eaten this much (and, by the way, it feels weird to eat like Pantagruel while dieting), and still can't reach my goal. Ho do <i>you</i> do it? Does anyone have some good advice? I tried with milk... if I drink two glasses of milk a day I can get some more 150 calories or so (but then I spend like half of the day at the toilet :laugh: ). And I still lack a lot of protein :mad:

If you need more information, feel free to ask anything. Currently, I am exercising six to seven times a week (running, calisthenics and yoga), and I don't eat back exercise calories (which is something I actually never did).
Sorry if my post is a tad long, but I wanted to be as clear as possible, given that I'm not a native speaker of English - but I'm sure you already noticed that :happy:

Thank you in advance!


  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    eat breakfast?
    eat snacks?
    eat nuts?
    eat avocado?
    don't look at food and think "i can't eat that because it doesn't fit into my idea of diet food."\
    don't think about this as a diet, but a life style.
    I'm really not familiar with most of your food choices, so I'm little help otherwise.

    Also, I find it disconcerting that you lost 30 pounds in a month.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    It is easy to eat more calories, and you don't even need to eat a larger quantity of food. Just choose foods that are more calorie dense.

    Add avocado to salads and sandwiches
    Add olive oil to soups, sauces, salads
    Avoid diet and lite foods, eat the full fat/calorie versions
    drink more calories (juice or milk are full of calories)
    For milk products choose a higher MF% version (yogurt, cheese, etc)
    eat nuts, seeds and/or dehydrated fruit as a snack
  • Angelprincess01
    Ugh, I know how you feel. I only get 1250 calories a day if I don't work out, but half of the time I don't even get close to that amount. Just because I don't eat if I'm not feeling hungry >.<
    So yeah, I do get your problem. You could look into fruits with high calories, or dishes that have cream in them? ^^
  • leenie96
    leenie96 Posts: 65
    Looks like you hardly eat anything for breakfast, and what you do eat tends to be mainly carbs. Just by adding more substance in the morning will help you reach your goal. Don't be afraid of eggs, avocado, or a lean meat in the morning.

    Also, where are the veggies??
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    yea, it's really NOT that hard to eat more calories.... I think a lot of people fall into trying to eat low cal stuff to stay under goal, and then end up short..... BUT you could easily eat more calorie dense foods that don't make you feel like you've eaten a ton more..... some good options -

    almond/nut butters
    nuts (almonds, cashews, pistachios - NOT peanuts)
    more protein (i.e. 6oz of chicken or fish instead of 3-4)
    full fat foods

    others have stated the same thing, and they're right. Also, definitely eat breakfast.
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    Your problem is very similar to many other posters. I'm sure at one point you actually did eat at or near your predicted TDEE. However, as time went by you began eating less and less which ultimately lowered your Resting Metabolic Rate to the point you now feel full on an allotment of calories much less than in the past.
  • EmmaM2211
    EmmaM2211 Posts: 536 Member
    Have a look through other peoples diaries for inspiration? There are a lot of guys on here with open diaries who eat A LOT of clean food and get plenty of protein in.

    Feel free to look through mine...I never have a problem reaching 1500cals - not always clean but I do try to reach 100g protein a day and get atleast 5 fruits and veggies in.

    Dont be scared of allowing a treat every once in a while too - I have chocolate almost every day lol so long as the rest of my diary is pretty healthy I dont mind too much. A lot of people here say 80% clean and 20% bad is a good way to look at it. xx
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,287 Member
    Not sure how you are full with that amount of calories especially if you workout so much. I looked at your dairy and it seems you are just eating random things instead of being consistent with your food. Try mixing in vegetables, Chicken, Tuna, Protein shakes, turkey and swiss sandwiches etc. Your body will get use to this and also drink tons of water. Look at my dairy for help.
  • sweetiebelle
    sweetiebelle Posts: 332 Member
    Try adding peanut butter or peanuts, sunflower seeds, or cook with olive oil. These have a lot of calories bit are healthy
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    try picking up some protein powder and making yourself some shakes and or smoothies. an easy way to get in an extra 600 calories.

    lately i've been obsessed with this one, and i had it for breakfast this morning: 2 scoops of chocolate protein powder, 2 tablespoons of peanut butter, 8 ounces of vanilla almond milk, an a banana. throw it all in the blender and enjoy. add a half a cup of dry oats into for a few extra calories too.

    another one of mine is 2 scoops of vanilla protein powder, 8 ounces of orange juice, and handful or two of frozen berries.
  • Erlkoenig
    Your problem is very similar to many other posters. I'm sure at one point you actually did eat at or near your predicted TDEE. However, as time went by you began eating less and less which ultimately lowered your Resting Metabolic Rate to the point you now feel full on an allotment of calories much less than in the past.

    Yes, that's my thought too. Too bad I started late to track my calories.

    Than you all for your fast and kind responses!
    A few answers:

    - Breakfast is my favourite meal, but I have never thought about increasing its nutritional value. That's a great tip, thanks! (Funny how I have always considered my breakfast the most rewarding meal of the day...)
    - I eat snacks, mainly ice cream or popsicles in these boiling hot days. Nuts would be a great addition, but wouldn't they make me go out of track with my fat intake? MFP makes it pretty low...
    - I love oils, but then again, wouldn't they make my amount of fat too high? (Nothing personal against it, I just try to stick with the number MFP provides)
    - I truly, madly, deeply HATE veggies, but I am pretty sure I ate a whole fennel this week :bigsmile: I guess it's a personal record
    - I am looking at other people's diaries. The most shocking thing is the kind of food different people from different countries/cultures eat for breakfast. I would be looked at as an alien if I ever tried to eat eggs, or meat at breakfast! Here in Italy, if it isn't sweet... it's not breakfast at all! :smile: I am already the weird one that eats bananas instead of croissants and cappuccino...
    - I have never tried protein powders, but they might be a solution. Are those... err.. safe? Sorry if I ask, but I am a total newbie to non-conventional Italian food :smile:
  • hkevans724
    hkevans724 Posts: 241 Member
    OK, all that TDEE and BMR junk is so confusing!!! There are so many different things people say. I recommend putting your info into MFP and trusting it. Don't listen to all that other stuff.. Mostly because What works for on person doesn't always work for another. I completely disagree with that guy who say "You aren't unique like a snowflake" Yes we are. We are all different. If we weren't then we would all weigh the same no matter what. You need to find what works for you. If you can't eat 1800 calories a day, then DON'T!! Do not make yourself sick because some fruit loop halfway around the world who most likely isn't a doctor told you to... You need to trust MFP more than him as this program was designed for this. If it's not working change it up a little. MFP takes in to account how must "work" you do daily.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I actually have the same problem since I'm minimized things like cake, cookies, rice, and bread from my diet.

    First, it is remarkable how a serving of good bread or brown rice will put a few hundred calories in your day.

    Second, another healthy high cal food is cheese. Buy some good cheese and eat an ounce or two. That will give you another few hundred calories.

    Have a sausage once in a while (200-400 calories).

    Drink a glass of full fat milk (200 calories).

    One pastry will blow 500 calories. But that usually isn't that nutritious. All the rest of the things I suggest have good food value.

    Although I can easily be happy netting 1100 or fewer calories, it only takes a big spoonful of whipped cream, a slice of cake, or a melted cheese sandwich for lunch and I can go way over.
  • thistimeismytime
    thistimeismytime Posts: 711 Member
    yea, it's really NOT that hard to eat more calories.... I think a lot of people fall into trying to eat low cal stuff to stay under goal, and then end up short..... BUT you could easily eat more calorie dense foods that don't make you feel like you've eaten a ton more..... some good options -

    almond/nut butters
    nuts (almonds, cashews, pistachios - NOT peanuts)
    more protein (i.e. 6oz of chicken or fish instead of 3-4)
    full fat foods

    others have stated the same thing, and they're right. Also, definitely eat breakfast.

    Why no peanuts?? I eat peanuts every single day. Where is the peanut-love?? :sad:

    I agree with everything else--nuts, avocados, olive oil, lots of protein (eggs, meat, protein shakes)--you can bump those calories up without eating junk food.

    By the way, OP, I think your English is SUPERB!! I couldn't even write a single sentence in Italian (or any other language), so I think you're amazing!! :flowerforyou:
  • veraprice
    veraprice Posts: 5 Member
    I really like isopure it has 50 grams of protein and it comes in great flavors, like alpine punch. It can be mixed with juice or water. I usally put frozen fruit in mine and make a smothy.
  • Onema2012
    I generally eat 2300cals in a single serving of food.

    Try eating nuts or drinking full fat milk if you need to get extra cals. But tbh 2300 is so small that 3 small meals should fill your macros easily.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    For one of your snacks, eat a banana and 2 tablespoons of peanut butter - there's over 300 calories right there. Add a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil to whatever you're cooking, there's an instant 100 calories (with healthy fats) that you won't even notice. If you can get avocados, slice one up and add it on a sandwich, salad or whatever - avocados are very calorie-dense and again, contain healthy fats. Protein shakes are an easy way to add both calories and protein (which is very important to help preserve your lean body mass/muscle) and yes, they're perfectly safe.

    You can go into your settings and change the MFP defaults for carbs/fats/protein. They have it set up to where it closely resembles the American "food pyramid" recommendations for healthy eating, but many (myself included) believe that carbs are too high and protein too low. I have mine set to 40% carb, 30% protein, 30% fat and have experienced steady, consistent weight loss.
  • kaervaak
    kaervaak Posts: 274 Member
    A few answers:

    - Breakfast is my favourite meal, but I have never thought about increasing its nutritional value. That's a great tip, thanks! (Funny how I have always considered my breakfast the most rewarding meal of the day...)
    - I eat snacks, mainly ice cream or popsicles in these boiling hot days. Nuts would be a great addition, but wouldn't they make me go out of track with my fat intake? MFP makes it pretty low...
    - I love oils, but then again, wouldn't they make my amount of fat too high? (Nothing personal against it, I just try to stick with the number MFP provides)

    Dietary fat does not make you fat. Too many calories is the only thing that does that. Don't worry too much about fat as long as you're eating healthy. Nuts, avocados, olive oils, peanut butter etc are all quite healthy and good things to add to your diet.
    - I truly, madly, deeply HATE veggies, but I am pretty sure I ate a whole fennel this week :bigsmile: I guess it's a personal record
    You should try experimenting with some different veggies or failing that, just blend them into a shake with fruit and yogurt for a delicious refreshing shake.
    - I am looking at other people's diaries. The most shocking thing is the kind of food different people from different countries/cultures eat for breakfast. I would be looked at as an alien if I ever tried to eat eggs, or meat at breakfast! Here in Italy, if it isn't sweet... it's not breakfast at all! :smile: I am already the weird one that eats bananas instead of croissants and cappuccino...
    If you consider breakfast to be your favorite and most satisfying meal, you should treat it that way and don't worry about cultural stereotypes. Try oatmeal or eggs for breakfast instead of pure carbs.
    - I have never tried protein powders, but they might be a solution. Are those... err.. safe? Sorry if I ask, but I am a total newbie to non-conventional Italian food :smile:
    Protein powders are perfectly safe and healthy. They are basically dehydrated milk with the sugar removed. I personally like the Optimum Nutrition brand (you can order it online from Amazon or but most of them are pretty good. Look for ones that are mostly pure protein, are well priced (~20 USD per Kg) and have good user reviews.
  • peachea
    peachea Posts: 92 Member
    OK, all that TDEE and BMR junk is so confusing!!! There are so many different things people say. I recommend putting your info into MFP and trusting it. Don't listen to all that other stuff.. Mostly because What works for on person doesn't always work for another. I completely disagree with that guy who say "You aren't unique like a snowflake" Yes we are. We are all different. If we weren't then we would all weigh the same no matter what. You need to find what works for you. If you can't eat 1800 calories a day, then DON'T!! Do not make yourself sick because some fruit loop halfway around the world who most likely isn't a doctor told you to... You need to trust MFP more than him as this program was designed for this. If it's not working change it up a little. MFP takes in to account how must "work" you do daily.

    Um, actually he IS right. It's not rocket science you know. I followed MFP and was starving, not losing and feeling terrible. Everything he wrote is true. The BMR calculator's he's provided links to are legit. They are not his. I've searched his theory and it's actually the consensus. MFP is an app to help you but it's does not have RMR or BMR calculations, BMI calculators etc. All of this info needs to put in first because we are all diffferent in our weights and percentages but we are not unique as the human body is a machine. Yours works the same as mine.

    Now onto the poster's question:

    A tip I was given is to break down your calories into 5-6 meals. Divide it up as you need to. All of the advice is wonderful. I will use it also. And if someone already answered with my answer then it's confirmed twice for you. Good luck!
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    OK, all that TDEE and BMR junk is so confusing!!! There are so many different things people say. I recommend putting your info into MFP and trusting it. Don't listen to all that other stuff.. Mostly because What works for on person doesn't always work for another. I completely disagree with that guy who say "You aren't unique like a snowflake" Yes we are. We are all different. If we weren't then we would all weigh the same no matter what. You need to find what works for you. If you can't eat 1800 calories a day, then DON'T!! Do not make yourself sick because some fruit loop halfway around the world who most likely isn't a doctor told you to... You need to trust MFP more than him as this program was designed for this. If it's not working change it up a little. MFP takes in to account how must "work" you do daily.

    It's funny that you say we are not all the same, what works for one won't work for all etc, then insist on her only using MFP.

    If I followed MFP's advice I'd be eating 1200 cals and making myself ill. TDEE is a far more personalised method. Just because you don't understand how it works, doesn't mean it doesn't work,

    and why exactly is Dan a Fruitloop? What an odd thing to say.