What was your "fat" breaking point?



  • Sadly after i got cheated on..... and now everytime i go to the gym it burns in the back of my mind.... so far 70lbs down and i have a hard time keeping the ladies away :)
  • hollyNhollywood
    hollyNhollywood Posts: 426 Member
    Healthwise, it was recent high cholesterol (which has yet to improve!). Plus all of a sudden being super tired (I knew if I went to my Dr the first thing she'd tell me to try is diet & exercise).

    Bodywise, it was having to hitch my too tight, muffin top jeans up over my tummy when I'd sit down.
    My tummy/waist area is usually small (I carry my weight in hips/thighs/bum) so I knew I was getting big if I was gaining weight there. (That and the dreaded back fat.. )
  • Wolfe1759
    Wolfe1759 Posts: 81 Member
    When I was sitting on a cheap IKEA chair at a friend's house and it broke, dumping me on the floor in front of a roomful of people. Yes, the chairs were crap, and badly put together, but it was MY chair that collapsed. I started working out the next day.
  • JaziH
    JaziH Posts: 19 Member
    Tired of being the "chubby" but cute girl in pictures. I just wanna be cute, period with no extras ! I'm always super tired and I get out of breath really easily, which really sucks cause I'm only 24. So tired of being unhealthy. Plus this past June I was at a very important event, dressed very cute and the side of my dress ripped open, an all my side meat was shining ! It was horrifying. At that point I decided that I had no excuse for being overweigh just pure laziness so I joined MFP and now I'm trying to rexercise more regularly. Time for a BIG change
  • clariangel
    clariangel Posts: 156 Member
    When the doctor told me I have high blood pressure and would have to take medication for the rest of my life.
  • jetabear10
    jetabear10 Posts: 375 Member
    When I realized my entire closet was full of black clothes. Like I was going to a funeral everyday... a funeral for my body.

    And I looked like a black cow in all the black clothes.


    My husband calls me Juli Cash cuz I wear black ALL THE TIME. (and yes, still looking fat in it too)

    Just last night he asked me "how many pairs of those black pants DO you have?'
    My answer "All my pants are black". :(

    So I went for a run AND did a walk and plan to do that until I have to buy new pants. (that aren't black)
  • sirrah17
    sirrah17 Posts: 26 Member
    Recently saw a photo of myself on FB that is just terribly unflattering and embarrassing. On top of the fact that I am pale because my skin never saw the summer sun, it's a mess! Saggy boobs (despite a good bra), cankles, double chin, huge arms. And let me assure you -- I removed that tag pronto!

    It is amazing how the mind allows us to see what we want to when we look in the mirror. I never understood how an underweight person who suffers from an eating disorder could look in the mirror and see someone who is gross, fat, overweight, disgusting, etc. Well, it's the same way an overweight person can look in the mirror and see someone who is chunky or a little pudgy and think to herself, "it's not that bad."

    Other little things: fear of flying because I am afraid I won't fit in the seat (in fact, I know I would require a seat belt extender), having trouble sliding in and out of restaurant booths, worrying about sitting in a chair that looks "questionable", worrying that a child will call me out, dreading the swimming pool.
  • rpilon21
    rpilon21 Posts: 32 Member
    I had two breaking points:

    1. Getting acid reflux every time I bent over to tie my shoes, and;

    2. I was four months pregnant in December of 2010. In December of 2011, when the baby was 7 months old, I weighed 20 pounds more than the year before...eep!!
  • wtxhale
    wtxhale Posts: 54 Member
    I have two moments: The first one might be gross but here it is anyway, I was having a hard time wiping and cleaning my butt because I could not reach it :embarassed: and the other one was getting on the scale and I was 12 pounds from 300lbs. The only pants that fit were the stretch kind and even those were busting at the seams.

    I knew that it was time to make a change and I was about to buy into another lose weight fast scheme and someone made a comment and talked about MFP and I came to the site and knew that I was home. Even though it has taken me 6 months to really get serious, I am serious now because of all of you. Thanks to the entire MFP family. Happy Losing.........:flowerforyou:
  • sarahharmintx
    sarahharmintx Posts: 868 Member
    Ive been waiting 3 years for the perfect time to have a baby. And the list of complications for obese women scare the tar out of me. When I realized that no matter what we do between now and death, we will never be 1000% ready for a baby (have all the money in savings, have the perfect house/job/routine/vehicles). So we set a date to start trying and I realized in the mean time, I could lose some pounds. Im hoping to lose another 30lb before we quit bc.
  • Nightdust
    Nightdust Posts: 171 Member
    The first time was when I would eat a whole bag of miniature sized peanut butter cups in one sitting almost every night. That was before I lost the 100 lbs. The second time which was recently was when someone I used to work with almost a year ago told me twice in the same conversation that I was gaining weight.
  • hookandy
    hookandy Posts: 278 Member
    I had the usual Blood pressure talk from the Docs last year. Lost a bit- in the region of 25lbs then put it all back on. The "fat" point was at the start of this year. At work they do a 10-week weight lose challange and I have entered for the last 2 years, never done much, cut out a few cakes and cookies at work for a bit. Helps make us all feel better about Christmas, but that is about it.

    This year the organiser had a set of scales in the office and I jumped on... Set to ignore it like I had previous years, but the scales were set to lbs not stones and pounds so I wandered back to my desk with a large number in my head 294... 294 what is that in stones... Quick calculation 294/14= OMG 21st.... At this point I swore and did something about it.

    Start weight 294lb
    Currect weight 242lb
    Goal this year 224-231lb (16st - 16.5st)

    Next year ........ We shall see how I feel over Christmas
  • lhorton84
    lhorton84 Posts: 27 Member
    I had to buy a new pair of work pants an they were getting tight and no more than 3/4 weeks later I needed another pair..

    That was it for me I know then and decided I needed to get the weight off...

    I then went to lost 3.5st and was at my lightest and happyest for about 12 month.

    Then I met my Fiancee and with contemptment, Although I am still very happy I have put back on about 1.5st of the 3.5 I lost.

    I am getting married next July and am 100% going to get back to how I was when I met me fiancee :drinker:
  • michelejoann
    michelejoann Posts: 295 Member
    When my manager was ordering uniform shirts, and she measured me and was insistent on ordering me a 24W. (Don't worry, I was never really THAT large, the shirt was big on me to begin with...but still, when I know I am a 16/18 and you order me larger? Rough.)

    She just told me she needs to order me smaller shirts because I am "smaller" and that these ones are "WAY TOO BIG" on me.
  • bpwparents
    bpwparents Posts: 359 Member
    I was mentioning to a couple of friends of how much I admire their ability to get up at 5am to go to the gym many mornings that I could NEVER do that. They told me I just had to want it bad enough. That's when I decided, no more excuses, lets get this done!
  • Well, I knew I had an eating disorder and would binge from about 13years old. I knew that was wrong but didn't care much. I was filling a void in my life. I eventually got skinny when I was 16 years old but had my daughter when I was 17. I haven't been skinny since and I'm almost 24. I did however end up losing 30lbs last year. Of which, I have probably gained half back. I'm serious about my weight loss again and plan on sticking to it. A friend of mine showed me MFP and you guys showed me Jillian Michaels. She has been the only one to kick my *kitten* into shape. Serious girl crush happening now. I'm eating cleaner, less processed foods and working out. I should be not only at my goal but TONED by next summer. I like to think of it as I'm preparing for next years bikini LOL.
  • When I bought clothes online and discovered that XXL was too small :( That was a very sad discovery. I kept the clothes anyway: now they're part of my short-term goal!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    when my fat *kitten* won an all-girls sailing race off the coast of louisiana....
  • Belle8312
    Belle8312 Posts: 2,151 Member
    Being in the Air Force, we have PT tests twice a year (once a year if you score above a 90--which I have NEVER done!). I have failed more tests than I have passed and it was this last one that I failed when I really woke up. I don't know what it was, but this one hit me really hard. I am now determined to not only lose the weight, but to score at least an 85 on my next test!
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    My first breakung point was coming off an eating disorder. I realized i was tired a lot and
    i was wearing kids clothes. and they were falling off. so i made a change. and two years later.....my biggest sweatpants were cutting into my hips. :(