Crossfit Tips (Newbie)



  • Plates559
    Plates559 Posts: 869 Member
    PROPER LIFTING: Wow I just did a set of clean and jerks. I am tired and need to rest a minute or two so can I do this technical lift correctly. I really want to be better and stronger at this at the end of my 6 month training cycle.

    CROSS FIT: Wow I just did a set of clean and jerks, now I'm going to run around and do another set. Sure this made me even more tired and I KNOW my form is sub-par to begin with since my coaches form isn't that great either, but I really want to beat my time from last week.
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    I have watched countless videos on crossfit and it looks ridiculous

    Which is why a lot of people get injured doing it. Flame away crossfiters!

    Oh my god! Yeah! I play soccer and i tore my ACL. I think it is too dangerous a sport. People should do something more demure. You are just going to fast when you play soccer. you are bound to run into someone.
    And, i got shin splints running. It was probably because my body wasn't ready and my running form was less than ideal. I think maybe people shouldn't run.
    And, I know people who have crashed on their bike! We should ban bicycling. Definitely.
    Don't even get me started on skiing.
    Sorry. Pardon my being facetious. But sometimes people simply voice their prejudices on this site. If CrossFit, or whatever, isn't for you, fine. But you do not have to put things down just to appear superior.
    Every form of physical activity has an inherent risk of injury, some more than others. It is a bit irrelevant. You have to be careful with whatever.
  • xunleashed
    xunleashed Posts: 82 Member
    ^ That was well said. I have always been a stickler on form, so that won't be an issue and I know to be careful.

    On topic: What are some routines I can do to for a beginner like myself? Should I just make my own up that do not include weights yet? Something like:

    5 pullups
    10 pushups
    20 dumbbell swings
    Run 400m

    For time 3 rounds? Something like that? I have searched the internet for beginner WOD's, but there is so much stuff out there.
  • redhousecat
    redhousecat Posts: 584 Member
    you should really go visit a CF class. Depending on the way it is run, some have modified workouts, some have classes to prep you for real CF, etc....They vary. Plus, it is good to have someone watching your form.

    THe one I attending had modified exercises (for me, pullups) and really watched my form on all the exercises.
  • gdunn55
    gdunn55 Posts: 363
    I have watched countless videos on crossfit and it looks ridiculous

    Which is why a lot of people get injured doing it. Flame away crossfiters!

    Oh my god! Yeah! I play soccer and i tore my ACL. I think it is too dangerous a sport. People should do something more demure. You are just going to fast when you play soccer. you are bound to run into someone.
    And, i got shin splints running. It was probably because my body wasn't ready and my running form was less than ideal. I think maybe people shouldn't run.
    And, I know people who have crashed on their bike! We should ban bicycling. Definitely.
    Don't even get me started on skiing.
    Sorry. Pardon my being facetious. But sometimes people simply voice their prejudices on this site. If CrossFit, or whatever, isn't for you, fine. But you do not have to put things down just to appear superior.
    Every form of physical activity has an inherent risk of injury, some more than others. It is a bit irrelevant. You have to be careful with whatever.
    I think it's safe to say that tufel don't believe everyone should get a trophy, score should be kept, and there is a such thing as a winner and a loser.
  • veraprice
    veraprice Posts: 5 Member
    . Yes you can get hurt in crossfit, if you don’t know what you are doing. You should research a credible gym with a knowledgeable staff. My crossfit gym has at least 2-4 trainers on the floor at all times. Try a Crossfit 101 or bootcamp class.