


  • strangesoul79
    strangesoul79 Posts: 84 Member
    I agree we need to be self sufficient again we depend on every other country but our own.

    Yes we do its pathetic. And we help them out to much. I am sorry but if all these other countries want to complain so much stop sending them our money and our help. Let them deal with it on their own. My other gripe is all the give your money here commercials you see on tv. Again, sorry but if you notice it is celeb's doin those commercials. Last time I checked they made the millions not me. If it only costs 20 a month don't ya think they could feed a small country a lot easier than I could. I actually have to drive myself to work don't have a driver. US got everything way backwards anymore
  • honeybee71
    honeybee71 Posts: 47
    I have to drive 40 miles one way just to go to work and it's 10 miles to the nearest grocery store from my house. I already car pool, make fewer trips etc..I'm not sure what else I can do.
  • BigCityKittyz
    BigCityKittyz Posts: 378
    Minimum wage is $7.50 in New Mexico.....I don't know how people are gonna make it or how the HELL they're making it now! Half your pay is going into the tank....and most people I know have to drive all the way across town and back! This has gotten FRIGGIN' ridiculous.....and news says "THEY" aren't done yet?

    And to boot the cost of food?!:grumble:

    Vacation this year anyone? Yeah, frickin' RIGHT!:sad: Sorry mom and dad, it's too expensive to come see you this year!:mad: Yes, the kids are getting bigger....and we miss you....:cry:
  • beep
    beep Posts: 1,242 Member
    Believe it or not, we pay nothing compared to how gas is taxes in Europe. Back in the 80's we paid 3$ per liter I think it was.
  • GTOgirl1969
    GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member
    I agree with all. This is insane. There is no reason gas should have gone up anywhere near the way it did. I remember they tried to say that it was because the military would need it. Last I checked those double deuces they use would run on mud if it had a spot of gas in it. We should all send a message to the higher ups (lower brains) and get rid of the 90 year olds and oil tycoons in washington. If they want a stimulus plan stop selling our oil oversees and keep it here. Start those wells back up and for gods sake build a couple new refineries. It isn't hard. Would create a lil work too. But look soon for a strike in the truckers. When all them pull over and nothing is movin this country is screwed. Maybe that will send a message.

    Preach it brother!!!:drinker:
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member

    might help a little.
  • ellelit
    ellelit Posts: 806 Member
    i walk. and don't complain :)
  • Meriller
    Meriller Posts: 55 Member
    Anyone notice how the middle class is dwindling away - and politicians don't seem to give a damn???

    I'm Canadian, but we're in the same boat as you guys with inflation.:drinker:

    And why exactly are they spewing BS about there not being any real inflation??? Who do they think they're kidding??? Prices for everything is skyrocketing and they deny it's occurrence. :explode:

    The ever widening gap between the haves and the have nots... it's quite simply terrifying.
  • jakspak
    jakspak Posts: 260 Member
    well we are up to 1.93 litter not sure what it is for you guys per gallon but lets say thats pretty high for here. at the mo we are heading into a recession they say food is rediculas i cant buy cheese at all even butter to do baking is out of the question and we decided to save for a trip to see mom in austrailia and are at the point of mo return as tickets have been bought and paid for so cant get out of it now.

    we need to find a cheap alterntitive to petrol and stick it to the mongrels in their huge mansions and fine living
  • GrnEyz
    GrnEyz Posts: 360
    I know it...I am so tempted to trade my x-terra in for the Prius...but it's hard because i absolutely LOVE my x-terra....but I also love having a roof over my head too! :laugh:
  • MsLadybug
    MsLadybug Posts: 55
    If work isn't too far away, kill two birds with one stone, ride a bike!
    Burn calories and save money!

    Or walk! I moved to a rural town with crappy public transportation and I don't drive. So, i'm forced to walk 45 mins to and from work, which is just the exercise motivation that I need. lol