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What was your "fat" breaking point?



  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    When I realized that my Mom's debilitating health issues, were weight related. Most over my life I thought of her as overweight, but healthy and capable... Seeing the cumulative effects years later is just plain scarey.

    On meds for diabetes, high blood pressure, and cholesterol.
    But worse than that is the constant pain she is in from Severe OseteoArthritis, Spinal Stenosis and Collapsed discs.

    She has 6 kids, who are working very hard take care of her.
    I have none. I have to do what I can to protect myself now.
  • Skych123
    Skych123 Posts: 96
    I kept setting a 'limit' for my weight, then kept hitting and resetting it :blushing:

    My mom is a bigger lady and she has arthritis, diabetes, cancer, god knows how many other issues. I decided I don't want to follow that path and would like to live a long healthy life (unless i get hit by a car lol) She's finally working on it and sticking to a diet as well - lost 14lbs in 2.5 weeks :noway: So we're getting there :bigsmile:
  • Skych123
    Skych123 Posts: 96
    When I realized that my Mom's debilitating health issues, were weight related. Most over my life I thought of her as overweight, but healthy and capable... Seeing the cumulative effects years later is just plain scarey.

    On meds for diabetes, high blood pressure, and cholesterol.
    But worse than that is the constant pain she is in from Severe OseteoArthritis, Spinal Stenosis and Collapsed discs.

    She has 6 kids, who are working very hard take care of her.
    I have none. I have to do what I can to protect myself now.
    Exactly! Its terrifying seeing these things happen to the ones you love - definitely makes you think twice about your own choices
  • deviantcupcake
    deviantcupcake Posts: 136 Member
    Getting ready to go out, realising none of my nice clothes fitted me anymore and collapsing in tears. I think that was pretty much when it happened...
  • It hit me when my doctor told me i would most likely never have children if i didn't lose the weight.

    My breaking point is also fertility related..being told point blank that no help would be available on the nhs or privately unless I reduce my BMI. No brainer...here I am
  • plafleur76
    plafleur76 Posts: 107 Member
    I was asked to join a weight loss competition at work as part of a team and when i jumped on the scale and saw 292.2, that shocked me. i had never been that close to 300 before and I didn't like the thought of hitting 300. So i decided then and there to do something.
  • dsylam1982
    dsylam1982 Posts: 50 Member
    When I couldnt enjoy the water park with my kids because I was scared to go down the tubes due to my weight : (
  • dsylam1982
    dsylam1982 Posts: 50 Member
    When I realized my entire closet was full of black clothes. Like I was going to a funeral everyday... a funeral for my body.

    And I looked like a black cow in all the black clothes.

    Wow, your comment "a funeral for my body" really hit home.......very well said and true. I can really relate to that, sadly sitting here I realize that my closet too is packed full of black....thats gonna have to be my 20lb goal reward....some more COLORS in the closet : )
  • jennmodugno
    jennmodugno Posts: 363 Member
    When my dad was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, and I realized that if I didn't change my eating habits and try to stay fit for my whole life, I could go through the same thing in 20 years. I'd been depressed anyway, and I'd dyed my hair and cut it and done everything I could think of to like how I looked. And finally I realized it's not my hair I hate - it's my body! And well, we all know there's only one cure for that. So between the health scare and my epiphany, I knew I needed to shed the pounds and make myself healthy again.
  • MissySho
    MissySho Posts: 126 Member
    My fat breaking point was one day I just got so sick and tired of being so sick and tired. Physically, emotionally, and mentally. Then I found MFP app on my phone and I haven't turned back since. It's been almost 45 days, and I feel better now than I ever have in my life. I'm enjoying both being able to move around better and cooking more healthier foods.
  • I hit the 200 lb mark. I felt awful, none of my clothes fit and I didn't want to leave the house to go out or do anything. I knew then I needed to make a change.
  • jacksagod
    jacksagod Posts: 176 Member
    not being able to squeeze my tushie into my EMS pants for clinical rotations on the ambulance. I knew then and there that i had to break this cycle. It been a win and lose and so far i'm losing weight!!!
  • optycal
    optycal Posts: 3 Member
    My sweetheart took a picture of me and my three daughters playing Rock Band. I was excited to see the picture--a moment in time, captured for all eternity, showing how much my kids and I enjoy spending time together. When I looked at the picture, I cried because I looked so fat. I'm only 25 pounds over where I'd like to be, but even 5 pounds shows on my small frame. I kept the picture, but now it's not a reminder of the fun times I have with my kids, but a reminder that ~I~ did this to myself by being careless and lazy. I don't want to end up like my mother, on her death bed because she couldn't say no to one more bowl of ice cream or snacking on a whole bag of chips every night! I want to be there for my girls. There will be many more photo opportunities with my babies, but not if I keep on this bad habit track!
  • abbiepql
    abbiepql Posts: 45
    When by "urgency" I ended up at an minor emergengy clinic that actually had a scale that was able to weigh me and a came across a nurse who would not let me "by pass" the scale. It said 455 lbs. That did it, she saved me life by forcing me on that scale. Almost 20 months ago and I never look back, every day is a victory to me.
  • tommygirl15
    tommygirl15 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Wow, everyone has such interesting stories!

    For me, the day I stopped fitting into all my clothes, including my 'fat' pants. I wore a dress one day and a little boy I know asked me if I was pregnant...
  • shewdog
    shewdog Posts: 34
    I have had a few breaking points, our Wedding was the first one in March 2011. I got down to 140 pounds and felt amazing.
    It crept back up though.
    My sisters birthday in July this year, we all went out around town wearing polka dot rockabilly swing dresses. In the group photo's I could see just how big my legs were and they were bigger then the girls I considered as bigger then me!
    I had ignored the fact that hardly anything I own fits me any more, that photo was the wakeup call I needed.

    I dragged my cross trainer into my living room that night . . .
  • Cameo530
    Cameo530 Posts: 155 Member
    02-07-12, the day I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes.

    ^^This, on 6/17/12. It was a real wake-up call.
  • savnicolee
    savnicolee Posts: 7 Member
    This is kind of silly.. but I always watched Hannah Montana as a kid, (I'm 18 now) and I was watching it because my younger sister had it on, and it just brought back all the memories of wishing I was thin like Miley, because she has always had a perfect body in my eyes. And then it hit me. I can HAVE that body!

    I had also just came back from visiting Huntington Beach, and seeing all those bikini bodies made me think twice about the way I was living my life.

    Regardless of my silly reasons, I've lost 16 pounds so far, so use whatever inspiration works, as long as it works for you! :)
  • dup32
    dup32 Posts: 68
    For me it was needing to move up to the nest size in Jeans.. size 22 was NOT gonna happen! I chose right then and there....
    I was going to make a positive change and I did.. took me a while... but I am super close to my goal... and I still have my Jeans.. and can currently fit in 1 leg! Woot Woot
  • I have always been an outgoing, funny, fun loving person. I enjoyed going out, didn't care about other people's opinions about me and was so happy about who I was. Then I met my significant other in 2007 and got a little too comfortable. Then he and I got married in 2010, and I got a little more comfortable. Amazingly I quit smoking cold turkey in June 2011 and gained 30lbs in the past year on top of all the gained weight from being too comfortable. I've lost that fun loving girl. I hate going out. I'm constantly putting way too much thought into what others see when they see me, what they could be saying. It's disturbing on so many levels and it's only continued to deplete my self confidence. Recently my mom lost 46lbs and it really struck a cord with me. I could see the confidence she began to exude and how amazing she felt about her self and it made me so happy for her. It also made me realize that I wanted that exact same thing. She has inspired me to get up, quit feeling sorry for myself, and do something about it! So, I just started this new journey Monday 08-13-12. I only allow myself one weekly weigh in... every Saturday! And my first weigh in was 7 pounds down! Woo hoo! So... here's to bringing the old Me back! :]