Halp! Dealing with saboteurs at work :(



  • Katahna
    Katahna Posts: 326 Member
    Don't eat it? lol

    Eat your own food while others munch on their death =-]

    (I know the feeling, im off to a new job and today they had a morning tea for me, and I didn't touch any of the "food", they all know Im dieting too. lol)
  • Katahna
    Katahna Posts: 326 Member
    OMG. I could write a book on this topic. I work in an area where there are two chatty (overweight, but ALWAYS "dieting") women in a cubicle, then two older men that eat anything under the sun and don't think twice. These people are also the social butterflies of the entire organization, so they invite others over for pot lucks every single Thursday. There are usually 10-15 dishes of nasty salads, cakes, pies, cookies, brauts, nachos, etc. I don't like this stuff, but it cooks all day long, and people come and go and are eating it all day long. THEN...every Wednesday is "Chinese Day" where they all order out from the Chinese joint and eat together. THEN...they celebrate SOMETHING at least once a week, where they bring in cake, ice cream, pie, or whatever and "celebrate." Finally, one of the older guys has a wife that loves to bake, so he brings in things constantly. All this is fine and dandy, BUT they will intentionally set plates full of brownies, cookies, whatever...on my desk while I'm out doing things, so I come back to the temptation at my desk. They did this for months while I was dieting down for my first physique show. When I couldn't take it anymore, and hit an all time low for carb depletion and sleep deprivation and exhaustion, I snapped. I came into my office to see a plate full of brownies and a note that said, "EAT ME FATTY!" I shoved two whole brownies in my mouth, chewed it up half way, while picking up the plate of remaining brownies...I went out to the ***** that did it and threw the plate of brownies at her. I then went around the corner to the next cubicle and spit the brownies out on the other *****'s desk and said....I can't possibly swallow these. I'm too fat. I turned around and walked out. I went to my car, went home early, and balwed my eyes out. Dirty *kitten* never did it again. :-)

    Wow, your reaction and attitude are really reprehensibile. Simply saying, I understand your generosity, but I really have some serious goals and really would appreciate it if you would stop leaving these plates on my desk, does tend to go a long way.

    Where is the fun in that?

    Good on you for doing that, ultimately it got the job done, so who cares how you did it.
  • tabulator32
    tabulator32 Posts: 701 Member
    It is not rude to say "NO" to goodies at the office.

    I don't know why its such a big deal.

    It took a while but everyone in my office now knows when they come down the aisles with "good stuff" and offer some to everyone, they still offer me a piece from a distance at a passing glance but they know I am just going to smile and say "No thanks!"

    Just turn it down. Go to the party. Have fun. Talk with everyone and drink your water or whatever. If you have really been eating clean, after a while, you won't even crave baked goods like doughnuts and cake.

    My cube happens to be right next to the big table where everyone dumps all their party supplies every time someone has a birthday, so...I sit there and don't mind it a bit.

    No cravings for garbage.

    Of course, if you really DO want one. Have one. Just one. Enjoy it. Then walk away and enjoy the rest of the party.

    It won't kill you.
  • avir8
    avir8 Posts: 671 Member
    :smile: With abs like that you can afford a small slice of cake, it'll help turn that "(" into a ")"
  • jelly donuts?
    NO ONE can be expected to resist jelly donuts
    especially if they are covered in cinnamon sugar
  • BeyondThePixels
    BeyondThePixels Posts: 91 Member
    I usually say I've already eaten breakfast and I'm stuffed or if I am feeling obligated or tempted I eat half or quarter portion and discretely throw the rest. This morning was one of those for me, I was "stuffed" and greasy kolache was not worth it.
  • It's the surprises that can knock one off track...not so much the occasion but the lack of control! I try to pack a "good for me" snack. Planning ahead won't work every time, but it will help. I also try to find a way to celebrate and participate without food. My water bottles are getting more and more elaborate! Good luck!
  • thistimeismytime
    thistimeismytime Posts: 711 Member
    Today there are two mini parties for a guy whose wife is having a baby and a girl who is going on maternity leave. There are unclean baked goods everywhere! Clearly they are trying to derail my clean eating lifestyle because they are jelly. Why couldn't they bring in organic apple slices or some wheat grass shots instead of OJ and muffins and doughnuts?

    How do you deal with sabotage such as this?

    Eat it all and then cry yourself to sleep at night.
  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    Actually this is why I refuse to partake of treat / snack / celebration days at work. ALL they contain where I work is candy..chocolate...cakes...brownies....candy.....chocolate....cakes...brownies...pies...chips et al. I AM,,,sadly the only diabetic in the place. But Im also the only one who is working out and eating healthier. I am not, however the only over weight person there.......go figure.

    Ive tried over the years to encourage cheese / vegies / sausage trays and it doesnt work. Although if I bring the healthier stuff NO one touches anything else but they do eat what I bring. I frankly cant afford to feed the entire office every time we do this so I just dont join in.

    Sorry its rough on you....but stand strong