Does anyone else weight in every day?



  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    I had mine connected to the magnetic door of the fridge and in order for the door to open you had to step on the scale and get a reading. And because of that I still weigh myself every time I walk into the kitchen even though I only record on Mondays.
  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    I weigh myself everyday and have done so long before I came here. I don't stress out if the scale moves up a little, it actually helps me be a bit stricter that day if needed. I think if it helps you not stress over it then do what makes you happy. Some people get over excited if the scale moves an inch so do what makes you happy
  • avocado12
    avocado12 Posts: 197 Member
    I weigh every day, in the morning. I've lost nearly 60lbs doing it this way - it definitely works for me :)
  • Yes, I do. If I wait a week I get anxious and I've found that I focus more on my goals when I see daily progress.....keeps me on track. If I wait a week or more I tend to become discouraged and fall off the wagon.
  • BeckySue1977
    BeckySue1977 Posts: 91 Member
    I weigh in almost every day. Monday - Friday I begin my day by using the restroom and then stepping on the scale. I do this for 2 reasons.
    First, it motivates me! Even minor losses are a reason to tell myself that I need to keep going because there is progress. Minor gains are to be expected, but I take those in stride and use them as reminders to stick to healthy decisions so I won't continue to see the number rise.
    Second, I'm curious how my eating and exercising cause fluctuations. For example, after a horribly emotional week in which I didn't exercise once, the scale showed a slight decrease in weight consistently every day. Yesterday I got back on track and got a good workout in and at this morning's weigh in I was up a little over a pound from yesterday. I'm not stressing about this, I figure the workout caused this fluctuation. But I like to see patterns so I can predict future outcomes :)
  • mmarcy7
    mmarcy7 Posts: 227 Member
    I did until a few days ago. I realized whatever the scale said that day totally set up my mood for the day. So, I have decided to only do it once or twice a week so it doesn't ruin my every day if it doesn't go down, or happens to go up.
  • Brakalack
    Brakalack Posts: 34 Member
    yes, usually! I know it veries alot but seems to keep me motivated
  • nataliesouth
    nataliesouth Posts: 6 Member
    Laura, I know it is hard but if you weigh everyday then you are also setting yourself up for disappointment. Your weight will fluctuate on a daily basis because of water gain, stress, etc. It is best to lose the scales or weigh only once a week. Also, you need to weigh first thing in the morning before you exercise or eat anything and weigh on the same day around the same time every week. Oh and make sure you use the bathroom b4 weighing as this to will add extra weight. Oh and most importantly don't focus on the scale so much because if the numbers are not coming down then you could be gaining muscle from walking/exercising and losing inches which is just as important.

    This is a hard thing to do. I too get anxious but I refuse to look at the scale until my weigh date and it is Monday mornings. Mondays also help me stay accountable for the weekend knowing that if I overdo it then the scale won't reflect as much weight loss. You'll have to go at your own pace but the scales are actually a bondage. Free yourself from the chains that bind you, the scales. LOL You are doing GREAT!!!
  • meowkapow
    meowkapow Posts: 103 Member
    I had mine connected to the magnetic door of the fridge and in order for the door to open you had to step on the scale and get a reading. And because of that I still weigh myself every time I walk into the kitchen even though I only record on Mondays.

    Haha that's cool!

    I weigh myself everyday, logging both the gains and losses, I love charts and graphs and it does help me keep on track.
  • I was weighting myself everyday.But now I stop these.
  • micheleld73
    micheleld73 Posts: 914 Member
    I weigh daily at work (the scale there is more accurate - it has one that is used in most doctor's offices). However I don't record if I don't have a change to record. If I gain during the week, I still don't record until the record date - which is usually Monday.
  • micheleld73
    micheleld73 Posts: 914 Member
    I step on the scale every morning. The numbers don't stress me out. I use it as a tool to know what I should be doing for the day...more water intake...less sodium...etc.
    I think it's only a bad thing if you're focusing on the numbers and not keeping in mind that daily fluctuations happen.

    Well put...excellent reason to step on that scale - as a tool to motivate what you will do that day!! Thanks!
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    Do whatever makes you feel comfortable.

    I think the reason you'll hear the most about not weighing every day is that people become obsessive and that can lead to eating disorders. And I've seen a lt of people here on MFP that look more at bodyfat percentage and measurements as opposed to weight. I weigh myself 2x a day, first thing in the morning and last thing at night, but if I forget it's no big deal. I find that, for me, it helps keep me mindful of what I'm eating and how I'm exercising. And it reminds me that there will be fluctuations.
  • Shaybug
    Shaybug Posts: 80 Member
    I do. I hate it. I have made one of my goal for the week to not weigh in.
  • glitterjam
    glitterjam Posts: 145 Member
    I weigh everyday. It helps me stay focused. And it definitely points out the previous day's sodium intake. But I can use that as a tool for sodium intake awareness. Usually the day after eating out a restaurant, I notice 1-3 pounds of water retention. I increase my water intake up to 4 liters and then the next day I notice a decrease on the scale. :smile:
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    I had pretty much gotten out of this habit.. then I had to go back to it when I got pregnant.. and its stuck with me for now as I just had my daughter 2 1/2 weeks ago. I have a blood disorder that can cause complications in pregnancy and one of them is a large weight gain regardless of what you eat. I carried to almost 38 weeks, gained 30 lbs and still had a baby just under 5 lbs. My sister was the same way having her baby at 37 weeks, having gained 60 lbs and having a 4 lb baby. So yeah.... I am sorta back into that mess of weighing daily even though the alarm for complications is gone.
  • Yes, but I actually like it. I don't do it to obsess over what number is on there, I do it to hold myself accountable. I don't want a surprise at the end of the week, either. It works for me!
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    I weigh in every night before bed and every morning. I like to see the difference from night to morning, sometimes it's good sometimes it's not but it is what it is. As long as your not letting you stress out over it then don't worry about it. There have been days that I wasn't home to weigh in and while I was wondering what it was for that day I didn't stress over it. Also as long as you understand that you weight will go up or down from day to day without doing anything me I'm battleing 6 lbs that just don't want to stay away, it's taken 3 weeks to come down and I'm not sure it's down to stay. But it is what it is. You do what's good for you and let others do what's good for them. We are all different and at some point others need to learn that little lesson, but I'm sure they won't cause they are know it all's who in reality only know what works for them.
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    I do. I don't update my weight everyday though. Usually just once a week. I just like to weigh everyday to see what causes the little fluctuations here and there.