What was your "fat" breaking point?



  • dalehall64
    dalehall64 Posts: 290 Member
    Deleted due to duplicate post.
  • dalehall64
    dalehall64 Posts: 290 Member
    My wife got into a fitness kick last year. She's done great and even ran a half marathon just 3 months after deciding she wanted to try it. (She was never a runner in the past) I had a couple of multiple layer spinal fusion surgeries and they took their toll on me. About 3 months ago, I booked a cruise for our 10th anniversary. Just about a month and half ago, I walked past the mirror on the way to the shower and thought: "WTF???!!!" I stepped on the scale was disgusted with the number that was being shown. I was heavier than I had ever been in my life. Right then, I decided I didn't want my wife being ashamed to walk with me on the beach during our 10 Year Anniversary Cruise, so it was that day I made the decision to change. 11 lbs down, 9 to go and I'm feeling like I can almost make it before the cruise.. Of course, I won't stop then. I've gotten addicted to the workout feeling.. So here's to a long term healthier life.
  • funkylemur
    funkylemur Posts: 55 Member
    when i realised I wore the same two pairs of jeans and same 3 tops all the time, even though I have two closets full of clothes all too small .... and my boy came home upset cos another lad told him he had a "fat" mother. That was it .
  • I had a baby, and severe post partum depression. I knew that I had to make a change, so at the start of the year, I began logging calories. It hasn't been perfect, but hey, 27lbs is 27lbs.
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    when I was in the mall and I saw my reflection in a store window and it hit me that the only place I could shop in the mall was the food court and video game store
  • believe22
    believe22 Posts: 210 Member
    While pregnant I almost developed preeclampsia, due mainly to diet. I decided after a 24hr stint in the hospital that I need to get healthy for me, and also for my son who could have been born prematurely due to the way I was eating.
  • Pictures, pictures, pictures! I have been on this weight loss track for awhile. My motivation now is looking good for my husband and wanting to look better in pictures - or want to be IN them. I need to be consistant with things like this forum. I can do it!
  • jcjsjones
    jcjsjones Posts: 571 Member
    When I went on a trip to Florida last year and I was frowning in every picture. A good friend of mine made a collage of the pics for me for Christmas (she was trying to be sweet), and I saw myself and about died. That's when I decided that it was time to make a change. I'm still working on it! :wink:
  • cindybowcut
    cindybowcut Posts: 250 Member
    When I was diagnosed diabetic and decided I didn't want to end up like my grandpa giving myself shots everyday. Or like my dad who had a stoke mostly caused by his diabeties. I decided I was going to take control of my life and diabeties wasn't going to control me.
  • Cathcandoo
    Cathcandoo Posts: 107 Member
    That is a great question!!! I actually blogged about this yesterday....it's titled, My Oprah "Ah-Ha Moment"....Part 1
    Read it if you'd like....I'd love your opinion on it :)

    There are some amazing reasons on her - some good inspiration and some sad circumstances...thanks for asking the question :smile:
  • Midnight1210
    Midnight1210 Posts: 134 Member
    Going through pictures of myself from 2008 when I was at my slimmest and, from my smiles in those pictures, my happiest.
    I remembered it wasn't so much the fact that I was slimmer that made me so happy, it was the success itself. It raised my self-esteem and my feelings of self-worth. I didn't hate the person I saw staring back at me in the mirror anymore.

    I looked at those pictures of that vibrant, happy young woman and got angry - mostly at myself for allowing my fears, failures and disappointments hold me back. In anger I found determination to find that person again and that's when I made the promise to myself that no matter what, I would succeed.

    For me, it's a journey not just to lose weight and be healthier, but to break the cycle of only going so far and then giving up.
  • x_JT_x
    x_JT_x Posts: 364
    Mine was when I was diagnosed with and treated for cancer. Chemo was brutal because my body was weak to start with. The aftermath of side effects from chemo, radiation and the adjuvent therapy drugs that continue to take their toll pushed me over the edge. I will not let this be my life. I am 49. I have a child I am responsible for who is my heart and soul and a husband that I love dearly. I decided they were worth fighting for.
  • That happened to me also and when I shared the feeling with my coworkers, we all got on the scale. Oh boy! We were all devastated to say the least. We don't diet together but we do try to support each other as best as possible.

    Good luck to you!
  • julieuz
    julieuz Posts: 10
    The number on the scale finally disgusted me into action (185). The heaviest I had ever been (aside from pregnancy) was 190. I took a year and a half to lose weight, exercise like mad and here I was years later almost again at my heaviest. Now that I have a child and am in a happier place generally I feel like I can succeed and have nothing but support from my husband and other family. I want to be happy with who I see in the mirror and already feel so much better. I've only lost 15 pounds but my pants - which were tight 6 weeks ago - are now loose. Almost time for a new, smaller size. :) That's pretty darn good motivation too.
  • We played a game at a baby shower, and I had to guess the pregnant friends waist measurement, I jokingly put mine in and hers was smaller than mine

    That was my breaking point
    I did that, and won the game. My waist was as big around as a 8 month pregnant lady :noway: ive since lost 40 pounds and have about 40 to go. Although that wasnt what got me to my breaking point. The doctor telling me I was boarder line diabetic got me to cut out all sugars, that still wasnt enough to control my eating habits of junk. That came after I quit smoking and could feel every morsel of food (even lettuce) going straight to my chin and stomach. Now that was my breaking point
  • [That happened to me also and when I shared the feeling with my coworkers, we all got on the scale. Oh boy! We were all devastated to say the least. We don't diet together but we do try to support each other as best as possible.

    Good luck to you and happy anniversary!]

    My wife got into a fitness kick last year. She's done great and even ran a half marathon just 3 months after deciding she wanted to try it. (She was never a runner in the past) I had a couple of multiple layer spinal fusion surgeries and they took their toll on me. About 3 months ago, I booked a cruise for our 10th anniversary. Just about a month and half ago, I walked past the mirror on the way to the shower and thought: "WTF???!!!" I stepped on the scale was disgusted with the number that was being shown. I was heavier than I had ever been in my life. Right then, I decided I didn't want my wife being ashamed to walk with me on the beach during our 10 Year Anniversary Cruise, so it was that day I made the decision to change. 11 lbs down, 9 to go and I'm feeling like I can almost make it before the cruise.. Of course, I won't stop then. I've gotten addicted to the workout feeling.. So here's to a long term healthier life.
  • There were a few of them, but I would say when my 6 year old son looked at me and said "How did you get that fat mom?" Yeah, humiliating to say the least. I'm just excited that I have lost a total of 18 pounds since that (July 5th, 2012)...I wish I would have joined this sight when I first started because it appears to all of you that I have only lost 1 pound. Grrr. :ohwell:
  • pennyknipprath
    pennyknipprath Posts: 28 Member
    Great Question!

    Several things.

    1) I was lucky enough to find the man of my dreams who proposed last Thanksgiviing. I didn't want to hate myself in my Wedding Dress. He loves me any size, but I love him too much to stay heavy.
    2) Watched Fat Sick & Nearly Dead! Eye opening Documentry!
    3) We were working on our yard last Fall, and my feet started hurting really bad. I thought it was heel spurs, but it didn't get better even after treatment. I went to a specialist and found out both my heels had stress fractures. Calcium Deficient and too heavy for all the hard work in the yard caused it.
    4) I wasn't sleeping, I felt strung out all the time. It became so bad I went to the doctor and my Blood Pressure was 188 over 141 really high. The doc put me on Blood Pressure Meds.
    5) My Mother has terminal Breast Cancer, 450 + LBS, Hypertension, Diabeties, Glacoma, Heart Failure, Depression, a Blood Clot in her arm, Edema. The thing is my Mom is only 65 only 17 short years older than me. I said to myslef "make a change of realize you fate"... That did it, I'm determned not to end up riding a scooter, hating life and dying too soon.

    Looking back I don't know why it took so long to get the inspiration.
  • NataBost
    NataBost Posts: 418 Member
    when i got sick n tired of being fat, sick , and tired:grumble:

    ...pretty much this. I had lost the weight previously, but then it came creeping back up and on. It really went up after my father-in-law passed away from a long battle with Lymphoma. Although I think we handled the grief fairly well, my body didn't. I was tired, and other health issues started to creep up.

    One day I decided I needed a few new shirts for work, so I found a great sale and picked up a few things. A few weeks after purchase, I tried the shirts on, and the buttons were about to pop off. :explode:

    Yeah. So I set a goal - to hit my wedding weight by the time my husband and I take our 10th anniversary trip. Almost there!
  • Tatonluv
    Tatonluv Posts: 18 Member
    I'm not sure that there was a "breaking point". I'm just tired of not being confident or feeling good. I feel like **** all the time and I'm exhausted of excuses that i tell myself.. i.e.. I'm still pretty even though I'm fat and my husband loves me no matter what. I'm tired of working in the healthcare industry and being a hypocrite. I'm tired of not trying on clothes cuz it pisses me off just that much more. I'm sick to death of the taste of all the nasty unhealthy crap i used as a comfort to get me this way, I can't stomach it any more literally because I have ulcers now.

    Oh and seeing the episode of the Simpson where homer is trying to get to my weight (to be on disability) and is wearing a Moomoo lol