Nighttime eating ... help!!!!

Nighttime eating is really running the risk of sabotaging my best efforts.
Example: yesterday. Throughout the day I was fine - balanced eating, all totals below my recommendations.
(I had to work till 10 pm, so had eaten a small dinner at about 5:30. I also had started my day with a 7 am dentist appt.)
Anyway - I got home - and promptly blew the day.
The breadstick was fine.
The cup of potato salad - not so fine.
The 1/3 cup of sorbet? DEFINITELY not fine. (Hubby insists on having it in the house ... at least he's stopped insisting on full fat ice cream ... )
Even though the sorbet is allowable, and even though I was even below my MFP totals (although not the total I have edited it down to), it was frustrating to me that I would dive into these foods.
However, I did feel like I needed comforting, after such a long, rough day.
I will be thankful and grateful for any suggestions.


  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    All that is voluntary. You chose to do it. Even though you KNEW it was contrary to your goals.

    I refuse to accept that people have no self control. We are not insects. We cannot control our desires sure, but we can control our actions.

    So... lets find actions that will help curb your desires. Brushing, flossing, AND rinsing my teeth usually help me avoid eating again for the day. After all that work, I don't wunna waste the effort lol.

    Or... simply PLAN to eat like that at night, so fewer calories throughout the day.
  • Cheri_Moves
    Cheri_Moves Posts: 625 Member
    we are human. :drinker:

    If we kick ourselves every time we give into food temptations then were just going to be miserable and sore! :laugh:

    How about, instead of worrying about what you think you did WRONG, focus on all you did RIGHT? You said it yourself, you were still under your daily goals, so who cares, really?!? you ate some stuff, you went to bed, you started the day fresh.

    Dont kick yourself. Pat yourself on the back for everything else you did right.

    (btw- I am a nighttime eater too... last night at 11:30pm, I ate 2 bowls of oats and a bowl of cereal. About 600 cals. oops! lol, oh well though, I burned 800 during aN AWESOME lifting session and bike commute to the gym :bigsmile: )
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Nighttime eating is really running the risk of sabotaging my best efforts.
    Example: yesterday. Throughout the day I was fine - balanced eating, all totals below my recommendations.
    (I had to work till 10 pm, so had eaten a small dinner at about 5:30. I also had started my day with a 7 am dentist appt.)
    Anyway - I got home - and promptly blew the day.
    The breadstick was fine.
    The cup of potato salad - not so fine.
    The 1/3 cup of sorbet? DEFINITELY not fine. (Hubby insists on having it in the house ... at least he's stopped insisting on full fat ice cream ... )
    Even though the sorbet is allowable, and even though I was even below my MFP totals(although not the total I have edited it down to), it was frustrating to me that I would dive into these foods.
    However, I did feel like I needed comforting, after such a long, rough day.
    I will be thankful and grateful for any suggestions.

    See bold.
    Can you clarify what the problem is?
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    If you enjoy night time eating just plan for it. I eat 2/3 of my calories after I get home at night. Time of consumption doesn't matter, just work it in. Seems like you did as you were still under your calorie goal.
  • AthenaArcher
    AthenaArcher Posts: 41 Member
    I am working with a group of people on this and had kind of the same problem,the calorie count that you get from MFP is the minimum calories that you need to eat for your body to maintain its self so it has enough energy to make it through the day.So my answer to your dilemma is you are not eating enough during the day.You said that you were under your calories before you went to bed,By how many? If it was more that about 30-40 you are just not getting enough to get you through,and did you get enough protein if all of your calories were from candy or chips than your body has nothing to fall back on, also did you work out?because when you do you need more food just to build the muscle that you want.Try nuts for a snack before you go to bed to help stave off midnight munchies.Good luck! you are doing great!:happy:
  • elleloch
    elleloch Posts: 739 Member
    If you know something is going to undo your day and you just eat it anyway... well... I am not sure what you want us to day? Don't do it. It's hard to not eat something you really want, but that's what you do. Or you make a better choice instead.

    My strategy is to just not have crap in the house. Then I can't it. Or I end up making a better choice.
  • Cheri_Moves
    Cheri_Moves Posts: 625 Member
    I'd like to add, I don't eat breakfast... Just so I can eat pretty much whatever I want at night. It doesnt matter WHEN you eat. Really. You metabolism is smarter then that. :wink:
  • dq_diva
    dq_diva Posts: 66
    I love snacking at night as well ....and usually want something that feels like a treat. I decide early in the day what I'm going to have and then look forward to it! If you're really hungry, you may want to try eating a little more throughout the day. But if you just want to snack, plan for it and stick to your plan.
    All in all, if you're staying under your calorie goal you must be doing something right :)
  • holly3585
    holly3585 Posts: 282 Member
    Look into intermittent fasting! I have had this problem. It was like no matter how amazing I did all day- no matter how much/intense I worked out, even if I made it a few nights...I would eventually binge out at night- to a much worse extent than you described. There are several methods to IF, explained in this cool free web book : but I began the daily fast. basically I have a 'feeding period' each day (give myself between 8-10 hours since I get up and work out VERY early) and then a 'fasting period' each day. Esentially from about 8 am- 6pm I eat. I still eat well, I stay within my 1500 base calories and eat most of my exercise calories bck. I plan a nice size dinner each night just before my feeding wondow is over, and then I STOP. No ifs-ands-or butttts about it I just STOP. It has really worked for me well. I am amazed how just giving myself a little rule like this, has helped me control something that I used to believe was UNCONTOLLABLE. You can do it! It takes willpower. I still think about eating late sometimes...I rationalise 'Oh....I used to do it sooo bad all the time- haven'y done it in so long, ext' but I just take amoment to think about what I want- RESULTS, and how if I fail, I am the only one to blame. You can do it!
  • Cheri_Moves
    Cheri_Moves Posts: 625 Member
    Look into intermittent fasting! I have had this problem. It was like no matter how amazing I did all day- no matter how much/intense I worked out, even if I made it a few nights...I would eventually binge out at night- to a much worse extent than you described. There are several methods to IF, explained in this cool free web book : but I began the daily fast. basically I have a 'feeding period' each day (give myself between 8-10 hours since I get up and work out VERY early) and then a 'fasting period' each day. Esentially from about 8 am- 6pm I eat. I still eat well, I stay within my 1500 base calories and eat most of my exercise calories bck. I plan a nice size dinner each night just before my feeding wondow is over, and then I STOP. No ifs-ands-or butttts about it I just STOP. It has really worked for me well. I am amazed how just giving myself a little rule like this, has helped me control something that I used to believe was UNCONTOLLABLE. You can do it! It takes willpower. I still think about eating late sometimes...I rationalise 'Oh....I used to do it sooo bad all the time- haven'y done it in so long, ext' but I just take amoment to think about what I want- RESULTS, and how if I fail, I am the only one to blame. You can do it!

    IF is what I do to... Maybe check out just bypass the ripped abs and chiseled physiques and you'll find the IF topics helpful! lol
  • I've got major problems with nighttime eating too... in part because my boyfriend (who is 6"1' and can eat whatever, whenever) does most of his eating at nighttime. Things have turned around for me a little bit lately because I found a connection between my eating and my behavior/activity. The nights when I munch the most are the nights we are watching TV or a movie. As much as I love my Dance Moms and Project Runway, I have tried to spend more time at night reading or doing something else. Turns out I'm eating less too.
    The other thing that helped is that my BF knows of my goals, and has been good about bringing less crap into the house to eat. Our freezer and pantry are becoming stocked now with stuff like salmon and protein powder, which are not things I want to pig out on at 10:00 pm :tongue:
  • Susan_Rae_1
    Susan_Rae_1 Posts: 154 Member
    cut back carbs --you will have more willpower.. guaranteed! I was doing the SAME thing.
  • If you are within your allowance, have at it. Shift work is brutal on any diet/workout regiment. Maybe just try to find healthier snack foods, Like an Apple and a 1/4 cup of almonds, a yogurt with a tablespoon of Skinny B cereal mixed in to fill your carb craving, Pop chips and jalapeño yogurt dip for the chip craving, its way ok to snack, just substitute with healthier choices. And I would take a small dollop of real ice-cream any day over sorbet, sorbet is nothing but sugar.

    Just wanted to add, as much as it flies in the face of every diet recommendation everrrrrrrr, there are days when i know I am craving munchies, i will forgo meals in order to allow myself to snack later in the day to urge those cravings, I know myself that if I do not do this once in a blue moon it will come back to bite me and I'll just end up binging on junk food. This way I kill those cravings while still eating relatively healthy foods, and then for the next week or more I'm good with rabbit food.
  • What seems to be the problem?
  • Lightbulb1088
    Lightbulb1088 Posts: 189 Member
    Try treating yourself to a protein shake when he is having ice cream. you both can eat and you'll both enjoy it. Just try to pick things you like and are good for you. I have a bowl of fresh fruit while he is eating his ice cream and he says nothing about me having mine yummy stuff. :)

    Don't beat yourself up, We all have our moments. This is a life change so it is a work in progress. :)
  • valerie521
    valerie521 Posts: 140 Member
    I eat at night sometimes out of pure boredom and seeking the crunch !!

    Usually like crackers or dry cereal. As I do VERY WELL during the day by
    prepacking my food to take to work, sometimes I get home and fall into
    the same ole' same ole'. However and as bad as I can be, I learned that
    if I go upstairs to my room when its my daughters bedtime at 8pm, I get
    settled in and soon lose interest to eat. CAUSE I'M IN BED -- I dont eat
    in my bed.

    For me that works well -- Its a weird thing I have about food and bed
    (they don't mix). So if I go up to bed at 8pm, I've finished eating dinner by
    630 and that helps me get through. I can be strong, but sometimes I
    know that I have "X" amount of calories left so I consume them and then
    I go over cause I've lost track and well, whatever I'm eating tastes good.

    So... with that said - find the "trick", whatever it is to get you through that
    moment and go with it !!! I dont believe in that "were not insects" post
    earlier. We are human -- we sometimes make mistakes !! How we
    fix them is why we are all here !!!
  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    My biggest problem is sleepwalking and eating while I am asleep. When I wake up in the morning I find evidence everywhere. It's hard to log food you don't remember.
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    I'd like to add, I don't eat breakfast

    I thought it was unwise to exercise on an empty stomach? I only eat breakfast because I thought it was best to?
  • Maddalen101
    Maddalen101 Posts: 307 Member
    Thank you all ... most of these were really helpful.
    I am a strong believer in not beating myself up for weight issues.
    I really appreciated the experience, strength and support I received.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    I'd like to add, I don't eat breakfast

    I thought it was unwise to exercise on an empty stomach? I only eat breakfast because I thought it was best to?

    Myth, I always exercise while still fasted
  • martina1411
    martina1411 Posts: 12 Member
    My biggest problem is sleepwalking and eating while I am asleep. When I wake up in the morning I find evidence everywhere. It's hard to log food you don't remember.

    Me too..but I got some advice years ago to always have a sandwich prepared in the fridge (a nice one). Then, if you go sleep-eating you generally automatically go for the sandwich. You can count it in to your daily totals as a snack, and if you don't eat it, treat it as a bonus. I've also found that not having chocolate and crisps in the house helps. I have been known to cook food asleep, and even went (naked) to the 24 hr garage round the corner once - so I was putting myself at risk. 9 times out of 10, the prepared sandwich works for me :)
  • jillebean60
    jillebean60 Posts: 78 Member
    Nighttime eating is my nemesis and what got me in this situation to begin with. Plan Plan Plan and Plan..... Then stick to the plan. If you know that you'll be depleted later and need something.... PLAN appropriately. Am I always successful at this? What do you think :D
  • I try to wind down at night playing a game on my phone or doing some sewing by hand while watching TV. This keeps my hands busy and I don't reach for treats. It doesn't always work but it is a thought. Planning to have some low cal snacks ready is always good. I find that sometimes I miss read being hungry with being tired and sleepy - I just need to go to bed!
  • chunkydunk714
    chunkydunk714 Posts: 784 Member
    If you know something is going to undo your day and you just eat it anyway... well... I am not sure what you want us to day? Don't do it. It's hard to not eat something you really want, but that's what you do. Or you make a better choice instead.

    My strategy is to just not have crap in the house. Then I can't it. Or I end up making a better choice.

    I agree...I do SOOO much better (calorie wise) when I dont have junk in my cupboards or in the fridge.
  • addaline22
    addaline22 Posts: 114
    I understand the night time eating. its my weakness. I make snack bags of carrots, nuts, cereal, all in low call amounts. I also knitt like a mad wease and keep my hands busy. if that dont work, a cup or warm tea.
  • jerbear1962
    jerbear1962 Posts: 1,157 Member
    never, Never, Never use food as a doesn't help us...the only thing food should be used for is fuel to help our energy. I know it's hard to hear that I couldn't believe I was writing it down myself. I guess I don't need to lean against that cookie...or cry over that cup cake...they never helped me they only helped the short and fat stores sell me clothes....and more clothes...charging by the inch. 75 bucks for a regular pair of jeans...yes 75.00. If you feel you need to eat late do like I do now I grab and piece of fruit or I grab some fresh veggies...I pop some grapes or some blueberries in the freezer for about 20 minutes and have a cool snack. Best part is no Guilt!!! Good Luck
  • Jerbear, sorry but I couldn't disagree more. Food is so much more than just fuel. Food to me is, comfort, extravagance, creativity, solace, mood enhancer, joy, happiness, exploration, and many other great qualities. I love, love, love food of all shapes sizes and textures. Cooking up a nice meal for friends and family is one of my great pleasures in life. Food is a celebration, if you try and treat it just as fuel you will almost always end up blowing any program and binge eating.
  • hellohappylisa
    hellohappylisa Posts: 141 Member
    Sugar-free mint gum (I go with Trident) is usually enough of a distraction for me. Not always, but most days.
  • Dude...really? If you end up below your totals in the end, I would just call that good. If it makes you feel any better, some of us do a lot worse than that...for example, I ordered a large pizza last night and ate FOUR SLICES. That's HALF the godammed pizza. So you're doing great in comparison to that :)
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    I'd like to add, I don't eat breakfast

    I thought it was unwise to exercise on an empty stomach? I only eat breakfast because I thought it was best to?

    Myth, I always exercise while still fasted

    That's good to know...I'd much rather save breakfast cals for later in the evening:smile: