Something weird has happened?



  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Ok here it is..I'm a mega fussy eater, really don't like fruit but I'd drink orange juice(small-amount ) the only veggies I like are potatoes, but I don't hardly eat them, maybe once a week, carrots, cabbage, green beans and peas..that's it so it's hard for me to eat mega well. I rarely go over the bad points ie sugar, sodium and yes I've had trouble making my protein levels....but I am doing my best with what I have and can't do anymore than that?

    if you do what you have always done, you will get the same results you have always got....
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member

    if you do what you have always done, you will get the same results you have always got....

    Before I used to eat crap..and I mean total crap...if I ate a meal it was good, used to just snack all the time, no veggies, only once in a while, no meat or chicken. I used to just eat cereals maybe twice a day and crisps and for me to be eating veggies, chicken etc every day is good..believe me...I'm now eating three meals a day and a snack here and there so I think I'm doing better than what I was
  • SilverOnTheTree
    SilverOnTheTree Posts: 102 Member
    Pssst Lizzie, I have no scientific knowledge but a similar thing has happened to me. 6 weeks ago, I began an exercise routine, and my waist has gained 3 inches!

    This is your thread, not mine, but I'm curious about whether the totally new set of exercises is responsible. Nothing else seems likely. Still, every other means of measuring is giving a positive result.

    Good luck with your new eating plans!
  • mcrowe1016
    mcrowe1016 Posts: 647 Member
    ....but I am doing my best with what I have and can't do anymore than that?

    No excuses! Play around with different veggies or buy a good juicer. Eat more protein. Make meal times fun. Whatever you do, don't come on these boards saying that you "can't" change.
  • ahmommy
    ahmommy Posts: 316 Member
    I do like chicken so going to eat much more of that. I WILL try new veggies and make sure I eat lots of the ones I do like.I'm really going to try to eat better but in like the way of ravioli and you make your own?
    YES absolutely 100% make your own! I don't make my own pasta sauce, but I use lower sodium sauce (Prego Heart Smart), and whole wheat or barilla plus pasta for my spaghetti. Use spices or garlic to up the flavor if it's bland to you. Look up low sodium recipes online and try them. When you cook, cut the salt in the recipe in half. Or better yet, ditch the salt in the recipe and salt it after it's done cooking. When you cook the salt into the food, you can't taste it as much. If you add the salt on top, it's the first thing to hit your tongue and you taste it more, even though you actually use less.

    Learn to modify recipes to cut down on the sodium and calorie content. As you use less and less sodium, you will become more sensitive to the taste and you won't need as much. The same with sugar. Processed foods are packed with unnecessary sodium and sugar, and the more you have the more you crave.
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    ....but I am doing my best with what I have and can't do anymore than that?

    No excuses! Play around with different veggies or buy a good juicer. Eat more protein. Make meal times fun. Whatever you do, don't come on these boards saying that you "can't" change.


    I never said I can't...just said it will be difficult :smile:
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    Pssst Lizzie, I have no scientific knowledge but a similar thing has happened to me:

    6 weeks ago, I began an exercise routine, and I switched out a lot of 'bad' carbs from my diet in favor of protein and complex carbs (or at least, stopped eating rice/noodles, started eating beans & lentils). With helpful advice from the gym trainer, I am doing proper sit-ups and crunches for the first time in my LIFE. It's pretty exciting. And I've lost 15 pounds. But...

    My butt is 3 inches smaller
    My thigh is 2 inches smaller
    My bust is 2 inches smaller
    and my waist? My waist has gained 3 inches!

    Now, I measure every three or four days (because I'm procrastinating about homework, that's why) and have done since Week 1. The waist measurement has slowly crept up half an inch or so every week. I'm definitely not pregnant, and I measure at varied times of day. The measurement IS correct. And also perplexing.

    Best amateur theory: sudden requirement to exercise new muscles has caused my midriff to retain water & expand.

    I doubt it's fat gain, or that the other inches lost have been muscle instead of fat - I'm eating sensibly and sustainably. So what's up with that, huh?

    Yeah!! It's my waist! Not any other part , just my waist?

    Weird huh?
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    I do like chicken so going to eat much more of that. I WILL try new veggies and make sure I eat lots of the ones I do like.I'm really going to try to eat better but in like the way of ravioli and you make your own?
    YES absolutely 100% make your own! I don't make my own pasta sauce, but I use lower sodium sauce (Prego Heart Smart), and whole wheat or barilla plus pasta for my spaghetti. Use spices or garlic to up the flavor if it's bland to you. Look up low sodium recipes online and try them. When you cook, cut the salt in the recipe in half. Or better yet, ditch the salt in the recipe and salt it after it's done cooking. When you cook the salt into the food, you can't taste it as much. If you add the salt on top, it's the first thing to hit your tongue and you taste it more, even though you actually use less.

    Learn to modify recipes to cut down on the sodium and calorie content. As you use less and less sodium, you will become more sensitive to the taste and you won't need as much. The same with sugar. Processed foods are packed with unnecessary sodium and sugar, and the more you have the more you crave.

    Thank you, I will do that :flowerforyou:
  • The same thing happened to me. When I started this journey it took me nearly 2 months of exercising 4-6 days every week to lose a single pound. But, I kept with it, and now that my weight loss has finally started I see that I'm losing 1-2 pounds per week. So, just keep up the hard work and results will come.
  • I do like chicken so going to eat much more of that. I WILL try new veggies and make sure I eat lots of the ones I do like.I'm really going to try to eat better but in like the way of ravioli and you make your own?
    YES absolutely 100% make your own! I don't make my own pasta sauce, but I use lower sodium sauce (Prego Heart Smart), and whole wheat or barilla plus pasta for my spaghetti. Use spices or garlic to up the flavor if it's bland to you. Look up low sodium recipes online and try them. When you cook, cut the salt in the recipe in half. Or better yet, ditch the salt in the recipe and salt it after it's done cooking. When you cook the salt into the food, you can't taste it as much. If you add the salt on top, it's the first thing to hit your tongue and you taste it more, even though you actually use less.

    Learn to modify recipes to cut down on the sodium and calorie content. As you use less and less sodium, you will become more sensitive to the taste and you won't need as much. The same with sugar. Processed foods are packed with unnecessary sodium and sugar, and the more you have the more you crave.

    Thank you, I will do that :flowerforyou:

    Yes, I always make my own sauces, well except the canned tomatoes and even then I use the reduced salt ones, BUT I have a chef for a boyfriend who has taught me alot and my mum was a brilliant cook when I was a kid and have always had an interest in cooking and trying new things.
    I don't usually make my own pasta but I certainly know how.

    You'll find canned premade meals are seriously high in sodium. So much so that I'd rather go hungry filling up on water than eat them.
    I think once you start cooking and learning about your food this will be much more fun and easy for you.
    I LOVE FOOD! LOL! It's why I got to this weight. My diet has always been varied and contained a myriad of great stuff but I just ate too much of it and was always indulging in treat things. That's why I've found it a bit easier than you might as I'm not having to find what I can eat within a small range.

    Most importantly concentrate on the success of change you have had rather than focusing on what needs to go.
    Good luck!
  • For what it's worth.....the best way for me to lose weight and keep me honest is with this food logger! You just don't realize how many cals are in food sometimes! The food logger works for me, that's for sure. I've dropped 19 lbs since June 12 of this year, and since I only make it to the gym a couple times a week, I think it's the logger that works best for me. Trust me, it's excruciating to go for my weigh-in and see that I've only lost a lb. a week, BUT it is the way I wanted to lose weight-- the healthy I can't complain...too much :)
    I have also been told when there is no loss for a week, it's the sodium and not drinking enough water. GOOD LUCK. Don't get too bummed.
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member

    Seriously, break out the sweat pants...
  • TravisBurns
    TravisBurns Posts: 353 Member
    People should learn that the scale is definitely not your indicator of main progress. Pictures and measurments are all you really need.
  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,644 Member
    Could be that you are building muscle?

    This is NOT the universal answer for any struggle with weight!!! :explode:
  • mom2handh1975
    mom2handh1975 Posts: 224 Member
    Did your husband do the laundry with the HOT setting?

    Hilarious! :laugh: Mine actually does that for real! So annoying!
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    The same thing happened to me. When I started this journey it took me nearly 2 months of exercising 4-6 days every week to lose a single pound. But, I kept with it, and now that my weight loss has finally started I see that I'm losing 1-2 pounds per week. So, just keep up the hard work and results will come.
    This is true. It took me almost 2 mos to see a change in the scale. That being said. The scale is probably the worst tool to measure progress. All it does is show you a number and weight loss is way more than that. Weight is determined by so many factors daily that it's not uncommon for the number to fluctuate. Don't let it get you down, just keep going.
  • J3timez
    J3timez Posts: 35
    Did your husband do the laundry with the HOT setting?

    Hey, some of us men can properly do laundry :tongue:
  • If your weight hasn't moved and with out knowing the type of exercising you are doing I would say bloating.. But it could be muscle growth ( highly unlikely though)

    Actually I do not know whats up with you ... Weird.

  • You are eating fast food and pre-prepared products that contain sodium and lowered nutritional value. Fresh fruit, vegetables, fish, chicken - these need to be staples in your diet. You can make some simple adjustments and you won't just lose weight, you will feel better. There will always be reasons not to make changes (don't have time, can't afford it and so on) but if you look around you can find ways to make time and changes that don't cost you as much money. Instead of going to burger king pack you lunch (tuna packet, low carb flat bread, carrots, an apple) and when you get hungry you will not only have lunch with you so you don't have to find a place to eat, it will be healthier. Little changes like this will help. Keep healthy snacks around your place so you are not tempted to go out to eat or order in. You have to make better food choices.
  • Completely agree! Especially on the water part. You have to drink as much water as you can during the day and track the sodium and carbs.