100+ 2 Lose!



  • mina4692
    mina4692 Posts: 5 Member
    On the same boat!
    I have already lost 12 lbs.
    We can definitely support each other.
    Also, anyone is also welcome to add me.
    I just recently started here too & I find the mutual support to be amazing.
  • @Trollivier....I started off with water workouts too...they are awesome....I'm the slowest runner/jogger in my running group, but I keep jogging to one day be a runner and be that all american "cheerleader" figure guys want....I'm excited to know more about your routine your starting in October....Is that the weight one week workout, Sir? You can do this...I'm rt. btw the line of O &M. obsese we can do these and I will be here to cheer you on:) :smooched:
  • @MSmooth747...OMG! 160pds todate for you...that is Freak'n AWESOME! YOU are doing great and am excited to see your progress, but to mi your already a success story, Sir....Keep up the GREAT WORK!
  • @mseibert13...Well GF feel sexy, b/c your adorable in your pic and curves are sexy, just not all the illness that come with being overweight....We can and will do this...we are our ONLY Monster...lets raise the rent and evict the Negativeness and DO us...I know easier said then done...we are gonna have GOOD and BAD days, but on those bad days lets remember were we want to be in such-and-such time and do the DAMN thing...B/C we are worthy of GREAT things....I'm <3 in this group....its so nice to know I'm NOT alone...Thank you all:)
  • @Dcharnice...Yes Ma'am and I'm cheering you on down here in ALABAMA on those 10lbs you lost so far...a BIG WOO HOO your way chica:)
  • @markay3... congrats on the 34+lbs lost so far chica and you sure don't LQQK more then 180lbs...you must be another one of those taller chicas who carry her weight well....GO team #markay3
  • @PHYLLISALEXIS...I thought I was too, esp when I searched and saw nothing over 40pds...so I took the stand and put 100+...I do the medical field too and IT both of them part-time and its embarrassing b/c I know better but we get so busy taken care of our work, pts, friends and family, alot of you that I know, that we put our health last and just eat whatever is fast and yes YUMs, but I'm excited to start this journey....We can do this!
  • @jesyka...that is the BEST way to go...like the song..."one step at a time" you should do a remix of "one pound at a time"...its fun to flip music like that and get you motivated....Congrats on the 11+ lost already chica...Keep doing G8 things!
  • turkeywings
    turkeywings Posts: 20 Member
    All of you feel free to add me too. Maybe "friends" on here will help me stay accountable. I'm in the 100+ category too!
  • grace343
    grace343 Posts: 10
    I start and then I lose it. I really need long term determination and not to be discouraged with the lack of immediate results. Any tips for maintaining long term determination will be welcomed.
  • @mina4692...Congrats to your aunt of the 70+ lost and its great you have someone that close to help you focus....and I know college has got to be hard as a bigger girl, but Im finding out more now that ppl are just bigger, I was one of the few in college and did alot of my classes online b/c I was so self conscious, but don't be embrace it and be strong for the one who wanted and or can't Do you and like you said LOVE life...its hard with so many unhealthy chose nearby, but we can do it as long as we don't let the negative talk/attitude get the best of us....
  • @grace343...I look at this pic I have in my Profile of the really fit skinny girl lifting up her shirt showing her 6-12pack abs that says..."in times bad times remember what you want/look like a year from now, and get back to work" however I also learn i have to allow some bad, b/c in past I'll go 3-5days good then crash diet 1-9mos and gain all I lost and more back.....
  • grace343
    grace343 Posts: 10
    Right now I look at it as necessary to save my life! If I do not lose this weight I may not have my life. That is my current motivation to really focus!
  • @turkeywings....I commend you for doing this w/your Type2...most ppl just take the pills and shots the Doc/Pharm. companys recommened and they don't care its just a money game to them b/c the Dr. gets a kickback, so he pushes it and your a single Ma with two boys....so what ya gained 30 back, at least its not where you started way back to 280...so you caught yourself up, so in moments of doubt remember were you want to be a year from now and get back to work....Raise the rent on the fat and eventually evict it out and more in the Lean you, that you always wanted.....
  • @grace343...yes your life is important and way to keep up the good work chica!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woo HOO! Team #I wanna LIVE!
  • Ok, here it goes. My name is Karen and I am 50 years old, my wieght has been a roller coaster going up and down. 5 years ago I lost weight to where I was happy with myself up until a year ago when I had surgery on my knee. Since that time I have gained almost 40 pounds and have tried everything to lose it and have been unsuccessful. I have been going to a Zumba class, which I love, for the past 6 weeks with the hope that I will start losing weight soon. I get really discouraged with myself when I don't see results. I am now thinking of joining a fitness club and hire a personal trainer. I NEED HELP!!
  • When I started I had 100lbs to loose. I have lost 20 so still have a long way to go. It is hard doing this alone.
  • tessex
    tessex Posts: 15 Member
    I also want to lose 100 pounds and I am hoping to do so before May 25, 2013. I have a bit more tham that to lose however another 35 to 40 pounds. I would love to keep in touch with you and others in the same boat.
  • yes! i am right there with you...i just started this today and i do have a good 100 lbs to lose....lets do this!!!!!!
  • purelybecky
    purelybecky Posts: 3 Member
    I just signed up today and created an introduction. I just finished my profile and uploaded my picture. Are you having luck? What is helping you? What should I do next?
    Together WE CAN do this!