HELP- I'm not loosing this weight!!



  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Too low of a calorie intake can cause plateaus. Eat more, it does work!!! Also make sure you're getting enough protein. I try to hit 100g a day. MFP has theirs set way too low, it's definitely OK to go over. Good Luck!
  • Dudagarcia
    Dudagarcia Posts: 849 Member

    Read this. You're not fueling your body. This will make you understand why working out all the time and only eating 1100 cals a day is a recipe for weight loss failure. Good luck!

    Yes! This made all the difference in my life. Read it, use it, join the group Dan created.

    I agree :)
  • indigochilds
    indigochilds Posts: 69 Member
    How tall are you?
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    Why don't you just chuck the scales out and measure yourself instead?
  • dpure
    dpure Posts: 18
    also OP stated she has been dieting since 8/1 so it has only been a tad over 3 weeks. she would have not have plateaued that quickly.

    weigh yourself at the same time, same conditions once a week to get a better idea of you weigh.

    if you are still not losing eat at maintenance for 1-2 weeks and taper down again from there until you start losing.
  • cheryllynneh
    cheryllynneh Posts: 7 Member
    I lost 4lbs the 1st week August 1 started and weighed august 7th. From there it went down 1lb but since then the past 2-3 weeks I've gained a pound and lost a pound but never more than 5 total at any given point.
    I made my food journal public now- I'm probably eating too many carbs and not enough protein and not drinking enough OR eating enough calories.
    I didn't work out yesterday or today to try to freak my body out... but I feel LAZY for not doing ANYTHING..
    I will have to use everyone's links and see how I"m set up on MFP.
    Somone asked my height- here's my stats again: 5'7" 41yrs old, female and 150 now.. i want to loose at LEAST 10 but I'd prefer 15lb loss.
    I SOOOO appreciate everyone's help!!! :)
  • cheryllynneh
    cheryllynneh Posts: 7 Member
    Ok just calculated my numbers:
    BMI 23.5
    BMR 1429.7
    TDEE 2206.

    So where should my calorie intake fall on any given day ??
    THen If say I burn 250 on the treadmill, I need to eat that in addition correct??
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Ok just calculated my numbers:
    BMI 23.5
    BMR 1429.7
    TDEE 2206.

    So where should my calorie intake fall on any given day ??
    THen If say I burn 250 on the treadmill, I need to eat that in addition correct??

    TDEE-20% so, you should eat 1765 a day. That gives you a deficit of 3087 a week, so you will lose just under a pound a week (totally appropriate for how close you are to your goal). You DO NOT eat the exercise calories - those are calculated in your TDEE. Just eat the same amount every day, regardless of whether or not you are exercising or taking a rest day.

    Also, I'm guessing rather than the number on the scale, you're more worried with what your body look like right? You might be able to lose 10lbs and not even tell a difference in how you look/feel right now. But what if you stayed the same weight but lost fat and went down clothing sizes? The reason I'm saying this is that you should consider lifting heavy weights. That will give you the body composition you want - whether or not you lose the 10-15lbs to your goal. Just a thought!
  • cheryllynneh
    cheryllynneh Posts: 7 Member
    THANKS!! WOW 1700 calories seems like ALOT!! I don't even think I was eating 1700 when I started!! I'm just wondering if my metabolism is shot from the low calorie dieting I had done the past 2 yrs?? when I lost the 40+ lbs. I was doing about 5 days of 30 minutes and around 1200 calories. When I put on the 10 lbs I think I was eating 1500-1600 and not excersizing.

    As far as the " Number" on the scale. i won't lie.. i SHOULD say a number doesn't mean anything- but it's both.. i want to see that number go down AND I want to be at LEAST a size smaller in my clothes. 15lbs would do the trick.

    As far as weights. I don't really have access and can't join a gym. I've been doing some ankle weights and hip/leg excersizes ( B/c my hips and thighs are really my problem areas ) and some Biggest Loser " Bob" beginner workouts with light hand weights and I do feel the "burn" in my thighs.

  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    THANKS!! WOW 1700 calories seems like ALOT!! I don't even think I was eating 1700 when I started!! I'm just wondering if my metabolism is shot from the low calorie dieting I had done the past 2 yrs?? when I lost the 40+ lbs. I was doing about 5 days of 30 minutes and around 1200 calories. When I put on the 10 lbs I think I was eating 1500-1600 and not excersizing.

    As far as the " Number" on the scale. i won't lie.. i SHOULD say a number doesn't mean anything- but it's both.. i want to see that number go down AND I want to be at LEAST a size smaller in my clothes. 15lbs would do the trick.

    As far as weights. I don't really have access and can't join a gym. I've been doing some ankle weights and hip/leg excersizes ( B/c my hips and thighs are really my problem areas ) and some Biggest Loser " Bob" beginner workouts with light hand weights and I do feel the "burn" in my thighs.


    You might have metabolism problems, but most people are just eating more than they realize. Meh, moot point.

    The easiest way to increase your cals is through healthy fats (olive oil, sunflower oil, full fat dairy, etc), less lean cuts of meat, nuts, and carbs. You can greatly increase the number of calories you eat without feeling like you are actually eating more.

    Maybe you should try increasing your calories by about 100 a week until you are at your goal? Also, there is now a group of people who do TDEE-20%, it's called "In Place of a Road Map". Maybe you should check it out:

    Everyone's fitness goals are different - and there is nothing wrong with what you are doing now. I was only offering it as a suggestion since a lot of times people get fixated on a number but really want a certain body type.
  • Jules2Be
    Jules2Be Posts: 2,267 Member
    i was eating 1200 when i started mfp and had been stalled for 5 or 6 months.

    i learned a lot here

    i am 5' 11" and am 41
    i eat 1400 calories on days i do NOTHING and 1800 to 2000 on the days i SMASHHH things at the gym...

    ive lost 10 more pounds since then
    its working for me AND i get to EAT...i try to have my protein between 100 and 125g if possible

    good luck...and its just a number...focus on some weight body is looking better than i thought possible

  • zaph0d
    zaph0d Posts: 1,172 Member
    I see a lot of quick-add calories and not hitting your numbers. Time to get serious.
  • cheryllynneh
    cheryllynneh Posts: 7 Member
    Yeah I JUST realized you can bar code scan!! .. I just got sick of looking everything up!! LOL so I manually counted things.