Is 10lbs off noticeable on your body?

Hello, I'm new here and relatively young. I'm not extra ordinarily overweight and I'm actually in an okay weight range for my age. However, I think there is room for improvement and I want to tone and lean up my figure. I'm thinking losing 10 pounds would be good but I'm much of a difference does it actually make on your appearance and is it noticeable? Thanks everyone. :)


  • Toning will show the biggest improvement not weightloss.
  • Oh, thanks. Do you have any suggestions on how to tone up well? Any routines?
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    I lost 16 and can't tell at all :sad: lol
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    I think the smaller you are, the more it shows.

    If your goal is to tone up, throw your scale out the window. There are many, many examples of folks on MFP who decide to tone up and end up a couple sizes smaller and 5 - 10 lbs heavier. Remember that muscle is dense than fat. Sort of like comparing a pound of marshmallows to a pound of chicken.
  • CJ_Holmes
    CJ_Holmes Posts: 759 Member
    I'm 5'7" female, 33. I started in the top of the acceptable weight range, and I have a naturally athletic build. I have only lost 7 pounds and I look similar in clothes, but without- totally different! :) I also have fit back into clothes that I gave up on last year. For me,10 pounds is at least one clothing size, a much leaner face, and a lot of the "extra" gone, especially in the abdomen. Everyone is different.
  • If you're lean and already in the normal BMI then there is a good potential it will show with some toning exercise. If you look at my ticker, you can see the difference 5 pounds and some toning exercise did for my stomach.
  • carolebville
    carolebville Posts: 140 Member
    Go to the grocery store and pick up two 5lb bags of sugar....hell, yeah, you'll notice it! I've lost 16lbs and have dropped from a 18W size to a regular 16. My face is waist is 3inches smaller. I'm looking forward to the next 20 lbs!!!!
  • This sounds all very encouraging to me! Thanks! I'll keep in mind toning up and replacing fat with muscle is probably the way to go.
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,722 Member
    I think losing 10% of your weight you will "begin" to notice a difference in general. However if you are not overweight even just toning through lifting weights will allow you to see a difference in your figure without losing a pound :)
  • To tone, start lifting weight, that's it.
  • aholly70
    aholly70 Posts: 577 Member
    I lost 11 and i see huge diffenrce clothes that did'nt fit me before do now,plus i'm starting wear junios clothing ans i'm 42,cardio & toning is what i'm doing toning 3 days a week cardio 5 to 6 days.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Toning is certainly very noticable.

    10 pounds is much more noticable on a short person than a tall person. But I'm 5'10" and yes, ten pounds shows a lot. Especially when I'm thinner.
  • shanpwn
    shanpwn Posts: 66 Member
    I'm 5'4 and started at 151. I weigh 139 now on my way to 120 and people have been noticing. So yes!
  • denmark979
    denmark979 Posts: 112 Member
    10lbs is a big difference, especially when you're short like me. It can be the difference between looking fat and looking sexy ;-)))
  • denmark979
    denmark979 Posts: 112 Member
    you can't tell but i bet people around you can.
  • birdieaz
    birdieaz Posts: 448 Member
    I think the smaller you are, the more it shows.

    Yes this.

    When I first started there didn't seem that big of a difference from160's to 150's. If I lost 10lb now, you would definitely see it.
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    I can tell it. I have only lost 11 lbs but am already in a size smaller jeans and shirt.
  • Squiggs67
    Squiggs67 Posts: 178
    I would say that if you are already okay with your weight then 10 lbs would probably show. If you're looking to tone then I would suggest any exercise where you use your own body weight; bands, yoga, pilates, etc. If you really want to lose that 10 lbs then give up wheat products, it will show in your core!
  • cingerl
    cingerl Posts: 62 Member
    If your only 5'0 tall like me 10 pounds is a BIG difference.
  • AnnMaryS
    AnnMaryS Posts: 10 Member
    I lost 16 and can't tell at all :sad: lol

    I've lost 15lbs, and I can't really tell either - only by some clothes fitting better.
    But my family and friends tell me they definitely see it, so that encourages me :)