Melatonin for weight loss



  • allie864
    allie864 Posts: 298
    Well, now everyone has convinced me to get some melatonin to help me sleep. I've heard of it but just haven't tried it yet. So, thank you. :)
  • ImKindOfABigDeal40
    ImKindOfABigDeal40 Posts: 807 Member
    Well, now everyone has convinced me to get some melatonin to help me sleep. I've heard of it but just haven't tried it yet. So, thank you. :)
    Just be careful. As many people have stated, your body man need it to sleep. I know there have been a couple times this week that I hadn't taken any and I was having trouble sleeping. Gonna try to ween myself off a but this weekend.
  • amfmmama
    amfmmama Posts: 1,420 Member
    what are the dangers of taking it every day?
  • lulukan
    lulukan Posts: 76 Member
    I started taking Melatonin about the same time I started MFP. (I wanted to get off my sleeping pills) It helps me sleep. I don't really know if it helps me lose weight because if dieting and working out is not doing it, I doubt Melatonin will.

    Let me know how it works for you.

    How does the melatonin work for you I take sleepy pills regularly for insomnia and want to get off them let me know please :)

    See answer below. Sorry.
  • lulukan
    lulukan Posts: 76 Member
    I need to figure out how to post on these message boards. lol \

    RE: Sleeping pills. I have been taking unisom sleep melts for probably 3 years and could not sleep without them. I wanted to be healthier, so I switched to Melatonin. At first, I could not sleep AT ALL (for about 4 days) then I started noticing that I would get sleepy about 10-15 minutes later. Now I sleep pretty well most of the night, but I do wake up too early. I think they work well, for the most part.
  • allie864
    allie864 Posts: 298
    Well, now everyone has convinced me to get some melatonin to help me sleep. I've heard of it but just haven't tried it yet. So, thank you. :)
    Just be careful. As many people have stated, your body man need it to sleep. I know there have been a couple times this week that I hadn't taken any and I was having trouble sleeping. Gonna try to ween myself off a but this weekend.
    Duly noted. Thank you :)
    I hope your weekend goes well & you get some 'natural' sleep.
  • squishysangel
    squishysangel Posts: 149 Member
    Anyone use melatonin? I've heard that in addition to helping you sleep, it can also help in losing weight. What's been your experience with it?

    I haven't experienced weightloss from using it but...research says that not getting enough sleep can contribute toi weight gain and such so why wouldn't this work if you are one of those who has a cronic sleep issue
  • jppond
    jppond Posts: 1
    Weird, I just googled this question because I have a hard time losing weight and this week while doing fitnesspal and weight watchers I lost 3 pounds . I started taking melatonin this week for sleep reasons. I wondered if there is a connection. I have not lost 3 pounds in a week since forever, even when working very hard to lose.
  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    I've not heard of that - but it makes sense from the perspective that if you don't get enough sleep, you're less likely to lose weight. So if you take a supplement that helps you sleep sufficiently, your body will lose weight more easily. But as others have said, it's best not to take melatonin on a regular basis, because your body adapts to it and stops producing its own melatonin. Better to use relaxation methods to help you sleep.
  • sherpasmom
    sherpasmom Posts: 24 Member
    I am lucky enough to have a best friend who's a doc and she said one of the biggest obstacles to weight loss is lack of sleep. So, if melatonin can help you achieve a healthy sleep pattern then it can help you lose weight. My best advice is find the lowest dosage possible that works. Higher dosages (for me) made me irritable and feeling groggy next day, so now I've found when I need it I only take 1 mg and it does the trick. I have issues not necessarily going to sleep but staying asleep.

    Good luck!
  • hrwinston
    I started taking Melatonin about 6 months ago and I have gained 20 pounds. My diet hasn't changed, though I do not exercise as much anymore because I am tired. I've seen on some message boards that it makes some people gain weight and some people lose weight. I think it depends on the person's metabolism, I'm 42 with a slow metabolism so maybe that is why I gained weight.
  • iNkedFiTmama
    iNkedFiTmama Posts: 277 Member
    I use melatonin for restless leg syndrome, it keeps me from sleeping at night sometimes & mela seems to help a lot. i have to take the ones in gel capsules though or else it doesn't do anything.
  • thomakg
    thomakg Posts: 69 Member
    It does help me sleep - but the dreams are whacko...don't think it has affected my weight loss at all.