build muscle on calorie deficit?

Hey guys! I've read that you need to be at a calorie surplus to gain muscle. If I am following MFP guidelines and eating at a deficit but eating at least 1 gram of protein for each lb of body weight can I still build muscle?


  • steveinct
    steveinct Posts: 140 Member
    Hey guys! I've read that you need to be at a calorie surplus to gain muscle. If I am following MFP guidelines and eating at a deficit but eating at least 1 gram of protein for each lb of body weight can I still build muscle?

    Yes you can. Many people on here will tell you otherwise but they are flat out wrong.
  • VogtAndrea
    VogtAndrea Posts: 236
    Read everything you can, everywhere you can and learn what's possible. Try going to and asking that same question or a shorter version of it and read the top 5 answers that aren't opinions.
  • jawheb
    jawheb Posts: 295 Member
    Age makes a difference to!
  • clobercow
    clobercow Posts: 337 Member
    Hey guys! I've read that you need to be at a calorie surplus to gain muscle. If I am following MFP guidelines and eating at a deficit but eating at least 1 gram of protein for each lb of body weight can I still build muscle?

    Yes you can. Many people on here will tell you otherwise but they are flat out wrong.

    Care to elaborate and provide sources?

    I would like to know.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    There are exceptions to the rule. If you are obese, if you are new to lifting, are a few cases where you can build muscle but for the majority of the rest, you need to be in a calorie surplus. Now eating enough protein and eating in a calorie deficit will help you maintain lean body mass while losing body fat which will expose the underlying muscle.... Best of Luck.... :-)
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    There are 3 conditions that would allow building muscle on a deficit:
    1) Steroids
    2) Newbie Gains
    3) Very overweight

    and one possibility with very strict calorie cycling to maximize gains.
    Newbie gains are minimal and short lived, I honestly don't know much about the very overweight condition except that it's not much and probably won't be noticeable with all the extra fat, and I'm going to assume you're not looking in to steroids. So, basically you can't build muscle on a deficit- but the question becomes- does it matter?

    I am lazy so I'm copying what I wrote in another thread, but it all applies:

    It's a common misconception that if you can't build new muscle on a deficit, then there's no point in lifting- but the truth is you won't know the difference between gaining muscle or not while lifting on a deficit- especially if you're new to it. The common goals are increased muscle tone and firmness, increased strength, increased metabolism, increased fat loss, increased bone density, feeling bada$$, and looking hot. You can achieve ALL of those goals without packing on any NEW muscle tissue. Most people (women in particular) have all the muscle you need to achieve those goals already, and by using neuromuscular adaptation (which is the primary source of gains whether you're in a deficit or not at the beginning) you train your CNS system to use the muscle that's already there. It's win-win-win-win-win. You'll feel like you're gaining muscle whether you are or not- so what does it matter, really?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    There are 3 conditions that would allow building muscle on a deficit:
    1) Steroids
    2) Newbie Gains
    3) Very overweight

    and one possibility with very strict calorie cycling to maximize gains.
    Newbie gains are minimal and short lived, I honestly don't know much about the very overweight condition except that it's not much and probably won't be noticeable with all the extra fat, and I'm going to assume you're not looking in to steroids. So, basically you can't build muscle on a deficit- but the question becomes- does it matter?

    I am lazy so I'm copying what I wrote in another thread, but it all applies:

    It's a common misconception that if you can't build new muscle on a deficit, then there's no point in lifting- but the truth is you won't know the difference between gaining muscle or not while lifting on a deficit- especially if you're new to it. The common goals are increased muscle tone and firmness, increased strength, increased metabolism, increased fat loss, increased bone density, feeling bada$$, and looking hot. You can achieve ALL of those goals without packing on any NEW muscle tissue. Most people (women in particular) have all the muscle you need to achieve those goals already, and by using neuromuscular adaptation (which is the primary source of gains whether you're in a deficit or not at the beginning) you train your CNS system to use the muscle that's already there. It's win-win-win-win-win. You'll feel like you're gaining muscle whether you are or not- so what does it matter, really?

    This to the nth degree.
  • ZeroWoIf
    ZeroWoIf Posts: 588 Member
    Question is how much muscle, and what situation? And what gender? There are situations where you might (refraining from saying can) build on a deficit. Such as when you are 15-20 and your hormones are in the best level they will be in your life. We are talking about males here mostly. Building muscle isn't something you can do naturally with ease.

    In high school we had female wrestlers who happen to go through the rigorous strength training routines and I never recall one of them building a great deal of muscle. Through the year regardless of what they were eating or were not. Same thing happen with some males that had a body closer to a person with a really good metabolism. They gained minimal to acceptable muscle and they went through the same rigorous training that we did as well. There were others who gained some pretty good muscle as a freshmen or sophomore starting to lift weight for the first time with no problem and made some really good gains their first year. Genetics play a strong role bottom line regardless how you eat. We are talking about guys 14-17 of course, and gals.

    This is a controversial topic also because water weight can also be another factor that hides real lean muscle mass growth. In the end most people who are on a calorie deficit are there to lose fat/weight. Now to answer your question, can you gain muscle while on a deficit? Directly with goals where you can set them and gain an expected amount of muscle? Absolutely not! Indirectly? Possible if the circumstances are in your favor. Possible if you are taking AAS. Even while taking AAS it is still an indirect effect.

    This question has been asked before. Not all people who start lifting out of nowhere gain any acceptable amount of muscle either. If that was the case then I would be seeing a bunch of built people in my gym. Many look the same after a year lol.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    There are 3 conditions that would allow building muscle on a deficit:
    1) Steroids
    2) Newbie Gains
    3) Very overweight

    and one possibility with very strict calorie cycling to maximize gains.
    Newbie gains are minimal and short lived, I honestly don't know much about the very overweight condition except that it's not much and probably won't be noticeable with all the extra fat, and I'm going to assume you're not looking in to steroids. So, basically you can't build muscle on a deficit- but the question becomes- does it matter?

    I am lazy so I'm copying what I wrote in another thread, but it all applies:

    It's a common misconception that if you can't build new muscle on a deficit, then there's no point in lifting- but the truth is you won't know the difference between gaining muscle or not while lifting on a deficit- especially if you're new to it. The common goals are increased muscle tone and firmness, increased strength, increased metabolism, increased fat loss, increased bone density, feeling bada$$, and looking hot. You can achieve ALL of those goals without packing on any NEW muscle tissue. Most people (women in particular) have all the muscle you need to achieve those goals already, and by using neuromuscular adaptation (which is the primary source of gains whether you're in a deficit or not at the beginning) you train your CNS system to use the muscle that's already there. It's win-win-win-win-win. You'll feel like you're gaining muscle whether you are or not- so what does it matter, really?

    Correct. Do not listen to idiots who try to tell you otherwise.
  • Montemuscle1970
    Montemuscle1970 Posts: 21 Member
    You can absolutely build muscle on a calorie deficit, but not for a long time. If you're just getting into weight training, you'll get some decent results up to 6 months, give or take. It also depends on how restrictive your diet is. You should try not to exceed a deficit of 500 calories if you're getting into weight training. The most important factors for putting on some muscle are:

    -consistent training (full body workouts divided into separate days for different muscle groups)
    -progressive training (increase weight and effort week to week)
    -increase water consumption (depends on your height/weight but at least 64 ounces, more if you need it, less on days off if you can't drink it all)
    -plenty of rest/recovery (you can hit the gym 5-7 days a week if you have it in you, but don't hit the same muscles for at least 4 days before returning to them, make sure you get enough sleep too, good for hormones, good for growth and recovery)

    You don't need gobs of protein or supplements. Under optimal conditions the human body can't really synthesize more than a pound of muscle per week depending on the persons size of course. And that will only happen in the beginning. Incorporate your entire body in your weight training. That doesn't mean all at once, but throughout the week. This will increase the release of hormones you need to build muscle, and it will also help to keep your from over/under developing muscle or muscle groups which can have a negative effect over long term.

    This might all sound like a lot but just getting into the gym and lifting consistently is the thing to do. Find what works for you. Some weeks you won't feel like there's a difference, some weeks you just see a muscle that wasn't there last time. Just give it a good 3 months. It takes time for the body to change. And don't get discouraged, it is a little harder for females to put on the muscle. Less testosterone, which is powerful hormone for growth. And don't worry about getting to big, because its a lot of work and takes a good amount of time.

    But anyways, after a while you'll need to get into a calorie surplus, but if you're trying to burn fat also, your body will use that as the extra energy it needs to grow muscle. When you're out of excessive fat reserves you might want to start eating extra calories, but only 250 extra a day to start. Don't play into the bulking hype. If you're just starting out, you have a long time before you need to worry about that. Nothing to it but to do it!
  • Sarah_Wins
    Sarah_Wins Posts: 936 Member
    I'm no expert but it's working for me!
  • bb_tiu
    bb_tiu Posts: 24
    AMAZING!!! I like the sounds of that!! Thanks!
  • bb_tiu
    bb_tiu Posts: 24
    Thanks everyone thats really encouraging. I am 23 and about 10 - 15 lbs to lose and just starting to lift weights and increase protein so really hoping to tighten up and notice a difference! Thanks all :)
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    I know from experience that one can gain strength on a calorie deficit. Cannot necessarily say that it was due to muscle mass increase or not. One would think if you are able to maintain strong protein intake, that would count for something... Of course everything in balance.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    You can absolutely build muscle on a calorie deficit, but not for a long time. If you're just getting into weight training, you'll get some decent results up to 6 months, give or take. It also depends on how restrictive your diet is. You should try not to exceed a deficit of 500 calories if you're getting into weight training. The most important factors for putting on some muscle are:

    -consistent training (full body workouts divided into separate days for different muscle groups)
    -progressive training (increase weight and effort week to week)
    -increase water consumption (depends on your height/weight but at least 64 ounces, more if you need it, less on days off if you can't drink it all)
    -plenty of rest/recovery (you can hit the gym 5-7 days a week if you have it in you, but don't hit the same muscles for at least 4 days before returning to them, make sure you get enough sleep too, good for hormones, good for growth and recovery)

    You don't need gobs of protein or supplements. Under optimal conditions the human body can't really synthesize more than a pound of muscle per week depending on the persons size of course. And that will only happen in the beginning. Incorporate your entire body in your weight training. That doesn't mean all at once, but throughout the week. This will increase the release of hormones you need to build muscle, and it will also help to keep your from over/under developing muscle or muscle groups which can have a negative effect over long term.

    This might all sound like a lot but just getting into the gym and lifting consistently is the thing to do. Find what works for you. Some weeks you won't feel like there's a difference, some weeks you just see a muscle that wasn't there last time. Just give it a good 3 months. It takes time for the body to change. And don't get discouraged, it is a little harder for females to put on the muscle. Less testosterone, which is powerful hormone for growth. And don't worry about getting to big, because its a lot of work and takes a good amount of time.

    But anyways, after a while you'll need to get into a calorie surplus, but if you're trying to burn fat also, your body will use that as the extra energy it needs to grow muscle. When you're out of excessive fat reserves you might want to start eating extra calories, but only 250 extra a day to start. Don't play into the bulking hype. If you're just starting out, you have a long time before you need to worry about that. Nothing to it but to do it!

    One of the best written posts I have seen on this subject. Makes a LOT of sense...
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I know from experience that one can gain strength on a calorie deficit. Cannot necessarily say that it was due to muscle mass increase or not. One would think if you are able to maintain strong protein intake, that would count for something... Of course everything in balance.

    The strength gains are a result of Neuromuscular Adaptations- they're not necessarily indicative of muscle growth. An adequate supply of protein prevents muscle loss. Generally the recommendation for preventing muscle loss while strength training on a deficit is 1gm/pound LBM (lean body mass).
  • steveinct
    steveinct Posts: 140 Member
    Yes you can. Many people on here will tell you otherwise but they are flat out wrong.

    Care to elaborate and provide sources?

    I would like to know.

    Google is your friend. Try typing "Lose fat gain muscle study" in the search bar (without the quotes) and you will get a good start. You will see there have been a BOATLOAD of studies that have proven you can build muscle while simultaneously burning fat.

    Take, for example, the 1996 Ballor study. People cite this study all the time because the aerobic group lost more "weight" than the weight training group so they claim "cardio is better than strength for weight loss". If you actually LOOK at the numbers, you will see that the cardio group 1.8 kg of fat but also lost 0.6 kg of lean mass. If you look at the strength training group, you will see they didn't lose as much "weight" because, while they lost lost 1.2 kg of fat, they GAINED 1.5 kg of lean mass. Yup, they gained muscle while burning fat.

    Many times the study is not about losing fat while gaining muscle, but that is the end result. Like the one above, here are a couple more:

    This one was done on police officers comparing whey to casein :
    Here is one comparing milk to a carb drink post workout:

    Common thread? The conclusions show fat loss plus lean mass (muscle) gains.

    I could go on and on but, in reality, it is silly since there is plenty of science to back it up. Please note, you would not want to be on a crazy deficit if you are working toward body confirmation changes. Also, if you are an elite athlete, you are not going to get anywhere trying to do something like this.

    Also, if you want to maximize it, you might want to look into calorie cycling or even macronutrient timing. I don't do any cycling so I can't tell you if that stuff is backed by science (although it makes logical sense to me). The premise is something like this: Your body does not grow based on your weekly caloric target (or even daily). Your body uses calories for a purpose and also burns fat when it needs to. So, if you supply calories when your muscles need to 1) exert energy and 2) repair after exertion you should be able to grow your muscles. At other times during the day/week you stay at a calorie deficit so your body burns fat as fuel. Again, I have never looked into the science of cycling so I won't comment to it being a fact but it might be something you want to look into.

    Conclusion about building muscle while burning fat -- Yes, it can be done and is backed by science.
  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member
    There are 3 conditions that would allow building muscle on a deficit:
    1) Steroids
    2) Newbie Gains
    3) Very overweight

    and one possibility with very strict calorie cycling to maximize gains.
    Newbie gains are minimal and short lived, I honestly don't know much about the very overweight condition except that it's not much and probably won't be noticeable with all the extra fat, and I'm going to assume you're not looking in to steroids. So, basically you can't build muscle on a deficit- but the question becomes- does it matter?

    I am lazy so I'm copying what I wrote in another thread, but it all applies:

    It's a common misconception that if you can't build new muscle on a deficit, then there's no point in lifting- but the truth is you won't know the difference between gaining muscle or not while lifting on a deficit- especially if you're new to it. The common goals are increased muscle tone and firmness, increased strength, increased metabolism, increased fat loss, increased bone density, feeling bada$$, and looking hot. You can achieve ALL of those goals without packing on any NEW muscle tissue. Most people (women in particular) have all the muscle you need to achieve those goals already, and by using neuromuscular adaptation (which is the primary source of gains whether you're in a deficit or not at the beginning) you train your CNS system to use the muscle that's already there. It's win-win-win-win-win. You'll feel like you're gaining muscle whether you are or not- so what does it matter, really?
    Cosigning, then qft.
  • pigeonhugger
    pigeonhugger Posts: 81 Member
    Yes you can. I am eating a significant deficit, am not new to lifting, and am not overweight (actually i am classified as underweight) and I am gaining muscle. I guess its just a personal thing depending on individual cases. I only have to look at a weight and I gain muscle- have always been like it. I am young, so may have youth on my side?