Any 50+ out there?



  • granny017
    granny017 Posts: 3 Member
    Over 50 and from Oz , feel free to add me
  • alerica1
    alerica1 Posts: 310 Member
    50 today, 51 next month.....add me if you would like. A person can never have too many friends. :)
  • HisPixie
    HisPixie Posts: 55 Member
    I'm 53. My sister is on the site and she's 55; she lost >150 pounds in her fifties. My mother is here somewhere too. She's 78 and she lost 35 pounds in the last couple of years (on & exercise). So it can be done!

    I'm in Pennsylvania USA
  • 62clpowell
    62clpowell Posts: 87 Member
    Will be 50 here in December please feel free to add me :-)
  • blueimp
    blueimp Posts: 230 Member
    59 here. Add me if you wish. I"ve been slowly losing weight and working on exercise -- but right now my focus is on controlling type 2 diabetes.
    Lots of over 50s here, along with support and good advice?,
  • LisaB55
    LisaB55 Posts: 35 Member
    I am 57. I started this in June and have been very pleased. The whole emphasis by most folks here on making changes that you can continue to live with for the rest of your life is exactly what I need. I have been trying the "eat more to weigh less" approach for the last few weeks and it is working well for me so far. Feel free to add me. I, too, am looking for a few more active and supportive friends and enjoy being the same for others.
  • blueimp
    blueimp Posts: 230 Member
    Lots of over 50s here, along with support and good advice?,

    That is a statement not a question!! (iPad keyboard :-(. ). I'm very grateful for the help and support here!!!
  • juliesjuke
    juliesjuke Posts: 93 Member
    I am 66 soon to be 67.I am doing NS program,and just purchased a fitbit which i really like. I live in AZ now but was born and raised in Maine.I have lost 7.2 pounds so far since 7/12/12. It is always good to have friends that you can depend on for help and support. Good luck on your journey.
  • pholbert
    pholbert Posts: 575 Member
    I am 55 and now trying to keep weight off.
  • StudioMaid
    StudioMaid Posts: 84 Member
    Hi, I'm 50 + 6 and have been over weight for most of my life. Lost 65 lbs in the late 80"s but put them back plus more. I am a diabetic and want to be healthy again. My highest weight was 239 I am now 203 and on my way to a healthier out look on life.
  • thurberj
    thurberj Posts: 528 Member
    57 here and on MFP for 420 days......I love the support on the good days and the not so good....I've made many chanes that have helped my energy level and the way I look. Love this site...Welcome:-)
  • wilmawm
    wilmawm Posts: 81 Member
    Greetings from another 50+ MFP -- I turned 56 2 weeks ago. I joined MFP last February but didn't start using it consistently until a few weeks ago. I'm pretty close to where I want to be weight-wise, and I am finding MFP a really great tool for learning how to maintain. I think it IS possible to teach an old dog new tricks, and I'm determined to keep the weight off for good! No more yo yo-ing for me!
    I'd also love to have more MFP friends - the mutual encouragement is really great - so felllow 50 plus-ers feel free to add me! :happy:
  • Hi, I'm 50, I joined a year ago with a friend but actually just started last week. Please fee free to add me.
  • b14a3w3
    b14a3w3 Posts: 61 Member
    I'm 56 and loving life! That's why I like this site. Something for everyone.
  • 57 and going strong. I lost about 10 pounds with the help of this app then I stopped using it. I didn't gain it all back, but I do not eat as well, so I am back. Add me if you like.
  • dan323
    dan323 Posts: 271 Member
    I am 51. Add me if you would like.
  • joann1948
    joann1948 Posts: 161 Member
    Hello Welcome: I am 64 and have been on here since April of 2011. I had 112lbs to lose, lost 78 so far. Its been a long journey but the friends and support from here helped me so much. This is the first time in my life that I actually kept the weight off. Good luck to you and request you as a friend...............Joann
  • belle165
    belle165 Posts: 16 Member
    I am 50+. Please feel free to add me.
  • teepeetim
    teepeetim Posts: 99 Member
    Hi Lynley1

    Feel free to add me, I am 51 and have lost over 30 pounds in the last two months, almost at a an ideal weight, but need to start to trim up now.

    Good luck!
  • wisebadger53
    wisebadger53 Posts: 382 Member
    I'm 58, and going strong! :drinker: