I blew it!



  • Forgive yourself, get over it and start again! Don't use one weekend as an excuse.
  • daryllynn515
    daryllynn515 Posts: 17 Member
    Always remember that "Tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it"

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  • Xstitcher74
    Xstitcher74 Posts: 124 Member
    If you were on vacation, driving to your destination, and you hit a closed road, what would you do? You'd take the detour, maybe check a map or GPS to recalculate your route, and continue on your way.

    No different here. You hit a road block and you'll take a detour. Check your plan and see if there's anything you need to tweak to avoid it happening again. (Maybe include a little more calories or a few more indulgences so you don't feel the need to fall off the wagon.)

    You'll still get to your destination, as long as you don't say, "Screw this. I'm turning around and going home."

    Great way to put this! :smile:
  • Plan ahead by looking up the restaurants you will most likely go to and checking the menus. Take one of those stretchy exercise bands with you and do what you can with that. Maybe there is a pay-as -you -go gym nearby? It IS a big challenge being in a different environment.
  • hunter624
    hunter624 Posts: 252
    Each Sunday after completing the weekly shop, I enjoy a good wholesome Full English Breakfast, likewise when I go off for a short break, I enjoy myself and balance my life around it, quit worrying, life's too short enjoy yourself, but also enjoy the journey your dieting and excersize is taking you.

    I know Iam.

  • megan1869
    megan1869 Posts: 166 Member
    tough love...get it undercontrol, two days can turn into weeks. You are the only one who can help yourself. You are what you eat! ou can do it.

    This is SO TRUE!!! I don't know how it happens but it always does!
  • Happinessgrl
    Happinessgrl Posts: 92 Member
    Here is what gets me back on track.... I just remember that it takes 3500 calories over maintenance level to gain 1 pound. So, if in those 2 days you consumed 7000 calories over your maintenance, the worst that could happen is you gain 2 lbs (anything above that is just water weight). So, you realize it you are off track, drink lots of water, lose those 2 lbs just as quickly as they came on, and then lose 5 more. Life is good and those 2 days are just a memory. :)
  • KarmaxKitty
    KarmaxKitty Posts: 901 Member
    Blew what, lol? Your calories? That's all that is, haha. Relaaaax.

    First step: stop beating yourself up.

    Second step: get back on track. PRONTO.

    It's okay to take the scenic route to a goal sometimes...as long as that doesn't involve going over the river and through the woods for three weeks plus a year. It's two days. You haven't fallen off the wagon, you simply took a vacation. And now you go back to work. :flowerforyou:
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    Get back on that horse and keep going! Log into MFP, log your food and just continue on like nothing happened.
  • Never to late to start over !! u can do it !!
  • blueimp
    blueimp Posts: 230 Member
    If this is a life-style, then there needs to be room in that life for splurges, celebrations, holidays. Two unplanned days of splurge is not a deal-breaker. Plan for free-days and plan for holidays and celebrations. Pan for visits to family and friends if that changes what you do. Don't be rigid, be realistic; love yourself. You'll recover and do well.
  • dont beat yourself up about , as the saying goes if you fall off a horse just get back on it everybody slips back from time to time, but if you stay confident in yourself you will succeed