Diet Soda Opinions?



    LTGPSA Posts: 633 Member
    Try Fresca - it has original citrus flavor and 2 others. But as others are saying - none is best. I still have one per day during the week with my lunch, because I am not perfect. :wink: :flowerforyou:
  • lcphipps
    lcphipps Posts: 29
    no calories in diet soda, very low in sodium........................ I have lost 311 lbs. drink 2 or 3 24 oz. bottles of Diet Pepsi a day..... I get in a boat load of water too.... Best of Luck.... Like LorinaLynn said if you have side effects to artificial sweeteners then yes avoid it but if you do not then I see no issues with it...
    congratulations on your weight loss!! thats amazing!
    Still trying to kick the diet coke addiction myself....harder than it should be.]
  • annwyatt69
    annwyatt69 Posts: 727 Member
    Also, people sometimes talk about the sodium in diet soda like it's going to make you retain fluid, or make you thirstier so you'll drink more soda... One can of Diet Pepsi has about the same amount of sodium as three raw baby carrots. It's really minimal.

    Exactly. The only thing I ever noticed when I quit drinking diet soda for several months was that natural food like broccoli, etc. tasted better and cravings eased up. Might have just been me. I still enjoy a diet soda when I feel like one. I have never had a problem with caffeine. I can take it or leave it w/o withdrawals. My first choice is water now, but I used to have a serious diet soda addiction.
  • adam85491
    adam85491 Posts: 12 Member
    Weight loss is about calories. Diet soda has no calories, and therefore, has no affect on losing weight. I have lost over 30 pounds and I drink it (not every day, but fairly occasionally) and my brother who has lost 60 pounds drinks more than I do. Of course I drink about 80 ounces of water a day as well, but the idea that a zero calorie drink could be bad is absurd.
  • themaskedpixie
    themaskedpixie Posts: 26 Member
    For me GOOD. eventually i plan to kick the diet soda addiction but right now i'm replaing full calorie soda with regular so it's good. I also have 2 kids and i'm in school full time with out caffine some days would be really bad... :drinker:
  • AidenT94
    AidenT94 Posts: 39 Member
    Personally, I don't drink a lot of soda, because when I do, my blood sugar swings drastically high and I don't like the feeling it gives me. And I hate the taste of artificial sweeteners, so diet soda really isn't an option for me. I try to drink mostly water or milk, and I will indulge in coffee (usually a Starbucks Small White Chocolate Mocha Frapp) now and again when I can afford it. The only reason I drink Starbucks is because I can't stomach normal coffee, it literally makes me sick because of the taste.

    So basically, drink mostly water, it'll make you feel better in the long run.
  • mandyl1242
    mandyl1242 Posts: 23 Member
    I scanned the other comments and only saw a couple of people mention the artificial sweeteners. Do you know how insanely bad and dangerous aspartame, sucralose, splenda, sweet n low, etc. is for you?? It has been proven to cause cancer, brain tumors, holes in the brain and all sorts of other diseases. Please just give it up. There is nothing at all that your body needs in soda. Water, water, water.
  • AGREE! Really think about what you're putting into your body. It's for your health in general, not just weight loss. To live a long, healthy life it's best to try and eat natural foods. Jay Robb suggests sparking water with lemon and stevia for those addicted to sodas. Maybe that could help you.
    I scanned the other comments and only saw a couple of people mention the artificial sweeteners. Do you know how insanely bad and dangerous aspartame, sucralose, splenda, sweet n low, etc. is for you?? It has been proven to cause cancer, brain tumors, holes in the brain and all sorts of other diseases. Please just give it up. There is nothing at all that your body needs in soda. Water, water, water.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    It has been proven to cause cancer, brain tumors, holes in the brain and all sorts of other diseases.

    Show me one real study. Not a blog. Not "Dr" Mercola's website or any other company trying to sell some holistic snake oil. But a real study. And where's the bodies? You'd think the streets would be littered with brain-rotted corpses.

    Because it's pretty funny how when there was some contaminated wheat gluten in some dog and cat food a few years ago, and a handful of people's pets had kidney failure and died, ALL pet foods that might POSSIBLY have been exposed to the contaminated ingredients were yanked from the shelves in a massive recall.

    I don't for one second believe the government really cares about me, but I'd be willing to bet that they'd care a little more about the health of a voter and taxpayer than they would someone's cat. At very least, the media would want to cover it. I mean... soda eating holes in people's brains is almost as interesting as a naked prince or Snooki giving birth. Almost.
  • tommygirl15
    tommygirl15 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Ahh yes, there were some large bottles of soda at the dinner party I went to last night and I bypassed them with total ease and asked for water instead. If you give up drinking soda it will get easier for you as well. You can't benefit a single thing from drinking diet soda, or any other soda for that matter.
  • Try to replace it with fizzy water in place of soda =) pretty good! I usually drink sams choice clear american flavored water
  • Read ths article... you will never drink it again!
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    AGREE! Really think about what you're putting into your body. It's for your health in general, not just weight loss. To live a long, healthy life it's best to try and eat natural foods. Jay Robb suggests sparking water with lemon and stevia for those addicted to sodas. Maybe that could help you.
    I scanned the other comments and only saw a couple of people mention the artificial sweeteners. Do you know how insanely bad and dangerous aspartame, sucralose, splenda, sweet n low, etc. is for you?? It has been proven to cause cancer, brain tumors, holes in the brain and all sorts of other diseases. Please just give it up. There is nothing at all that your body needs in soda. Water, water, water.

    In all actuality though, what DOESN'T cause cancer these days? Just for me personally, I'd rather the real sugar over the fake sugars. It makes me sick and gives me headaches now as I said earlier. I usually drink water or plain brewed iced tea with no sweetener at all. In my opinion, it's best to just cut soda out completely.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Sooo, I have started this kick on Diet Pepsi, that i really need to knock.
    However, So many people keep telling me that the diet soda can actually make me gain weight...

    any advice???

    It will only "make" you gain weight if drinking it causes sugar cravings and you overeat. The soda itself has no direct effect on your weight.

    Water is always best, since it has no calories and cleans you out and such -- and none of the chemicals in diet soda -- but we all have our vices.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    It has been proven to cause cancer, brain tumors, holes in the brain and all sorts of other diseases.

    And where's the bodies? You'd think the streets would be littered with brain-rotted corpses.

    You don't have those where you live? Every time I step out my front door, I trip over a brain-rotted corpse!

  • juicygurl1
    juicygurl1 Posts: 195 Member
    I like diet soda in evenings when my husband has a cocktails. I gave up drinking alcohol to loose weight and I refuse to give up everything. I make sure I drink 4 32 ounce containers of water a day and one 12 ounce sprite zero when the sun goes down. if i get fat because of this Oh well i tried.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I scanned the other comments and only saw a couple of people mention the artificial sweeteners. Do you know how insanely bad and dangerous aspartame, sucralose, splenda, sweet n low, etc. is for you?? It has been proven to cause cancer, brain tumors, holes in the brain and all sorts of other diseases. Please just give it up. There is nothing at all that your body needs in soda. Water, water, water.

    I have to disagree... Aspartame has been around in many of our foods for decades now. The ADI (Acceptable Daily Intake) for aspartame (which is 50 milligrams per kilogram of body weight), an average adult would have to consume about 20 cans of diet soft drink, or 42 servings of sugar-free gelatin,or 97 packets of an aspartame-containing tabletop sweetener each day—which is obviously not likely. The main make up of Aspartame is Phenylalanine, Aspartic Acid, and Methanol in that order. A 12 oz. can of diet soda contains (Phenylalanine 90mg, Aspartic Acid 72mg and Methanol 18mg) in comparison a 3 oz. Chicken Breast has (Phenylalanine 1,059mg, Aspartic Acid 2,377mg and Methanol 0mg) knowing this will you stop eating chicken (that is if you currently are??) No disrespect but diet soda gets more of a knock than other foods we probably consume more of that contains a lot more aspartame... I just don't see the risk....
  • Last summer I started drinking diet soda on a semi-regular basis (every few days I'll have a can or two) and I haven't died yet. I've never had any health problems or weight gain with artificial sweetener, and I use a lot of it (diet soda, sugar-free everything, I have stevia at home but if I get coffee somewhere I use 2+ packets of splenda). It really depends on the person, I guess.
  • mandyl1242
    mandyl1242 Posts: 23 Member
    I don't care if you believe me or not. All you have to do is google it. I'm not doing your research for you. It's an extremely dangerous carcinogen. My cardio thoracic surgeon father never allowed us to have it and I don't allow my daughters to have it. Don't be so naive to think that everything on the market is okay for you.
  • Leeanne1974
    Leeanne1974 Posts: 207 Member
    ^^ I didn't realise that, I will be looking into that. Thank you x

    I drink loads of Asda (walmart) diet cherry coke. About a litre a day....