Diet Soda Opinions?



  • I scanned the other comments and only saw a couple of people mention the artificial sweeteners. Do you know how insanely bad and dangerous aspartame, sucralose, splenda, sweet n low, etc. is for you?? It has been proven to cause cancer, brain tumors, holes in the brain and all sorts of other diseases. Please just give it up. There is nothing at all that your body needs in soda. Water, water, water.

    I have to disagree... Aspartame has been around in many of our foods for decades now. The ADI (Acceptable Daily Intake) for aspartame (which is 50 milligrams per kilogram of body weight), an average adult would have to consume about 20 cans of diet soft drink, or 42 servings of sugar-free gelatin,or 97 packets of an aspartame-containing tabletop sweetener each day—which is obviously not likely. The main make up of Aspartame is Phenylalanine, Aspartic Acid, and Methanol in that order. A 12 oz. can of diet soda contains (Phenylalanine 90mg, Aspartic Acid 72mg and Methanol 18mg) in comparison a 3 oz. Chicken Breast has (Phenylalanine 1,059mg, Aspartic Acid 2,377mg and Methanol 0mg) knowing this will you stop eating chicken (that is if you currently are??) No disrespect but diet soda gets more of a knock than other foods we probably consume more of that contains a lot more aspartame... I just don't see the risk....

    Look at this link...

    Sucralose, the sweetening agent in Splenda, is in fact made from sugar (sucrose). However, what the ads don't go on to say is that chemists then add three chlorine molecules to these sugar molecules to create the final product.

    Studies have revealed that sucralose can cause:
    •Shrinking of the thymus glands
    •Enlarged liver and kidneys
    •Atrophy of lymph follicles in the spleen and thymus
    •Reduced growth rate
    •Decreased red blood cell count
    If these findings concern you, read on, because aspartame may be even worse. Results of multiple studies, complaints and testimonies have revealed that aspartame plays a role in some of todays major health problems.

    Aspartame can trigger or worsen the following diseases:
    •Multiple sclerosis
    •Chronic fatigue syndrome
    •Parkinson’s disease
    •Alzheimer’s disease
    •Mental retardation
    •Birth defects
    The bottom line is that both of these substances can poison your body. Deciding to start or continue drinking either one of them would simply be a major movement toward the development of chronic disease.
  • I am addicted to La Croix. No sodium, calories or anything artificial. Soda may be calorie free, but it is full of chemicals that are proven to harm your body. The artificial sweeteners trick your body and cause all kinds of trouble. Ya know, things like cancer...

    If you don't like the unsweetened La Croix, you can also try Zevia. It's sweetened with Stevia (natural sweetener) It's not cheap, but it will help you get your cravings under control without killing yourself.

    It's completely up to you, but you might want to kick the habit 100%. It's just full of crap!

    Good luck!
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Water. Or get yourself a sodastream & then put some fresh squeezed fruit juice in it, makes a nice little fizzy drink with 0 sugar (well not enough to count)
  • I scanned the other comments and only saw a couple of people mention the artificial sweeteners. Do you know how insanely bad and dangerous aspartame, sucralose, splenda, sweet n low, etc. is for you?? It has been proven to cause cancer, brain tumors, holes in the brain and all sorts of other diseases. Please just give it up. There is nothing at all that your body needs in soda. Water, water, water.

    I have to disagree... Aspartame has been around in many of our foods for decades now. The ADI (Acceptable Daily Intake) for aspartame (which is 50 milligrams per kilogram of body weight), an average adult would have to consume about 20 cans of diet soft drink, or 42 servings of sugar-free gelatin,or 97 packets of an aspartame-containing tabletop sweetener each day—which is obviously not likely. The main make up of Aspartame is Phenylalanine, Aspartic Acid, and Methanol in that order. A 12 oz. can of diet soda contains (Phenylalanine 90mg, Aspartic Acid 72mg and Methanol 18mg) in comparison a 3 oz. Chicken Breast has (Phenylalanine 1,059mg, Aspartic Acid 2,377mg and Methanol 0mg) knowing this will you stop eating chicken (that is if you currently are??) No disrespect but diet soda gets more of a knock than other foods we probably consume more of that contains a lot more aspartame... I just don't see the risk....

    Look at this link...

    Sucralose, the sweetening agent in Splenda, is in fact made from sugar (sucrose). However, what the ads don't go on to say is that chemists then add three chlorine molecules to these sugar molecules to create the final product.

    Studies have revealed that sucralose can cause:
    •Shrinking of the thymus glands
    •Enlarged liver and kidneys
    •Atrophy of lymph follicles in the spleen and thymus
    •Reduced growth rate
    •Decreased red blood cell count
    If these findings concern you, read on, because aspartame may be even worse. Results of multiple studies, complaints and testimonies have revealed that aspartame plays a role in some of todays major health problems.

    Aspartame can trigger or worsen the following diseases:
    •Multiple sclerosis
    •Chronic fatigue syndrome
    •Parkinson’s disease
    •Alzheimer’s disease
    •Mental retardation
    •Birth defects
    The bottom line is that both of these substances can poison your body. Deciding to start or continue drinking either one of them would simply be a major movement toward the development of chronic disease.

    And This. For Sure.
  • ASDavis72
    ASDavis72 Posts: 77 Member
    I have to agree with this post from Mandyl1242.

    "I don't care if you believe me or not. All you have to do is google it. I'm not doing your research for you. It's an extremely dangerous carcinogen. My cardio thoracic surgeon father never allowed us to have it and I don't allow my daughters to have it. Don't be so naive to think that everything on the market is okay for you."
  • Jaloth
    Jaloth Posts: 28
    Go the health food store ans find pop there it is healthier for you!!!
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Any food or beverage that has an ingredient with the word "artificial" in front of it is not consumed by anyone in my household. Especially artificial sweeteners. If it's made in a lab, it's not ideal for human consumption. We evolved eating natural, whole foods. Stick to those and your body will thank you. Drink water, and if you need something else, try brewed loose leaf teas.
  • mandyl1242
    mandyl1242 Posts: 23 Member
    Just read everything. It's funny I came across this discussion because I picked up a case of capri sun waters, WATERS, for my daughters lunches and it has aspartame in it. I was so disgusted. So, we ended up with Apple & Eve juice and mini bottles of water. It's disgusting that this country allows it to stay on the market when so many countries have banned it.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I don't care if you believe me or not. All you have to do is google it. I'm not doing your research for you. It's an extremely dangerous carcinogen. My cardio thoracic surgeon father never allowed us to have it and I don't allow my daughters to have it. Don't be so naive to think that everything on the market is okay for you.

    Nothing wrong with not ingesting it, but my pediatrician grandmother, my friend's neo-natal cardiologist father, my countless close friends and relatives in the nursing field and my RD aunt don't have a problem with it.

    I could name more, if you'd like. Almost everyone I know is in the medical field.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,174 Member
    I drink a few diet ginger ale's a week. I see no problems with my weight loss as a result.
  • maremare312
    maremare312 Posts: 1,143 Member
    I scanned the other comments and only saw a couple of people mention the artificial sweeteners. Do you know how insanely bad and dangerous aspartame, sucralose, splenda, sweet n low, etc. is for you?? It has been proven to cause cancer, brain tumors, holes in the brain and all sorts of other diseases. Please just give it up. There is nothing at all that your body needs in soda. Water, water, water.

    Sources for it being proven to provide cancer in humans?
  • RainHoward
    RainHoward Posts: 1,599 Member
    I found that once I stopped drinking soda I really lost the taste for it. I never consumed it on a daily basis like many people I've known, but I did drink my share. Now, after not drinking it for quite some time except on rare occasions, I find it's like drinking syrup or sugar water and I really dislike it. I also can't help but look at it like a can of chemicals.

    There are plenty of alternatives you can drink the question is, do you want to make that change? It's just like quitting any other habit, if you want to do it, you can.

    Anything can make you gain weight if you consume enough of it. How many sodas do you drink in one day?
  • CarmenSandiegoInVA
    CarmenSandiegoInVA Posts: 235 Member
    yes diet soda can cause you to gain weight. the artificial sweeteners cause your blood sugar to rise like real sugar without the calories and, hence causing it to plummet and screwing with your metabolism. Also, artificial sweeteners cause you to hold onto your body fat. And think about the people who drink diet soda. most of them are very overweight. And also, they have done studies that prove that artificial sweeteners make you crave carbs more and more.
  • A recent compilation of evidence from one of the large, long-term nutritional studies shows a 16% increase in stroke risk for people with a one-a-day soda habit.....doesn't matter if it's regular or diet. I'll stick with my water, coffee, and green tea!
  • ASDavis72
    ASDavis72 Posts: 77 Member
    A recent compilation of evidence from one of the large, long-term nutritional studies shows a 16% increase in stroke risk for people with a one-a-day soda habit.....doesn't matter if it's regular or diet. I'll stick with my water, coffee, and green tea!

    I like this quote from Lillysgranny.
  • pseel42
    pseel42 Posts: 82 Member
    I agree with everyone else about drinking water, however, I drink Coke Zero every once in a while and I don't think it's that bad.

    Just start cutting back and don't drink it everyday. That might help.

  • Leeanne1974
    Leeanne1974 Posts: 207 Member
    yes diet soda can cause you to gain weight. the artificial sweeteners cause your blood sugar to rise like real sugar without the calories and, hence causing it to plummet and screwing with your metabolism. Also, artificial sweeteners cause you to hold onto your body fat. And think about the people who drink diet soda. most of them are very overweight. And also, they have done studies that prove that artificial sweeteners make you crave carbs more and more.
    Please show some evidence that "most of them are very overweight" lol.
    No one that I know who only drink diet coke etc are very overweight at all, they are all slim.
    Apart from me lol.
  • maremare312
    maremare312 Posts: 1,143 Member
    I don't care if you believe me or not. All you have to do is google it. I'm not doing your research for you. It's an extremely dangerous carcinogen. My cardio thoracic surgeon father never allowed us to have it and I don't allow my daughters to have it. Don't be so naive to think that everything on the market is okay for you.

    It's not about you "doing our research for us," it's about backing up your claims when you make them. If you can't prove it, then nobody is going to care what you're blabbing about. Have you ever been in school? You have to back up what you say with sources, and good ones at that.