Diet Soda Opinions?



  • mandyl1242
    mandyl1242 Posts: 23 Member
    I don't care if you believe me or not. All you have to do is google it. I'm not doing your research for you. It's an extremely dangerous carcinogen. My cardio thoracic surgeon father never allowed us to have it and I don't allow my daughters to have it. Don't be so naive to think that everything on the market is okay for you.

    It's not about you "doing our research for us," it's about backing up your claims when you make them. If you can't prove it, then nobody is going to care what you're blabbing about. Have you ever been in school? You have to back up what you say with sources, and good ones at that.

    Whoa, First off I'm not "blabbing". These are facts, look them up. Read. I posted a few websites, you are welcome to check them out. Secondly, I don't care if you believe what I am saying is true. I believe the title of this thread was "Diet soda opinions". That was my opinion. I'm not here to post every website google brings up. Go ahead and check them out, maybe you will learn something. Stop trying to be insulting.

    The burden of proof is on you when you tell people not do something for such and such a reason. I don't even drink diet soda, and don't care one way or the other about artificial sweeteners, your attitude is just terrible. If you tell people to do something, you need to back up. And yeah, it is blabbing to me.

    We're gonna die from diet soda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! blab!

    She did back up it with a whole bunch of links!!!!
    Thanks :wink:
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member

    And the only one from a reputable source is the "" one, which is a letter to the editor.

    The rest are propaganda sites.

    I wouldn't take a site called "sweet poison" or "aspartame kills" as an unbiased source any more than I'd go to Diet Coke's website for research.

    It's like going to a website called "a pitbull ate my baby" to find out if pits are really dangerous dogs or if the media hype is just hype.
  • maremare312
    maremare312 Posts: 1,143 Member
    My purpose is definitely not to be rude, and I'm sorry if it came across that way. Like I said, I don't care one way or the other but yes, people don't seem to understand what good sources are. Blogs, newspaper articles, etc are not good sources. Medical and government sites are better. I've still never seen any studies that seem to apply across the board to humans.
  • heretic911
    heretic911 Posts: 66 Member
    A couple of years ago I switched to flavored seltzer without sodium for a change from plain water, i know some say any carbonated beverage isn't good but I found it a fair compromise.
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    Yep, drink water.

    Definitely going to second this... I got rid of soda many moons ago and glad I did... my first 12 pounds gone was because I was addicted to soda....

    Wow, was this with Diet Sodas??

    I lost five by quitting diet soda, all diet sweeteners, and high fructose corn syrup. Diet soda has some sodium and the caramel coloring (I was a diet Coke fan) also causes water retention.

    I now start every day with a 20oz bottle of sparkling water, sometimes two, even before coffee.
  • mandyl1242
    mandyl1242 Posts: 23 Member
    Well, it's been fun. I hope everyone has a great night and good luck down the road with that yummy artificial sweetener!! :laugh:
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I don't care if you believe me or not. All you have to do is google it. I'm not doing your research for you. It's an extremely dangerous carcinogen. My cardio thoracic surgeon father never allowed us to have it and I don't allow my daughters to have it. Don't be so naive to think that everything on the market is okay for you.

    Nothing wrong with not ingesting it, but my pediatrician grandmother, my friend's neo-natal cardiologist father, my countless close friends and relatives in the nursing field and my RD aunt don't have a problem with it.

    I could name more, if you'd like. Almost everyone I know is in the medical field.

    lots of people are in the medical field, doesn't mean they're perfect. Look at all the fat doctors and nurses, or ones who smoke. Does that mean smoking is okay for you too?

    Of course not. But she used her cardiologist father to back up her opinion. I can throw a bunch of docs and nurses and RDs in there who disagree.
    Mmm, cardio thoracic, not cardiologist.....big difference. I wasn't "bragging" about him being a surgeon. I was stating what his opinions were on the matter. I happen to come from a medical family and I take their advice. Wow, people must be hungry on the thread, there's a lot of hostility.

    Where did I insult you?

    And the "people must be hungry" fat card is not appreciated nor necessary. Someone in this conversation most certainly is rude.
  • jcr85
    jcr85 Posts: 229
    I scanned the other comments and only saw a couple of people mention the artificial sweeteners. Do you know how insanely bad and dangerous aspartame, sucralose, splenda, sweet n low, etc. is for you?? It has been proven to cause cancer, brain tumors, holes in the brain and all sorts of other diseases. Please just give it up. There is nothing at all that your body needs in soda. Water, water, water.

    Yeah it has caused cancer, brain tumors, holes in the brain and all sorts of other disease in rats at like 500 times the normal amount consumed by humans.
  • SocialRopes
    SocialRopes Posts: 51 Member
    i'm no expert, but i drink diet drinks just about every day. usually twice. i did it before i lost 60 lbs and i still do it today. i did it when i was at 38% body fat, and i still do it at 17% body fat.
  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    Makes me bloat and retain water, so I steer clear from it. I'll go for carbonated water with crystal light or something. The only reason I ever "crave" soda, is because of the fizzies :) So, that works for me. Even carbonated water with lemon or something. They have flavored stuff too.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Yeah it has caused cancer, brain tumors, holes in the brain and all sorts of other disease in rats at like 500 times the normal amount consumed by humans.

    Broccoli and grapes are toxic to dogs. Better avoid those, too.
  • taurus66
    taurus66 Posts: 5 Member
    My morning routine for the last 23 years was to drink a 44oz diet coke/dr pepper every day. In January I started weaning myself off of it little by little. I noticed the headaches, bloating & constipation were gone. I miss the fizziness of the drink & to be honest I fill the cup full of ice & then the soda. It's still hard but I don't miss the side effects. I've started drinking half soda & half water when I really want it.
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    I love MFP, where a simple request for opinions turns into a full blown argument, every time. People suck.
    It's because people are rude :)

    I kind of find it amusing lol. Some threads get hilarious. Makes me want to get the popcorn, but I don't want to go over my calories for the day.
  • i completetly cut out soda from my diet since july and im LOVING it! two years ago, i would drink diet coke over and over but it doesnt taste the same as normal coke and as people have said its more unhealthy that the regular coke .. i only drink diet cherry coke now... i know i know ..its the diet one but i have it every once in a while so yeah :)
  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    i'm no expert, but i drink diet drinks just about every day. usually twice. i did it before i lost 60 lbs and i still do it today. i did it when i was at 38% body fat, and i still do it at 17% body fat.

    Same for me. My ups and downs have never been helped or harmed by my diet soda intake either way. They can pry my Diet Dr. Pepper from my cold dead hands.
  • Leeanne1974
    Leeanne1974 Posts: 207 Member
    There are some terribly rude people on the "forums" on here...
    I got "face palmed" yesterday on a thread about cavemen diets etc.... I used reputable site links, for example The British Heart Foundation site, to back up what I had to say, others were using pro-paleo sites...

    Anyway, it is so very difficult to get a totally impartial site when it comes to backing up things you say on here. It is all either for or against instead of impartial facts.
  • A recent compilation of evidence from one of the large, long-term nutritional studies shows a 16% increase in stroke risk for people with a one-a-day soda habit.....doesn't matter if it's regular or diet. I'll stick with my water, coffee, and green tea!

    Would love to see a link to this study please...... thank you

    This comes from Dr. Ann Kulze's newsetter...she does sell her books on her site, but she references peer-reviewed materials like The Journal of Clinical Nutrition and similar sources. So, while it is TRUE that correlation DOES NOT equal cause-and-effect, in most of life's endeavors I've tried to copy people who've successfully reached the place I'm headed....and I think I'd rather copy the people who didn't have a stroke :) Her website is peruse it and decide for yourself.
  • kvalmera
    kvalmera Posts: 129 Member
    I drink diet soda's and always have. I am very well hydrated and do get water in with crystal light, otherwise I cannot stomach it. Plain water has caused me to vomit at times, I really hate it!
  • To each his own. If you don't want to drink diet soda, then don't! As for myself, and others I know, they still drink it and are still losing weight. Unless you're a certified medical specialist and you have run numerous controlled tests on those people who may or may not have consumed diet sodas for a given period of time the I honestly think that most of you need to stop telling others that this one thing is the whole reason they're sabotaging what they are working so hard to achieve.

    Just because something seems to be working for you (the ones always so quick to tell he/she that if she did that/that, then the weight would start coming off again, eventually),

    IMO you all just need to give people several different plans/ideas to try instead of the plan that worked for you.

    REMEMBER: Not everything works for everyone! Just because someone tells you to do something because it worked for them, it will more than likely not work for you. (i.e. gender, height, weight, activity level, diet.)
  • adam85491
    adam85491 Posts: 12 Member
    Diet soda = 0 calories.

    You gain weight if you consume more calories than you burn.

    Zero is zero. Period. You cannot make up math to suit your opinion, math is what it is. And in the world of counting calories (which, if you're using mfp, you are), you should realize anything with 0 calories is not adding to your daily totals, and thus, does not make you gain weight.