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Lost the weight...more lonely than ever



  • treehugger215
    treehugger215 Posts: 97 Member
    Trust me, you look and sound like a really nice guy! Someone great will come along for you, and you'll be happy. I know this is what everyone says (or at least to me) but it will come when you're expecting it the least!
  • jvhall83
    jvhall83 Posts: 35
    Don't really know where to post this, but I feel like I need to tell someone.
    I've been at my target weight for quite awhile now, and being as big as I was I figured I would have gotten some more attention with my new figure and confidence. However, I've been single for such a long time, and I just don't know what to do anymore. I've tried talking to women at work, bars, online dating, whatever, and yet I haven't been on a date in 9 months.

    I'm just getting really lonely. I feel great physically and I am confident, but I still can't find someone to even get coffee with. It's wearing on me mentally and I don't know where to go or what to do.

    I understand you dude. Its a part of the process. Do what you can to focus on you. Focus on your career, life goals, and the right woman will come along. Trust me, you definitely dont wanna end up with just anyone and then you are unhappy. Spend time finding yourself and figure out what you like. Go to those type of locations and mingle. But most of all, focus on you. You are young and take the time to get yourself established and work on being patient. Online dating can be very interesting, I actually found my wife online. But it takes patience my friend and knowing what you want. Keep your head up though.
  • LittleNicci
    LittleNicci Posts: 284 Member
    It will happen when you least expect it. I know everyone says that but it's true.

    I finally gave up "looking" said "God, it's up to you, bring me a good man and I'll love him forever like never before"

    Focused on me, got things right for the most part. The last thing I was worried about was my weight, I was more concerned with having a job, a roof over my head, food for me and my dog, a car and a new lease on life. (Working on the weight thing now though!)

    Then I met my bf and everything I had worked for really fell into place so to speak. Now, I couldn't happier :-)

    Really, just trust and know that someday it'll happen cus it will :-)
  • zumba89
    zumba89 Posts: 82
    I know how you feel. I found that keep on felling good about yourself and that one luck lady will come. It sucks because it takes forever to found that right person but she will come.
  • weight loss is not a cure all to life's problems.
  • zgochenour
    zgochenour Posts: 67 Member
    Don't do that - you'll just come across as desperate.

    I think this is an unnecessary complication. He need not come across as "desperate" (although note that the OP actually is desperate, as stated) if he follows common sense tips: don't ask the same woman multiple times, don't ask multiple women in front of each other. If the third woman says yes, don't breathe a sigh of relief and say "Good, you were the third I asked today and I was about to meet my goal!"

    There are some key corollaries to the this approach I suggested once you consider the above: if you've already asked the women you know who you are interested in, and they have declined, you need to meet new women. If you still struggle to meet your goal, you need to meet new women at a faster pace. This is where some of the good ideas that other posters have suggested come into play: get new hobbies, find new places, etc.

    Maybe 3 isn't the right number, maybe it's 2, or .5. Just as we set calorie goals for weight loss rather than just winging it, setting goals can be useful. It is easy to say "but I've asked so many girls" and come to find out, the number of times you've actually asked is quite small. Often, we think we are trying quite hard but when quantified we find we are not actually trying very hard. Of course, ymmv.
  • SweetCheekszx0
    SweetCheekszx0 Posts: 478 Member
    Awe your adorable.. Word from the wise from a young woman's perspective. Find humor in your weaknesses and use to it to make her smile while being bold at the same time. It'll give u self confidence as well as make you more relatable and down to earth. ❤
  • zgochenour
    zgochenour Posts: 67 Member
    It will happen when you least expect it.

    This is a sophism. Unless you are especially autistic, you should be able to pick up on signals which indicate when it is likely or unlikely. The most likely time for it to happen will be the time when you suspect it is most likely. That is not to say that it will definitely happen then; low probability events do happen.

    Ultimately, this type of thinking leads to low effort. After all, when are you less likely to expect finding someone than when you aren't investing any effort into finding someone? I think that folks' confidence in this line of thinking is sort of like "a watched pot never boils" -- if you are consciously focused on finding a mate, it may seem to be taking a long time. But unlike the boiling teapot, the time and effort you put into this task can markedly improve your chances, and there's no guarantee that anything will happen at all if you do nothing.
  • emdf7a
    emdf7a Posts: 36
    I met my wife of 10 years outta the clear blue. Like alot of people say, it'll happen when the right person comes along. Keep your head held high. It sucks now but the reward is worth it. Good luck!
  • surfteam1689
    surfteam1689 Posts: 73 Member
    If it's wearing on you mentally, maybe you need to work on your inner man? Suck it up, dude! That doesn't mean be a jerk to people, but just don't be a whiner. Women don't like that - and they can smell that a mile away!
  • T34418l3angel
    T34418l3angel Posts: 474 Member
    Your young and very attractive! Enjoy life! Your at your prime, live life and the rest will fall into place. I'm sure there are ALOT of women who would love to date you. just keep flashing that dazzling smile and someone will come along when you least expect it! In the mean time have fun and know you have plenty of friends here on mfp :D
  • RunMyOregonBunsOff
    RunMyOregonBunsOff Posts: 862 Member
    Just get out there and keep yourself bussy doing the things that you love or finding new adventures. I'm sure that it won't take too long before you hit it off with some girl that is into the same things that you are...unless that you are into something like bikini waxing sumo wrestlers.
  • Tsrwalker
    Tsrwalker Posts: 164 Member
    I agree with a lot of the posts on here. It is about being active doing the stuff that makes you happy. So if you go to the gym and you constantly see the same girl in there maybe say hi one day or try to start a conversation. Getting out and about where there is a possibility of meeting someone helps. When you are busy with your own hobbies or seem confident (not cocky) it will make people want to get to know you. You seem cute and yeah it can be frustrating but the worst that can happen is the girl says no and if she does then she wasn't meant for you. There are plenty of girls out there...don't give up. There is probably a girl in the same situation as you right now.
  • CollegiateGrief
    CollegiateGrief Posts: 552 Member
    It will happen when you least expect it.

    This is a sophism. Unless you are especially autistic, you should be able to pick up on signals which indicate when it is likely or unlikely. The most likely time for it to happen will be the time when you suspect it is most likely. That is not to say that it will definitely happen then; low probability events do happen.

    Ultimately, this type of thinking leads to low effort. After all, when are you less likely to expect finding someone than when you aren't investing any effort into finding someone? I think that folks' confidence in this line of thinking is sort of like "a watched pot never boils" -- if you are consciously focused on finding a mate, it may seem to be taking a long time. But unlike the boiling teapot, the time and effort you put into this task can markedly improve your chances, and there's no guarantee that anything will happen at all if you do nothing.

    You are the only person in this thread who makes sense. Thank you for being rational and actually offering practical advice to the world.
  • laurenkeh
    laurenkeh Posts: 15 Member
    I agree with a lot of the posts on here. It is about being active doing the stuff that makes you happy. So if you go to the gym and you constantly see the same girl in there maybe say hi one day or try to start a conversation. Getting out and about where there is a possibility of meeting someone helps. When you are busy with your own hobbies or seem confident (not cocky) it will make people want to get to know you. You seem cute and yeah it can be frustrating but the worst that can happen is the girl says no and if she does then she wasn't meant for you. There are plenty of girls out there...don't give up. There is probably a girl in the same situation as you right now.

    Agree ^^

    Also I've heard of a few "singles boot camp" classes, maybe google to see if there's anything in your area?
  • sarahmoo12
    sarahmoo12 Posts: 756 Member
    Dont know why!! Snooped at your pics your hot lol !
  • TheLongRunner
    TheLongRunner Posts: 688 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome to my world!

    One thing I have noticed that as I lost weight, more people have said..."when are you going to start dating?" so it is almost like there is an increased pressure to get out there and meet someone now that I have a new figure.

    Although I am in no better of a situation than you are, I suggest that you get out there and join a fitness related club or class. I always scope out the guys in my fitness classes...lol. I have felt so much more connected now that I have joined the Y and I workout with people in classes. I may not be dating but at least I feel connected to other people through the classes which has really helped to ease the increasing sense of loneliness I was feeling.
    :wink: Good luck!
  • Don't really know where to post this, but I feel like I need to tell someone.
    I've been at my target weight for quite awhile now, and being as big as I was I figured I would have gotten some more attention with my new figure and confidence. However, I've been single for such a long time, and I just don't know what to do anymore. I've tried talking to women at work, bars, online dating, whatever, and yet I haven't been on a date in 9 months.

    I'm just getting really lonely. I feel great physically and I am confident, but I still can't find someone to even get coffee with. It's wearing on me mentally and I don't know where to go or what to do.
    Oh wow you look like a hottie & to be honest, if only I live there, I would definitely wouldn't think twice in getting to know you.

    Anyway like the others here have said, don't equate losing weight to instantly winning a date. Those two are absolutely not related. First of all, think of the other worthwhile things you now have such as improved health, endurance, strength etc. Second is that do other things that makes you happy & as we all know, cheerful people attract more attention. I also agree with the one who said that it should raise a concern if suddenly you're getting attention from women after you lost the weight since that would mean they're only interested in you physically & once you gain weight, they will leave you at that.

    Love can wait. I think you're still young, please enjoy your youth & singleness and take advantage of everything while you can. Remember life is too short & we only live once.
  • Whitezombiegirl
    Whitezombiegirl Posts: 1,042 Member
    This mght sound like an obvious thing but- are you actually ASKING girls on dates or for coffee or just assuming it would happen in the course of gettign to know them. I only bring it up as i knew a good looking lad like yourself who never went on dates. He talked to plenty of girls and was well liked but never got a date. It wasn't until I pointed out that he hadn't actually ASKED anybody out that it clicked with him.

    He did ask someone out for a drink, making it clear it wasn't just 'as friends' and has had tonnes of dates since.
  • maybe your problem is that you are thinking to much about it. us girls feel the pressure you have so relax and just have fun. when you are not looking is when everything happens