All u 5'3" ladies out there



  • Missyelliotfan33
    Missyelliotfan33 Posts: 65 Member
    Im 5'3

    CW-159 GW- Between 130-135

    I actually weighed 140 in highschool I am built very athletic so I have a lot of muscle. So My first goal will be to get to 140 and then after that see how I feel and how loosing another 10lbs will go. I have a feeling once I get to 140 I will want to keep going. I like to have my calories at 1200 after working out.

    I actually have decided to stop weighing myself weekly cause it messes with my positivity since muscle weighs more then fat I am not seeing the numbers I think I should be seeing.

    Good Luck to everyone trying to reach their goals! Keep going!
  • I've set my goal weight at 119 at the moment. I think that's a healthy goal. I'm currently 131.5 with a bit of a belly lol. I'm sure it's stretched out from when I was pregnant! It just doesn't want to go down at all! Not giving up, though I'm looking more at toning up now.
  • jilphi
    jilphi Posts: 8 Member
    I'm 5'2" , medium boned and currently weigh 134. Even when I am eating really well, It is almost impossible for me to get below 126 or so. I can't even imagine getting below 120. The lowest I've been since having kids is about 123 but that was A LOT of work! I find the weight comes off sooo....agonizingly.... slow. Almost 39 and definitely finding it a lot harder as I get older. Interesting to hear what others are eating and trying to accomplish. Anyone who wants to add me, please do. I find it interesting to see what people are eating who profile similarly to me. As an aside, I have a bodyfit media (similar to body bugg) and it is calculating my typical daily calorie burn to be around 21-2300 and I eat about 1500.
  • birdieaz
    birdieaz Posts: 448 Member
    How many calories per day are you all eating?

    I'm set for 1650 cal but will cycle that between 1450-1900 depending on activity.

    Edit: I'm 5"2.5 and 120lbs. Goal weight 110-115lbs, focusing more on BF% than scale, currently 24% and want to get that to 20-21%.
  • Honestly, It just depends on how much muscle you have. I am 145 and 5'3 and I don't look fat at all. I do have a lot of muscle thouh. When you get to your goal weight don't stop what your doing just keep going.
  • Im 5'5 and the healthy goal weight for heights 5'2 to 5"5 is 130.
  • ems1583
    ems1583 Posts: 150 Member
    I'm 5'3.5" started at 153 lbs, currently 125.2 ultimate goal is 120 lbs, but if on that weight and my thighs & calves are still not what I wanted to be, might lower it to 115 to 118 lbs.
  • shmunster
    shmunster Posts: 538 Member
    Awesome loss!

    I'm 5'3 and currently 127 which I'm pretty happy with, everything except the belly, but I think a fair bit of the belly is loose skin so losing more weight won't help that, and I'm working on forming everything up!

    I eat around 1700-1800 and eat most of my exercise cals, I dont worry about day to day totals, I just make sure my whole week is around what it should be
  • GreyV
    GreyV Posts: 60
    I'm 5'3" and currently 210lbs. My ultimate goal is 142 as that was my 'happy' weight and a comfy UK size 10. I've got a long way to go and I'm only in my first week but I feel positive. I really need friends on here who can offer support and tips so please feel free to add me. Good luck to all :o)
  • FunSize2009
    FunSize2009 Posts: 7 Member
    Good for you! Aren't the last few pounds just so incredibly hard? What's your method of madness? Is it just good ol' diet and exercise?
  • nlwilliamson
    nlwilliamson Posts: 225 Member
    I've not ever been smaller than I am today at my current weight (169.8), I was shooting for around 150, but we will see, untill I get there I don't really know. I'm going more by how I feel and look rather than the number on the scale, but I think it will be in the 140-130 range based on where I am now, and where I want to be
  • I'm 5'3 - currently 174lb and aiming for 135lb.

    I have an underactive thyroid (for over a decade) - but I've always been rubbish with taking my meds. So i'm getting back on it and taking them daily and religiously.

    Any other ladies in the same boat?

    Also - I eat 1000 calories a day. My reasoning - I have a slow metabolism due to the hypothyroidism, I've tried eating 1200 and I've gained weight ... seriously. So now I eat 1000 and exercise 3-5 times a week for an hour a time.

    I have a 6 month target - my 30th birthday.
  • FunSize2009
    FunSize2009 Posts: 7 Member
    "I am 5'3" and weigh 136 currently. Down from 173 in November 2011. So I am thinking my goal weight is 130-133. Does this sound good?? What is your goal weight being same height as me?? Thanks!"

    I once heard the general rule was for a woman 5 feet tall, 100 pounds is good and then 5lbs for every inch after that. So a 5'3" woman would shoot for 115lbs. I read a lot of posts and didn't come across this "myth" at all so I guess I'm showing my age! Ugh!

    Now, going by this rule, and since I'm only 4'10", I'm not sure I like this rule! :-) I'd have to lose 30 more lbs to be at 90lbs! Yikes! But like everyone else is saying, I guess just how I feel about myself is a good measurement.
  • kinzytg
    kinzytg Posts: 42
    I am 5'3" and started at 201 and am now at 132. I gave myself a year, and beat my original goal of 140. I am focused now on fitness and maintenance, and I am going to try and get to a place over the next year where I am not above 130 again, but not an absolute set weight, way to much fluctuation day to day for that! I am 50, so I think I will be happy to just stay around where I am!
  • indygal76
    indygal76 Posts: 283 Member
    I'm 5'3 and currently weigh 134. My goal weight is 125. I may not reach it, so I will be okay with the 130s to maintain.
  • 130-145 is a healthy weight, according to my doctor. My goal is 140 as of for now still plugging away.
  • Jemmuno
    Jemmuno Posts: 413 Member
    I'm the same as you, my highest weight was 180, my last weigh-in was 173 and I would like to get down to 130. However, my main goal isn't particularyly the number as much as it's getting a flat stomach and thighs that don't jiggle.
  • Thats great I was at 203 an now im at 191 taking a long time but I know ill get there!. Great job on your weight loss!
  • What more important is your BMI you want that in a healthy range!
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    I'm currently 136, aiming for 130 but my body fat percentage is a more important factor for me right now. :)