

  • GaveUp
    GaveUp Posts: 308
    search "Foam Roller" and "Rehabilitation", "Regeneration" and "Flexibility" exercises here :

    or look for video clips of these same exercises at

    Thank you I will check them out
  • GaveUp
    GaveUp Posts: 308
    Please don't work that muscle until it's healed. If you do more damage, it'll just take longer. You could try to sit in Epsom Salt baths and taking Advil when you wake up, and icing after your day at work... but wait a few weeks to let it heal before trying to exercise again. The most I'd ever consider doing, if I pulled mine, is a really gentle massage.

    Ok, I will take your advice and stop trying. I was going slow but still feeling pain. Thank you!
  • GaveUp
    GaveUp Posts: 308
    if it is a pulled muscle the only thing that really helps is time. really not much you can do to hurry it along, just take it easy.

    Thank you :(
  • msdivinedc
    I pulled my groin muscle last year and waited a couple of weeks to have it treated (and competed in 2 triathlons even though it hurt I just made sure to wrap it up). That was not smart. After my races I continued to seek treatment then stopped. It seemed to be better but after a few months it returned. I have been in pt since March and did 3 triathlons because the PT really helped but now that I'm done with my races it hurts. I go to PT every other week and just swim and cycle now. Has anyone else done this and how much longer did it take to heal.

    I'm going to have to have foot surgery at the end of the year and I suppose that because I will be sedentary as a result for a while that may do the trick. But this seems to be chronic now ;( .
  • samblanken
    samblanken Posts: 369 Member
    I thought I had done that, turns out I had a groin hernia. So if it doesn't get better get yourself to a doctor.
  • hooperkay
    hooperkay Posts: 463 Member
    ouch. Sorry Lori those hurt!!!

    If it hurts when sitting, standing, or wakes you at night then it might be torn and require medical attention. There has to be a community hospital within 200 miles of you. They will see you and based on income it will probably be free.
    Treatment for groin pulls is ice for 1st 48 hours. After that you need to rest it. You can tear the muscle that may require surgery to fix. Mild stretching-- if it hurts stop!! Heat can be used before stretches to help loosen muscle. Then ice after stretching. Advil or ibuprofen taken AROUND THE CLOCK (dose based on bottle recommendations for weight.). Take it whether you hurt or not for at least 5-7 days. It's an anti-inflammatory and will help with swelling. I am an RN on a trauma unit and see all kinds of injuries. This is what the docs order for groin pulls. I would lay off machines until it doesn't hurt at all. Like I said before, you can rip muscle and may have to have surgery. HTH Beth
  • roodledoodle
    I pulled my groin muscle a couple of years ago, at first it was a little bit of pain and I stupidly thought I could work through it but by doing that I made it a whole lot worse and definitely paid the price of ignoring the twinge. I couldn't do anything for about 8 weeks - not even walk the dogs (hubby had to do that).

    From my experience, the best thing you can do is to rest it as much as you can, I personally wouldn't even be doing the walking at 2mph, it could take even longer to repair.

    I know it's frustrating because you're thinking it will hold up your weight loss/goals but if you don't give it the time it needs you will end up having to take even more time off your exercise routine. Just be patient and stick to your calorie allowance for the day and you will be fine.

    I really hope it heals soon for you as it is extremely painful :flowerforyou:
  • Glovesave3373
    Glovesave3373 Posts: 92 Member
    As a hockey goalie this is in my life way to much... at least once or twice a year.... as someone stated earlier you need to determine what grade and is it a pull or tear. If you have pooled up blood and or black in blue in the groin area then you tore the groin and that will take much longer time to recover and will need lots of rest and hot/cold therapy. Yes I said hot. Many people think only ice, however when you have a torn muscle hot/warm therapy also helps to bring more blood to the area in order to aid in the healing process. The ice is good immediately to help reduce swelling, but warm therapy is better for later when recovery phase is taking place. Agreed a good tight thigh support wrap is also recommended. I strained my groin a week and half ago and even though i took it easy for a few days I could still feel it when I picked up my daughter or son. However with the proper therapy and wrap support I was on the ice in 7 days.

    Good luck with the groin and remember as several people have said... rest rest rest... and you can still do cardio in other forms like the arm-a-tron or swimming.
  • Devona14
    Devona14 Posts: 171
    I think I may have a pulled groin muscle also. For a couple of weeks now, after running my leg feels very weak almost like it's going to give out and I have pain in the area where my leg meets my torso. It gets some better with rest and OTC anti-inflammatories, but I do still have a little pain/limping.

    I'm scheduled to run my first 5K this Saturday. What do you guys suggest?
  • My 9 year old pulled this muscle 2 weeks ago. He's barely been at school because it's so painful to sit up for too long. Any suggestions?