Women who are around 5,5 What is your goal?



  • 2hobbit1
    2hobbit1 Posts: 820 Member
    I'm 5' 5 3/4" and am aiming for 148 lb. Take a look at this link

    happy weight


    body frame size


    It gives me the weight that I always have trouble getting and staying below.

    One thing to consider is not a weight goal but a body fat % goal. If you do strength training with your activities you will get lean and toned looking. I've been stuck at the same weight for about 1 month but in the same time frame I have lost inches off waist, butt and thighs and can fit back into clothes from years ago!
    Kettlebells kick butt!
  • bonboncito
    bonboncito Posts: 210 Member
    Ahhh I have not read all the post since I'm at work. But my goal is to be at 125. or to weight less than the last time I lost weight which was 139.
  • I just started and I have to agree, this is something you are doing for yourself and as you loose the weight you will be able to judge for yourself. Also judge by how you feel. I am 5,5 and want to get to 140 but if I can get into a size 10 at 150, so be it. I want to be healthy and look healthy.
  • I'm 5'5, 28 years old, an RN and currently weigh 145.5. When I started losing weight at 210lbs I set my goal at 150. Once I got there I saw how much fat I was still carrying in my belly and thighs and set a new goal for 125-135...as I've started doing more strength exercises I've started caring less about that dream number and more about total nutrition, toning up and getting stronger. Everyones body is different- just keep going until you feel good about YOU!
  • I'm 5'6" and I'm striving to be around 120-130 lbs. But I'm focusing more on inches and feeling better. :)
  • kayeung
    kayeung Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 5"5 and I would love to focus on getting to 125lb.
    But as long as you feel you're happy at whatever you're at. It's not what the scale says but how you feel.
  • I am 5'6", and my goal is around 150-155. Depends on your age and your build. I have friends that are taller than me by 3 inches, but are built like rails. I have hips, and an actual figure. In my best shape I was around 155 and looked skinny. I have recently been to the doctor for a physical and was told between 135-155 depending on age and body structure. I started about the same weight that you are now at, and I take it a few lbs at a time. Shoot for short goals at a time, makes them seem more achievable. :)
  • gramacanada
    gramacanada Posts: 557 Member
    Between 130- 145. I don't tell anyone what my end goal is. Most people react exactly like your Mom did. It's hard to picture what you might look like. Just lose until you feel comfortable. What would happen if you set your heart on a certain weight and could never get there? Would that ruin the whole thing for you? I set an I'll see goal. I'll see ... how long it takes. I'll see ... what it looks like. I'll see ... how I feel. I'll just see... I Me No One Else. In the meantime I'll just look for support. and no one needs too know my actual number. It saves me a lot of explaining and arguing. :tongue: :smile:
  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    I'm 5'5" and I have a very small body frame. I'm 126lb at the moment, and I don't look thin. I don't look fat either - I just look regular sized. In fact, according to that link that 2hobbit1 posted, I am at my exact 'happy weight'! But I do have a bit of excess flab around my upper arms, thighs, bum and tummy, so I'm looking to lose a bit more weight - although really if I stayed the same weight, but replaced the flab with muscle, I'd be fine with that. My goal is more to achieve what is best for my body, so it's hard to have a fixed weight goal - I prefer to aim for optimum health and energy, although of course that is hard to measure. But it's more meaningful to me than a number on a scale.

    I've been quite a bit lighter - I was 110lb when I was 20, and I looked thin, but I felt healthy. And I didn't look unhealthy - my bones weren't poking out as they would be in someone with a bigger body frame. However, in retrospect, I'd have been even healthier with more muscle, because I've always had weak muscle tone.

    I've also been heavier than I am now - my heaviest has been 145lb, which according to BMI scales is not overweight, but health-wise, I felt lethargic and uncomfortable at that size. I got to that size from having a period in my life when I was doing no exercise and eating a lot of junk food, so for me it was not a healthily-gained size. But for other people of my height, with a different body frame, that weight might be perfect. I would never recommend to another person what weight they should be, because each person is different - each person has a unique body with unique norms, and I believe it's about finding what is best for you. When you reach 145lb, you can re-evaluate how you feel.

    According to the BMI charts, 145lb and 130lb are both within the healthy range for being 5'5". In fact, anything from 111lb to 149lb is considered healthy, BMI-wise. But each person will have a certain optimum weight within that range, and it will be different for everyone.
  • shani251
    shani251 Posts: 145 Member
    i'm 5'5" and my goal weight is 130 - i have .2 lbs to go. :)

    For me, i think it's a good weight - my top and bottom don't match though - my upper body looks really thin and my lower body is kinda soft but getting better. my plan is to keep toning and lots of cycling and things should even out.
    All in all i'm pretty happy where i am, no muffin top, no unsightly bulges :laugh: but i have promised myself that someday my legs won't jiggle when i walk. we're definitely getting close :happy:
  • floridaboater
    floridaboater Posts: 20 Member
    It's the weight you feel most confident in! I am 5.5 and hovered at 130-140 for years...I felt fine. I then had twins and 8 years later weigh around 123. I would love to be 118 but it is great dedication and it takes a great deal of effort to stay under 125...you just have to find your "happy weight" and enjoy life!
  • I'm 5'6", my goal is 150lbs to be healthy and 140-145 to look fit and slim. :) I have a very wide ribcage so to lose any more then that I know that I would look just a little bit weird. It's all about what your body time is like. :)

    Ps. My profile picture is from when I was at my best weight (155lbs). I'm trying to achive that again and then some. :)
  • 5" 3 and trying to get to 138, mostly because that was my lowest adult weight and is what I'd class as my fighting weight.
  • acstansell
    acstansell Posts: 567 Member
    5'5.5" and I started at 276. I'm 214 now. I'd like to get to maybe 175 and see how I feel.
  • marialy21
    marialy21 Posts: 60 Member
    I'm 5'5.5 and I just reached 128lbs. I may try for 126 but would like to maintain 128 for a bit first. 128 is definitely not too skinny.
  • KristyHumphrey
    KristyHumphrey Posts: 248 Member
    I'm 5'5 and remember a long time ago getting down to 135 but I was 18 and practically starving myself. I wasn't too skinny though-trust me on that-NEVER BEEN TOO SKINNY. My goal is 165-170 - size 12-14 - I'm okay with that size. I really don't know if I could get down lower than that unless I worked out an hour daily and I just don't have it in me :)
  • MrsCaseyLane
    MrsCaseyLane Posts: 34 Member
    Im 5'5 and I just want to be healthy! I've got along ways to go, but My ultimate goal is 150ish! :tongue:
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    I'm 5'6" and my goal (and current) weight is 115 lbs. I run 4x/week and lift 3x/week.
  • danijohnson
    danijohnson Posts: 12 Member
    It depends on your body type. I am just barely under 5' 5" and I look my best at around 140. At one time (before marriage and kids) I had gotten down to just below 130 and people thought I had an eating disorder. I have a lot of natural muscle mass, though, so I naturally weigh more than I look like I do.
  • melanie3900
    melanie3900 Posts: 28 Member
    I'm 5'4" -- my goal is 125, but will be happy with 130.