

  • jbootman
    jbootman Posts: 145 Member
    I got, as a gift, this wonderful little foamer thing, it heats and foams on one setting and then just foams for cold beverages on the other setting,

    I think it is a little pricy because not only does it foam from the rotating thingy at the bottom it does the heating thing and so it has an electric base, the actual foamer is stainless with handle,

    anyway I put splenda in the foamer and my coffee cup, sometimes Torani or DaVinci syrups, like my coffee very sweet,

    then I put one fourth to one half cup of almond milk, 40-45 calories, into the foamer,

    I realized that just adding almond milk was not working, my coffee looked grey--yuk==

    the foamer disguises the color of the coffee, thats all I see is the creamy foam, tastes the same to me,

    coffee is a low calorie treat for me, but it must look like the ritual it is,

  • MissLexiLoo
    What I add depends on the coffee.
    At work and home, I drink black with nothing.
    At Starbucks, I drink black with nothing.
    At McDonalds I add 1 sugar
    At Dunkin Donuts I add 1 sweatener
    At restaurants I add different things or nothing depending on the taste.

    On a side note, I am always amazed at people that add 12 sugars to coffee. Why not just buy a milkshake?

    LOL!!!! If I put a sweetened creamer in my coffee I don't need sugar. If I'm just using creamer and sugar, it's about 2 packs of sugar. I agree though! 12 sugars is a little excessive haha!
  • SLaw4215
    SLaw4215 Posts: 596 Member
    I have a K-cup maker and drink flavored coffees when I want something sweet (Pumpkin, French Vanilla, Butterscotch, etc) My daily routine is to make 2 k-cups and add 7 mini moos. The coffee is 4 calories and the minimoos are about 10 calories each. I buy unsweetened vanilla Almond Breeze milk for my cereal but have not yet tried the sweetened version in my coffee but that might be an option. It's 60 calories per CUP so peanuts when you measure out a couple of tablespoons. Have you tried Stevia? I haven't tried that yet but I'm not one for adding sugar to anything unless I'm baking.
  • treeeee
    treeeee Posts: 39 Member
    I use Stevia-in-the-Raw (about one packet per cup of coffee), and then I add either light original soy or light vanilla soy milk (somewhere around 2-3 TBSP). That stevia brand is the best one I can find (stay away from truvia if possible!) and has no calories. The few TBSP of light original or light vanilla is between 10-20 calories. The light vanilla is sweeter, but it also gives you more sugar. I usually stick with the light original.
  • StevenDweeb
    StevenDweeb Posts: 24 Member
    Milk or cream. I like my coffee way, way too much. I guess that is part of living in the Pacific Northwest is having a cup of joe every where you go.

    Most days I just use 2% milk, but on the weekends I like to have some half and half in my coffee. Cinnamon is also very good sprinkled on top. Cinnamon is an anti-inflammatory spice, so it can help you heal after a particularly hard workout, too.

    The other nice thing about being in the PNW is the sheer variety and excellence of coffee shops and roasting companies. It seems like the whole craft brewery industry has shown the light so-to-speak, to the PNW coffee industry. (And no, I'm not talking about Starbucks....) :D
  • girlnamedlee
    girlnamedlee Posts: 96 Member
    This may sound crazy, but coffee doesn't have to be bitter. I learned this when a friend made me a cup in her French Press.

    Over time I've gone from only drinking coffee that had so much stuff in it that I couldn't actually taste the coffee to drinking coffee completely black. That being said, I've probably become a bit of a coffee snob...I think that Dunkin Donuts & Starbucks brewed coffee is incredibly bitter & if I'm in a situation where I'm drinking it, I do have to cut it with a bit of sweetener. I even keep an Aeropress at work because I want GOOD coffee.

    I still sometimes treat myself to a more dessert like coffee every now & then, but it's really more of a special occasion thing for me.
  • Melampus
    Melampus Posts: 95 Member
    I don't add sugar to my coffee. A long time ago I got used to the taste of coffee without sugar because the tea & coffee club we had at work never kept sugar and I never remembered to bring my own.

    I also like semi-skimmed milk in mine and have not really gone to any trouble to find a lower calorie alternative. For me that is 160 calories a day and for me there are easier targets for reducing my calorie intake than this. Just about the first thing I did when starting this diet was to halve the amount of breakfast cereal I ate which saved about 260 calories/day.
  • jackflak
    jackflak Posts: 153 Member
    I used to add sweetened creamer to my coffee. You know the ones-hazlenut, or mint or caramel, etc. I finally switched over to unflavoured half n half. Oddly enough, it helped me cut out my sweet cravings.
  • MichelleLaree13
    MichelleLaree13 Posts: 865 Member
    I use any name brand full fat regular sugar creamer. I use 1 TBS (35 calories) per 10 oz cup. I have 1-4 cups (mostly 1-2) a day so I waste 140 calories max. I find that it helps surpress appetite and quenches cravings for rich and creamy deserts.
  • FunandFitMom
    FunandFitMom Posts: 146 Member
    I like a packet of stevia and vanilla almond milk or rice milk in my coffee in the AM - agreed - can't live without it!
  • tkbronico
    Over time I managed to switch from creamer to milk, to skim milk, to black. I still put 1 splenda in it because I don't like the bitterness and am not ready for that yet, but I do get it down to zero calories (or whatever is in the coffee, 5 or whatever).

    I gradually got rid of my cream and sugar as well and now drink it black, but when I first started out the nutritionist at the gym said if you only enjoy your coffee with cream and sugar that consider it your treat! Who wants to start their day with a bad cup of coffee :-)

    Good luck-there seem to be many great suggestions here!!
  • juscallmeb
    juscallmeb Posts: 369 Member
    i love coffee too.
    i drink it with 1 tablespoon of half and half. No sugar needed, as i'm already sweet enough ;) hahah
    and i'm okay with it. I only have 1 a day.. and i'll warm it up in the afternoon if I do need another jolt. other than that I should move to skim milk, and eventually I will, slowly just like I did with cutting out the sugar. :)
  • PradaChick
    I am addicted to coffee! I"m latin and it's part of our everyday all day routine. I did manage wheen myself a bit and lowered my coffee intake to two cups a day. I use half and half or FAT FREE creamer. I use 1 tsp of sugar. I used to be an avid DD's coffee drinker but found that a light and sweet medium coffee was almost 200 calories and tons of fat. So i switched to McD's coffee or i make my own. I will not stop drinking coffee. There is a myth that is doesn't let you lose weight or makes you gain belly fat, however i found just the opposite and i haven't had any issue w/ losing belly fat !!! so take that coffee haters !!!!!
  • free2live72003
    Most every morning i drink my first cup of coffee with Cinnamon Dymatize protein mixed in which substitutes for my creamer and sweetner plus gives me 24g protein! Yum, Cinnamon coffee! Then, if I want another cup of coffee with sweetner and a lower cal creamer, I drink it. No guilt as it is the only liquid calories I consume other than protein drinks each day.
  • j_wilson2012
    "I like my coffee black, taters fried, football games on Monday night. Thats just who I am. A meat and potatoes man!"
  • Belle8312
    Belle8312 Posts: 2,151 Member
    It depends on the coffee. When I am at work, since we have no creamer here, I use a couple of packets of splenda, which makes the calorie content very low (usually 3-5 calories, depending on the brand of coffee).
    When I am home, I use three tablespoons of Coffee-Mate Fat Free French Vanilla Creamer which is 25 calories per tablespoon and my coffee is 4 calories per 10 oz. So the total calories for my home coffee is 79 calories.
    I usually drink two cups on the weekends and one cup during the week, so if I know I am having two cups, I make sure I work out to burn at least that amount of calories OR, eat something that has less calories for lunch and/or dinner that night.
  • j_wilson2012
    No but really.....sometimes I want a flavor in my coffee. Since I normally drink the bold flavors (euro blend), I sometimes go for the hazelnut coffee, or chocolate. Since it is blended in with the coffee, you dont have to add anything. And it is still less calories, virtually none.

  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,739 Member
    "I like my coffee black, taters fried, football games on Monday night. Thats just who I am. A meat and potatoes man!"

    I'm not a man, but ^^ this 100%
  • geo1437
    geo1437 Posts: 38
    I used to need coffee, i was an animal with out it. but i made it a point to SLOWLY ween myself of it. I went from 3- 4 cups a day down to 1-2, now i may have a cup in the morning during the week, but i really only have a cup on sundays if i have any at all. I work out as soon as i wake up so that definetly gets the juices flowing, and i really don't need the caffeeine. So i find that now when i do have a cup i REALLY enjoy it. The other thing is...I drink it black. and i have for years. I couldn't tell you the last time i put sugar or cream in my coffee. even espresso, i'll rub a little lemon rhine on the rim of the cup but thats it no sweetener.

    Try it black, you might like it
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    Everyone in my family drinks it black they say I drink "baby coffee"

    I started out using a packet of artificial sweetener and a heck of a lot of skim.
    I gradually weaned myself down to 1/2 packet of sweetener, then switch to real sugar, then 1/2 packet of sugar and now usually none.
    I still use skim now, but less.

    If I'm cranky or need comfort food or just want a treat. I'll do sugar (16 cal) and skim (20 cal)

    I would like to get used to drinking it black, just because it's so much easier.