Is Insanity a "shortcut"?



  • My husband used a combination of the P90X menu and the Insanity programs along with other basic exercises he could do around the house to get into shape to be able to make it in the Amry OCS Program.

    It worked great. He lost weight and got into shape. Once he hit where he wanted to be at physically, he stopped using the programs and now just maintains his own workout program. He is still in shape and has only gained back some of the weight (he tends to like his food...) but is still in much better shape than he was before.
  • bsix3
    bsix3 Posts: 291
    Insanity is hard on your knees.
    I do not think it is a "quick fix" You aren't going to do Insanity and all of a sudden have a great body or lose a lot of weight. You have to be eating right at the same time and then continue to exercise.
    I dont think there are any shortcuts, and I dont really think your friend knows what she is talking about.
    I did insanity. It was a bit hard on my knees, so I wont be doing it agian although I may add some of the workouts in with my P90x cardio days.

    agreed. I've done P90X and currently doing TapoutXT and trust me...these programs aren't not shortcuts. you work you *kitten* off...PERIOD!!
  • It's a lot of high impact stuff. For a smaller person I wouldn't think it would be so bad, but for my fat *kitten* and with my bum ankle, I had to quit after day 2.

    Modify the exercises to suit your level of fitness and before you know it you'll be able to do the program!!!
  • If it is, it doesn't matter to me, MY JOINTS & KNEES WERE HURTING BEFORE I EVEN STARTING DOING IT!!!! :) I agree, you will get this with any exercise program. I wasn't in my best shape when I started doing Insanity, but I am now and I'm NOW in the process of doing both Insanity and Insanity Asylum together (monthly) Not bad for 50 (in 4 months, 20 days) You should just start out slow and work your way up.

  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Personally I feel any program that attaches a timeframe to your results is bad because it promotes impatience. Also, programs such as those by Beachbody, Jillian Michaels, and others promote ignorance. If it weren't for them you would have to actually LEARN about these things yourself to be able to do it right (and you could do it better if you did). I know. Horrible, people should have to learn about how their bodies work in pertaining to fitness and nutrition, right?
  • MsTanya77
    MsTanya77 Posts: 357 Member
    Insanity is anything but a shortcut. I've done it twice and it has helped me tremendously w/ endurance and strength. Most people who didn't workout before Insanity will continue to workout after Insanity whether its another round of Insanity or another type of workout. Any fitness program should be an overall lifestyle change regardless of what it is. I have never heard of anyone dropping tons of weight really fast w/ Insanity and it is not designed to be that type of program. Insanity can put pressure on your joints but so can any exercise if done frequently over a long period of time. Your friend has no real basis for her argument. There are lots of diets that can be considered "quick fixes" but a 60 day exercise program does not fit that description.
  • wooddie14
    wooddie14 Posts: 79 Member
    I do P90X along with jogging 3 times a week and my knees and joints hurt...well maybe because I played basketball a lot in my younger years and the fact that i'm 43! LOL I haven't done Insanity "yet"...but plan to try it. People can go at there own pace when exercising like that,, I had to sometimes with P90X. Maybe some people should slow up a little if there joints are bothering them. This is an interesting topic none the less.
  • JodaNord
    JodaNord Posts: 496 Member
    I think its not a short cut, its not easy and its not a way to lose a ton of weight! Most who have graduated a round, don't see dramatic weight loss, but increased endurance and strength, and see less body fat, as it is used by the surrounding muscles to feed itself for the workouts, which are intense and varied. Any high impact has repurcussions, and those with weakness in those areas are recommended to see a doctor first. That being said, I loved Insanity, and will be doing it again, but again, i am already at a point where i am fit, and am looking at improving the composition of my body and increasing strength and definition, not losing weight. i also have thru the whole workout program, you are told to go your own pace, and rest when you need it. i think based on my experience with it, anyone can do it, modify what they need and jsut push as hard as they can. Anything, if you are putting in max effort will give results, and this gives results...

    Not all people want to stay on a grassy, unchallenged path to being fit. We tend to get to a point where we have to challenge ourselves to see changes, and see our goals change as we grow and challenge ourselves. i may have started off, walking most days, and starting adding in jogging, but i will always, always always, have a program in conjunction with that that incorporates changing it up, and making my body respond to changing workouts!

    Rant over...
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,218 Member
    Im not sure about it being a short cut. I'm doing insanity and my endurance and general fitness is so much better. I tried a JM dvd the other day because i thought id try something different and had to stop as it wasnt pushing me enough. Insanity is making me run better and i think i will always use the dvds to get a good workout in. I havent lost a ton of weight but my body has changed weight and im down a dress size, so result!
  • geo1437
    geo1437 Posts: 38
    It is certainly NO shortcut. I'm in month 2 of insanity now. I haven't been on a scale in a few weeks, but the last time I stepped on one I was down 16 pounds, and I am positive i have lost more. But it is so much more than that. My endurance is way up (on an off day i went for a run...i never run...and was able to do 4 miles in 38 minutes), I am much stronger today, than i was when I started the program, there is visible muscle definition on my legs, chest, arms, and my back. I am even starting to see some abs. I call it my 2 pack.

    What insanity is however is addicting. The workouts are very hard, very demanding, and at times can be grueling. But the sense of accomplishment I have when i finsih a work out, and do better than i did just 2 days before is unmatched. I can't begin to tell you how proud I am of myself at the end of each DVD. And it is that feeling, and the fact that even though the workouts are hard, they are fun, that is what keeps me coming back for more.

    Yes it is high impact, yes if you don't have proper form and balance you could really wreck yourself. But 4 years ago i completely shredded my left knee (torn ACL, MCL and a partial tear to my patella tendon) and i have 3 bulging discs in my lower back. Knock on wood, but i havent had any issues. I wear my knee brace, and if something starts to bother my back (some of the ab work does) i modify the move to suit my body's needs.

    As far as not being able to sustain and continue with insanity, well i certainly plan on doing the program at least once more, and then my concern is going to be finding something as challenging as these workouts are. because i honestly feel that after completing insanity, i am going to find "going for a run" to be...well boring
  • JodaNord
    JodaNord Posts: 496 Member
    It is certainly NO shortcut. I'm in month 2 of insanity now. I haven't been on a scale in a few weeks, but the last time I stepped on one I was down 16 pounds, and I am positive i have lost more. But it is so much more than that. My endurance is way up (on an off day i went for a run...i never run...and was able to do 4 miles in 38 minutes), I am much stronger today, than i was when I started the program, there is visible muscle definition on my legs, chest, arms, and my back. I am even starting to see some abs. I call it my 2 pack.

    What insanity is however is addicting. The workouts are very hard, very demanding, and at times can be grueling. But the sense of accomplishment I have when i finsih a work out, and do better than i did just 2 days before is unmatched. I can't begin to tell you how proud I am of myself at the end of each DVD. And it is that feeling, and the fact that even though the workouts are hard, they are fun, that is what keeps me coming back for more.

    Yes it is high impact, yes if you don't have proper form and balance you could really wreck yourself. But 4 years ago i completely shredded my left knee (torn ACL, MCL and a partial tear to my patella tendon) and i have 3 bulging discs in my lower back. Knock on wood, but i havent had any issues. I wear my knee brace, and if something starts to bother my back (some of the ab work does) i modify the move to suit my body's needs.

    As far as not being able to sustain and continue with insanity, well i certainly plan on doing the program at least once more, and then my concern is going to be finding something as challenging as these workouts are. because i honestly feel that after completing insanity, i am going to find "going for a run" to be...well boring

  • Determinednoob
    Determinednoob Posts: 2,001 Member
    Personally I feel any program that attaches a timeframe to your results is bad because it promotes impatience. Also, programs such as those by Beachbody, Jillian Michaels, and others promote ignorance. If it weren't for them you would have to actually LEARN about these things yourself to be able to do it right (and you could do it better if you did). I know. Horrible, people should have to learn about how their bodies work in pertaining to fitness and nutrition, right?

  • halejr23
    halejr23 Posts: 294
    First thing comes to mind for me is it is obvious she hasn't tried it. Just like with any activity you can hurt your joints if you do not do it right. However, if you follow directions and concentrate on landing softly you will NOT hurt your joints any more than going up and down stairs.

    To her point about being a shortcut ... the program - in fact every Beachbody program I have done (P90X, Insanity, Insanity : The Asylum, P90X2) - comes with nutrition guide and stresses the lifestyle change - not a shortcut to losing weight.

    That being said, I am quite certain there are a lot of people who do the program once and then go back to their previous routine. But, then again, there are a lot of people who join a gym, go for 2-4 months and then stop going. So, by that same logic her gym membership is a shortcut as well, is it not? ;-)
  • I've given both P90X and Insanity a try and I've noticed that the biggest differences are the length and pacing of the workouts. P90X workouts tend to be longer than Insanity (70 minutes/day vs. 40 minutes/day) but Insanity is a lot faster and more go-go-go! than P90X which encourages going at your pace and taking breaks. I personally prefer P90X and have had good results from it in the past, so I would recommend it to anyone. And for those that are not quite fit enough to keep up with P90X there's the P90 option.

    However, with regards to your friend, my instinct is that she is a fitness snob for whom running is the be-all, end-all. Let's face it, many people feel the need to criticize without much information. No form of exercise is a shortcut. It's all about getting moving and up off the couch. Whether it's cross-fit, Insanity or just going taking your dog for a walk. My recommendation is to ignore the nay-sayers, take a look at what works for you and just stick with it.
  • srhershey
    srhershey Posts: 181 Member
    Insanity definately pushes you to dig deeper and challange yourself. I'm in my 2nd month this week and I do the program with about 5 others I work with and we are all different shapes. We will point out that someone is not squating right, or their butt is in the air while doing pushups. We all look out for each other to ensure we are doing everything in perfect form. Some of the "heavier" people modify some of the moves as well, but they keep moving. Insanity, or any other high impact workout is not a short cut. Diet Pills, Meth, not eating, are examples of short cuts.

    I started doing Zumba from April to May, Jillian's 30 DS during the month of June, and I started Insanity at the begining of July and have only lost 10 lbs since April, but a total of 17.5 inches overall. This is not a quick fix.

    As for running, I wish I loved to run, but I hate it. To me it's boring. I do know some runners and they experience painful joints, especially when training for a marathon. Anything someone does could cause injury to his/her body, even walking.
  • pgp90xer
    pgp90xer Posts: 219 Member
    I'm not sure how working your *kitten* off, sweating so hard you could cry could be a shortcut!!! A faster way than running on the treadmill day after day, sure...shortcut?? no way!!! You work for it!! IMO if you work hard enough to complete one of these programs, you are NOT going to stop once you get to your goal. These programs are hard, I've done them, and after doing them, I'm in even better shape, nothing would make me go back to my old ways!! As far as the joints, yes it can be harder on your body, but not any harder than anything else anyone that enjoys challenges and working out would do!! If you're starting out heavier, again, it's just like anything else. Running hurts your knees if you're overweight, etc etc. Sounds like an excuse to me. I'm doing it and getting amazing results!!

    Could not have said it better!
  • chickentunashake
    chickentunashake Posts: 164 Member
    Insanity is definitely not a short cut. It is HIIT training, maybe military style, and this is always hard on your joints,as any high impact training would be. That's why it is so important to know how to do it correctly. I am on 2nd round, and I do it jointly with p90x and love both of these routines
  • tbodega
    tbodega Posts: 186
    While insanity is definitely tough on the joints...It's no shortcut anymore than going to a cardio class is a shortcut. Now, what you do AFTER you've completed your 60 days is up to you. Some people choose to maintain by doing it a few days a week. Others run, or do start a different fitness program.

    Others eat, sleep, and eat ice cream and cake to celebrate and eventually gain it all back.

    It's all about maintaining a consistent lifestyle change. Insanity is definitely no push's tougher than some Marine corps workouts that I did back in the days!
  • I wouldn't call Insanity a short cut by no means. This is a very difficult program and there is nothing about it that would be considered a short cut in my opinion.
    I did it twice and decided it wasnt for me because of my foot that I had surgery on. There are a few things that I can not do because of my foot and certainly because of my weight.
    I figure I will try it again after losing some more weight and see if it's any better on my foot. But until then I will continue to do what I do now. Which, i admit, is no where near as insense as Insanity.
    Kudo's to those of you that can do it!!!!
  • oceanchica
    oceanchica Posts: 10 Member
    A shortcut to what? I did Insanity over Christmas/New Year's and didn't lose any weight but my stamina, muscle and general fitness increased massively (and I lost almost 30"). It is a brilliant programme if you want to get FIT. I've incorporated it into my regular routine now and do Insanity workouts mixed with other strength training and cardio throughout the week. They are tough, but the feeling you get when you complete it is definitely amazing.