What do you think about Interracial relationships?



  • MuscleJunkieK8
    Totally cool with it! I have so many family members who are married to another nationality. :) Not yet at that point for me yet though. Only 18.
  • Staceychanges94
    I believe it's the same as dating someone who's white. We're all people after all.
  • Chapter3point6
    The above post is best read after smoking dope.

    It's sad when people have to use pictures of random good looking people on their profile instead of themselves. I don't think anybody listens to what you have to say and actually takes you seriously.
    Grow a pair, and own up to what you really look like! It's your first step to where you actually want to be.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Did you really just comment about people not taking me serious? You went on about not being negative, and someone pulled up one of your prior posts that was nothing but NEGATIVE. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    As for my picture, I use it for motivation. There are many people on this site that know what I look like. You won't be one of them.
  • MuscleJunkieK8
    i honestly and completely dont see what on earth the issue is.
    ignorance probably, you see obviously if someone is a different colour, that makes them better/worse than another?
    what would haooen if i sprayed myself green? (other than looking rather odd lol) would it change who i was or who i did or did not have the right to fall for?

    i think some people need to get a grip.

    good luck to you both :0)


    Amen! ^ Thank you!
  • nhga47
    nhga47 Posts: 118

    Tell them to take a flying leap off a short cliff! :) Nothing wrong with it as long as you treat each other right and enjoy being together. Nobody else's business! :)
  • Chapter3point6

    It's sad when people have to use pictures of random good looking people on their profile instead of themselves. I don't think anybody listens to what you have to say and actually takes you seriously.
    Grow a pair, and own up to what you really look like! It's your first step to where you actually want to be.

    I thought you wanted MFP to be a motivational place...not a very helpful or motivational post.

    :laugh: And she suggested people quit posting and go exercise. Guess she didn't practice what she preaches.
  • Kerri_is_so_very
    Kerri_is_so_very Posts: 1,005 Member
    My 1st wife was a Russian Jew.
    My 2nd wife was Italian Catholic.
    My 3rd wife was Czech Christian.
    My wife now was raised Mormon. European mutt.

    Dated all races, religions, backgrounds. There can sometimes be external pressures that are difficult to overcome. Gotta take a "them and us" attitude sometimes.

    Dude that's alot of wives.

    At least now I understand your username "Theroaddog" :laugh:
  • staceface519
    Interacial relationships are such a beautiful thing. . . love sees no color, gender, etc. . . but unfortunately close minded people do. . . they stereotype people into a certain degree when they dont know the person.. . People and society are always going to judge. . . . im the single mom with tattoos so apparently im white trash and a *kitten* but thats not the case. . . people are going to say and think what they want but if u can overcome that in your relationship and not care what the world thinks, it makes your relationship all the better and more beautiful. Kudos to you too and many years of togetherness and luck <3

    ignorance is bliss but stupidity shouldnt be tolerated. . .

    if people cant respet u, ur ideals and ur life choices then they should mean nothing back to u, and their oppinions definately dont matter.
  • AKosky585
    AKosky585 Posts: 607 Member
    As long as you make eachother happy, I see no problem with it at all. My brother is dating a girl who is black, and they are so happy together and have so much in common. They have talked of getting married. I'm just so happy my little brother has found somebody who makes him happy :)
  • Princess_Sameen
    Princess_Sameen Posts: 290 Member
    I am persian/carribean! Most people are usually shocked and surprised that my dad is persian as people Think that persians only date each other! huff........I love my mix and personally dont see anything wrong with it! I think staceface519 is so right!
    People always judge! Main thing is you are happy and forget everyone else!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I am persian/carribean! Most people are usually shocked and surprised that my dad is persian as people Think that persians only date each other! huff........I love my mix and personally dont see anything wrong with it! I think staceface519 is so right!
    People always judge! Main thing is you are happy and forget everyone else!

    My daughter has a friend who's Persian. Her boyfriend is black and her mother is NOT happy about it!
  • DetroitDarin
    DetroitDarin Posts: 955 Member
    I loves me some ethnicity. Really do. :-) VERY attracted to women of colour - and women w/o a lot of colour, too!
  • tae467
    tae467 Posts: 14 Member
    As many others have said here, it isn't so much about the colour as how you treat each other. People will always judge, that's human nature and unfortunately that won't change for generations.

    I have two beautiful mixed race children aged 19 and 16 and I have always taught them that they must always try to look beyond colur and see the person.

    An idiot is an idiot regardless of colour, creed or sexuality.

    Rant over :smile:
  • SherryR1971
    SherryR1971 Posts: 1,170 Member
    I haven't, but I feel to each his own. You love who you love...but unfortunately not everyone feels that way.
  • ErnieM88
    ErnieM88 Posts: 146 Member
    I don't think about anyone else's relationship but mine, generally. If someone is close to me I will probably have an opinion on their relationship. But I don't concern myself with people's relatioships when I know nothing about the people or the circumstances. Because it's none of my business
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    My last... 4 girlfriends were Asian. Nothing wrong with that!
  • Elen_Sia
    Elen_Sia Posts: 638 Member
    An idiot is an idiot regardless of colour, creed or sexuality.

    Quoted for truth. :flowerforyou:
  • Wecandothis
    Wecandothis Posts: 1,083 Member
    Is this really still an issue? I was born in 1960, and I honestly thought that kind of thing wasn't even an issue any more. I am very sorry that it still is. Wow. I'm just blown away. :(
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    There can sometimes be external pressures that are difficult to overcome. Gotta take a "them and us" attitude sometimes.

    This. My brother and sister in law have been married for thirteen years this December. She's black and he's white. They have four children. The oldest is not my brother's biological son, but he's never made the distinction. If you ask him about it, he will not say that Donte is his stepson, he's his SON. Period. However, both of them will tell you that the interracial aspect of their relationship has presented a completely different brand of pressure in the relationship. They are constantly confronted by external attitudes and racial misconceptions, not just in the black and white communities, but in the community as a whole. Most of the time, things that are said to them are not meant to be hurtful or racist, but rather, they are said in ignorance by people who just simply don't know any better (usually these are people from an older generation where interracial relationships were practically unheard of). My brother and sis in law try to be understanding of this and give most people a pass (they don't get angry about it), but they do try to be open and informative with others about the interracial aspects of their relationship. Whenever they hear someone express a misconception, they try to take the time to set them straight. However, these attitudes can present an entirely different set of problems that would not be present in same race relationships. If you're not prepared for it, it can cause disfunction in the relationship. It's definitely something you and your SO need to discuss fairly early in the relationship so that you are in agreement about how to handle these issues as they arise.

    All of that being said, I have no problem with interracial relationships. I've known some girls who have actually said, "I only date (one specific race) guys." This is silly in my opinion. Doesn't every girl want to find "Mr. Right"? Well, by saying you only date a specific race, you are limiting your options. What if the one guy that is absolutely perfect for you is not of that particular race? What's meant to happen isn't always what we expect to happen, so it's important to stay flexible in regard to what's going on around you in the course of life. Of course, there are exceptions to this, but I certainly don't think interracial dating is one of them.
  • Annaruthus
    Annaruthus Posts: 301 Member
    I'm the product of an interracial relationship, and I'm in an interracial relationship. If people don't like it, they can shove it. It is none of their business, and most of these people are terribly closed minded. So who cares what they think?