Do you "pre-log"?



  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    Pre-log during the week as I normally have all my meals planned.
    I also pre-log exercise because it helps me stay on track if I have an agenda.
  • Miss_dannii
    Miss_dannii Posts: 1,351 Member
    Yep I prelog most of the time, I find it easier to have control if I do it that way. I usually pre;log in the morning because I know exactly what I will be having for the whole day
  • bellecoccotte
    bellecoccotte Posts: 22 Member
    I prelog my breakfasts since I always have a protein shake in the morning. If I know I will be eating out I will also look up the restaurant and pick out what I will eat before heading out to the restaurant that way I know I won;t go over my calorie intake.
  • kit8806
    kit8806 Posts: 222 Member
    I don't have internet at home, or a smart phone. So I pre-log when I get to work on a break. As the day goes on, I adjust as needed, and if things change at home, I'll log in the next day and just adjust. :)
  • SherryR1971
    SherryR1971 Posts: 1,170 Member
    Some days I do, some days I don't-either way works well for me.
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    Nope, in fact i keep a had written log also.
  • jenneal89
    jenneal89 Posts: 243
    I plan out my meals but don't log them until I actually eat it. I find logging as I go helps keep me on track and stops me snacking
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    I'm just starting to pre-log. I'm finding that it takes a lot of the anxiety out of my day!
  • benich3043
    benich3043 Posts: 252 Member
    I do not plan the entire day in advance but I like to lay out my meal plan and see how it looks on here before I eat it. That way i know if i have enough calories to splurge a little in the meal or have a snack after.
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    I normally log everything in the morning and then delete it as I eat it. I know it's a backwards way of doing it, but it works for me. I've always been a list maker who enjoyed crossing things off lists and I see this the same way. 99% of the time, if I don't log it, I don't eat it x
  • IokiOcto
    IokiOcto Posts: 123 Member
    I do a little of both. If I have a plan I will log it prior.
  • sarahserialdieter
    sarahserialdieter Posts: 7 Member
    I tend to log as I go. I find I have more flexibility that way. But I like to keep an eye on how many calories I have left so I make better choices through the day.
    Also I know that if I choose low calorie breakfast and lunch i have more to enjoy later in the day!
  • leelafit_mtl
    leelafit_mtl Posts: 132 Member
    Most of the time I pre-log
  • Doreen9686
    I log as I can throughout the day. Can't plan ahead, things never seem to go as planned! :smile:
  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    I never pre-log. I only log something after I've eaten it.
  • Corian3105
    I like to pre-log, especially on days when I am going to work; it means I can plan out my meals and snacks and not have to think about it for the rest of the day and helps to keep me well away from the vending machine. Otherwise I'm a terrible boredom eater, and I find sitting at a desk all day = boredom. Pre-logging also helps to make sure I've got plenty of allowance for a decent dinner in the evening, so if I get bored and peckish at work, I know it's worth hanging in there. Strange that I never feel hungry between meals at weekends or during holidays, whoever decided that we should all be chained to a desk for work has a lot to answer for!
  • samlankford
    98% of the time I pre-log since I need to eat a certain amount of calories (50%protein,30%carbs,20%fat) with the exercise programs that I do... I TRY to get everything made and ready for me to grab and go for work.. easier for me that way... now if I am home for the day then I don't worrry about it..:happy:
  • Jimmytreatingtons
    Jimmytreatingtons Posts: 128 Member
    I do a bit of both, sometimes I know in advance what I am having for tea so like now I could put in and add a few bits later to it.

    We normally plan Lunch/Dinner/teas in advance! Breakfast are a bit more on the fly!
  • DeeVanderbles
    DeeVanderbles Posts: 589 Member
    I pre-log and then make edits if necessary. I prefer to pre-log so I know where I'm at for the day and can make time for an extra snack if I need one or so I don't eat a snack if I don't have the calories. That and I find it's easier for me to stick to it once I've made a plan for the day.
  • mellabyte
    mellabyte Posts: 193 Member
    Some days I do, but mostly I don't.

    If I have any special treats I want to make room for, or if I know I'm going to be at a certain restaurant or attending an event - then I pre-log to make sure I'm aware of my calorie margins and to try to plan what to order or eat out. This keeps me from straying from my calorie goal, or if I know it's impossible to stay in for any given reason - it keeps me from being more than 200-300 calories over.

    On those pre-log days, things aren't set in stone, I still log everything I eat and any changes I make to the "pre-log". It's definitely not an excuse to slip something in. ^_^