Find Your Name Twin! (First Name Only)



  • shae68143
    shae68143 Posts: 422 Member
    12 pages and not a single Shannon? Hmm, I work with several on just my floor. (although I go by Shae)

    I was named by my grandmother simply because she liked the name :)
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    Holly, not too strange nor too common and no I was not born on Christmas. My middle name is Jo (which I hated as it was a boys name to me) my grandparents liked to call me Holly Jo all one name, thankfully that passed with time, well mostly anyway.
  • Takes2long
    Takes2long Posts: 367 Member
    Haven't seen anyone else with my name. Deidre. Pronounced Dee dra. Only ONE 'R' :laugh: NOT DeiRdre(Deer-dra) My math teacher all through HS used to calle me deer-dree. I've seen 2 other people with my name. There's another women here on MFP that I know, but she has the extra R.
  • Toxictwist
    Toxictwist Posts: 274
  • lilangel317
    lilangel317 Posts: 46 Member
    Havent seen another stacey just yet :(

    STACY - Spelled differently though.

    YEY another stac(e)y!!!!. . everyone spells our name wrong half the time anyway!!!!

    But I HATE it when they make it Tracey :grumble:

    I'm TRACY and I hate it when they not only misspell my name but when they call me Stacy. :grumble:
  • Icelandic_Saga
    Icelandic_Saga Posts: 2,926 Member

    Are there any Tara's out there??

    Sheesh! It took me 12 pages to find you!! Hello Tara! my name's Tara! :flowerforyou:
  • SuperSexyDork
    SuperSexyDork Posts: 1,669 Member
    Haven't seen anyone else with my name. Deidre. Pronounced Dee dra. Only ONE 'R' :laugh: NOT DeiRdre(Deer-dra) My math teacher all through HS used to calle me deer-dree. I've seen 2 other people with my name. There's another women here on MFP that I know, but she has the extra R.

    I used to work with a woman named LeDeidre. She hated it and went by Dee Dee.
  • msdani12
    msdani12 Posts: 132 Member
    I'm Danielle (:

    Surprised I haven't seen any other Danielle's!!
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    I didn't go through all 13 pages, but my name is Faith. I was named Faith before the latest fad. My mother named me after author Faith Baldwin, whose books she read while pregnant with me.
  • SuperSexyDork
    SuperSexyDork Posts: 1,669 Member

    BTW, Cinnamon is an awesome name... I love it! :happy:

    We have name triplets!
  • kit8806
    kit8806 Posts: 222 Member
    Ashlee, very unusual in Ireland where I'm from it's mostly Aisling's. Surprised I haven't seen another here yet

    I'm Ashley!! I'm so shocked it took 9 pages to find another Ashley (ee)!!! It's very common in the US! I had 3 others in 1 of my classes... Ashley (2), Ashlee and Ashleigh
  • dadzpeach
    dadzpeach Posts: 174 Member
    Ashlee, very unusual in Ireland where I'm from it's mostly Aisling's. Surprised I haven't seen another here yet

    I'm Ashley!! I'm so shocked it took 9 pages to find another Ashley (ee)!!! It's very common in the US! I had 3 others in 1 of my classes... Ashley (2), Ashlee and Ashleigh

    I'm Ashley!! YAY!!
  • Shilough (actual name)...anybody? anyone? No?

    This is me, not suprised :)
  • Ok, I found an Andrea, but not an Andi yet. With an "i", not a "y" or "ie". When giving my name over the phone, I used to say Andi with an "i". I had too many people respond ,"I-N-D-Y?" No, I'm not Indiana Jones. :grumble: Now I just spell the whole thing. And I don't even bother saying my last name. I just spell that out, too.

    Now my kids, I did give them unique names. Tank, Aengus and River. Don't think I'll see many of those. :happy:
  • kit8806
    kit8806 Posts: 222 Member
    Ashlee, very unusual in Ireland where I'm from it's mostly Aisling's. Surprised I haven't seen another here yet

    Ashley... Close!

    I'm an Ashley too!!!
  • Jhillian
    Jhillian Posts: 185 Member
    Name- Jhillian

    Don't know why my mother had to throw in a silent H drives me crazy- I use to get J-Hillian in school and hated it.
    Have yet to meet someone with the same.
  • 12 pages and not a single Shannon? Hmm, I work with several on just my floor. (although I go by Shae)

    I was named by my grandmother simply because she liked the name :)

    lol 13 pages later!!
    im Shannon!

    i have only met 3 Shannons and one of them was a boy!
    my parents didnt name me for a month when i was born.. eventually they got a letter from the government saying if they didnt name me the government would name me... then on a trip to the doctor a nurse said ... well shannon is a nice name.. and they said ok great we will go with that! lol

    i dont like my name... i dont feel comfortable saying it and i dont like the way it sounds when it comes out of my mouth... it sounds so forced .. *shakes fist at silly parents*

    i usually go by my fake name ... Rebecca lol
  • pjbrundage
    pjbrundage Posts: 9 Member
    My name is PAMELA
    Pamela was created by the 16th century English poet and statesman Sir Philip Sidney for the name of a character in his pastoral "Arcadia". It's possible that the meaning is "honeyed sweetness" or "honey."

    Pamela was later the name of British writer Samuel Richardson's heroine in "Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded" in the 1740's. His Pamela is a chaste and wilful country girl who does not give in to her employer's advances towards her. Moved, the gentleman will ultimately make her his wife.
  • aftergypsies
    aftergypsies Posts: 248 Member
    Danya - Didn't read all the pages, doubt I have a name twin lol.
  • Ramoth48
    Ramoth48 Posts: 93 Member
    Catherine ... common name in Ireland where i'm from ... named after my maternal grandmother.
    Hi. twin, l'm from Scotland