"I lost 20lb just by..."

Does anyone else die a little bit on the inside whenever they read or hear comments about how someone lost loads of weight just by doing something really simple, like switching to diet coke/cutting out mid week drinking/changing to skimmed milk etc?

I've cut out booze completely. I've switched to diet drinks. I've got rid of my car so have to walk more. I've made a ton of tweaks and you know how much I've lost this year? About 3lb. 3 f*cking pounds. In 8 months. I'm happy for the people who have lost weight but it feel like a punch in the stomach as my efforts are going nowhere.

Am I alone with my bitterness?


  • jcpmoore
    jcpmoore Posts: 796 Member
    You are not alone. It makes me want to punch the bags, too.
  • deadbambi
    deadbambi Posts: 368
    everyone's bodies are different. and cutting back is definitely the first step.
    You don' t have to cut out COMPLETELY. but cutting back significantly, helps.

    along with cutting back on weight-gaining foods/drinks, you should be cutting diet soda out of your life completely! They can make you bloated and have ridiculous chemicals in them (they don't even taste that great anyways!)

    Although you've cut back and are walking more, your body needs you to eat clean too. That means vegetables and fruit and grains ALL the time. and protein. And leave some calories for the cravings you just can't get rid of.
    but most people who can't lose weight have "cheat days" and don't just stick to ONE day of the week :P been there done that.

    You NEED to exercise 4/7 days a week at least and switch up your routine so that your body isn't used to it! once your body gets used to a workout, it doesn't make you sweat as much, and it doesn't do as good of a job as when you started. you gotta change it up!

    sorry for this rant lol but in the end, my point is even though you're cutting back on bad things (yay you!) you have to put in that 100% effort into everything else too!

  • shelbyfrootcake
    shelbyfrootcake Posts: 965 Member
    Phew. I was starting to worry and was considering juicing myself soon to make lemonade with.
  • heytherestephy
    heytherestephy Posts: 356 Member
    This is how I feel when my boyfriend does lent and loses 20+lbs by cutting out sugar and dairy. Granted, he eats A LOT of sugar and dairy normally but STILL!
  • shelbyfrootcake
    shelbyfrootcake Posts: 965 Member
    everyone's bodies are different. and cutting back is definitely the first step.
    You don' t have to cut out COMPLETELY. but cutting back significantly, helps.

    along with cutting back on weight-gaining foods/drinks, you should be cutting diet soda out of your life completely! They can make you bloated and have ridiculous chemicals in them (they don't even taste that great anyways!)

    Although you've cut back and are walking more, your body needs you to eat clean too. That means vegetables and fruit and grains ALL the time. and protein. And leave some calories for the cravings you just can't get rid of.
    but most people who can't lose weight have "cheat days" and don't just stick to ONE day of the week :P been there done that.

    You NEED to exercise 4/7 days a week at least and switch up your routine so that your body isn't used to it! once your body gets used to a workout, it doesn't make you sweat as much, and it doesn't do as good of a job as when you started. you gotta change it up!

    sorry for this rant lol but in the end, my point is even though you're cutting back on bad things (yay you!) you have to put in that 100% effort into everything else too!


    My point isn't all the things I need to do, its how easy some people seem to find it. I know those people are the exception but it still grates.

    This is also one of the reasons I don't post on here often. I ask a simple question for support so I don't have to sit here feeling like a bitter freak and I get a lecture.
  • DonniesGirl69
    DonniesGirl69 Posts: 644 Member
    I feel your pain........on all counts. :)
  • shelbyfrootcake
    shelbyfrootcake Posts: 965 Member
    I feel your pain........on all counts. :)

    How do they do it? HOW???? They must have made a pact with the Devil, right?
  • deadbambi
    deadbambi Posts: 368
    everyone's bodies are different. and cutting back is definitely the first step.
    You don' t have to cut out COMPLETELY. but cutting back significantly, helps.

    along with cutting back on weight-gaining foods/drinks, you should be cutting diet soda out of your life completely! They can make you bloated and have ridiculous chemicals in them (they don't even taste that great anyways!)

    Although you've cut back and are walking more, your body needs you to eat clean too. That means vegetables and fruit and grains ALL the time. and protein. And leave some calories for the cravings you just can't get rid of.
    but most people who can't lose weight have "cheat days" and don't just stick to ONE day of the week :P been there done that.

    You NEED to exercise 4/7 days a week at least and switch up your routine so that your body isn't used to it! once your body gets used to a workout, it doesn't make you sweat as much, and it doesn't do as good of a job as when you started. you gotta change it up!

    sorry for this rant lol but in the end, my point is even though you're cutting back on bad things (yay you!) you have to put in that 100% effort into everything else too!


    My point isn't all the things I need to do, its how easy some people seem to find it. I know those people are the exception but it still grates.

    This is also one of the reasons I don't post on here often. I ask a simple question for support so I don't have to sit here feeling like a bitter freak and I get a lecture.

    wow lol. wasn't lecturing. was helping. seems silly to whine about how easy others have it when obviously not everyones bodies are the same. so i gave a few pointers. good luck in life brother. lol.
  • DonniesGirl69
    DonniesGirl69 Posts: 644 Member
    I feel your pain........on all counts. :)

    How do they do it? HOW???? They must have made a pact with the Devil, right?

    I believe they must.....particularly the ones who are stick thin, can run a 5k in sub 20 minutes and eat burgers and fries every day......they're the worst. :D
  • JennKoz529
    JennKoz529 Posts: 144 Member
    I feel your pain........on all counts. :)

    How do they do it? HOW???? They must have made a pact with the Devil, right?

    This REALLY made me laugh out loud! Yes, I agree a pact with the Devil must be the only way they did it!

    It is frustrating, but I honestly think they did more than just cut out soda to loose that 20lbs. I mean, I could say I just cut back on my portion size to loose 7lbs in a month....but that's not entirely true! I've re-examined my eating habbits as well and have put a lot more movement into my lifestyle. I'm experimenting with exercise programs and also with making better choices when it comes to what I eat! So yea, there is a lot more to it then I just cut something out of my diet!!
  • shelbyfrootcake
    shelbyfrootcake Posts: 965 Member
    I feel your pain........on all counts. :)

    How do they do it? HOW???? They must have made a pact with the Devil, right?

    I believe they must.....particularly the ones who are stick thin, can run a 5k in sub 20 minutes and eat burgers and fries every day......they're the worst. :D

    I'm thinking possibly not even human. *strokes imaginary beard suspiciously*
  • daisiemae123
    daisiemae123 Posts: 277 Member
    I live with one of these people. I am married to one of these people and as much as I love him, I want to strangle him at the same time. I stopped buying regular coke for him and bought coke zero - he lost 10 lbs. I started sending him a banana and yogurt in his lunch instead of banana bread or blueberry muffins, he lost 8 lbs. I have been cooking healthier at home for all our meals and after the guilty look on his face this weekend when he came out of the bathroom I found out he has lost 32 lbs. Good for him but really, twice as much with half the effort not fair, lol!
  • shelbyfrootcake
    shelbyfrootcake Posts: 965 Member
    I live with one of these people. I am married to one of these people and as much as I love him, I want to strangle him at the same time. I stopped buying regular coke for him and bought coke zero - he lost 10 lbs. I started sending him a banana and yogurt in his lunch instead of banana bread or blueberry muffins, he lost 8 lbs. I have been cooking healthier at home for all our meals and after the guilty look on his face this weekend when he came out of the bathroom I found out he has lost 32 lbs. Good for him but really, twice as much with half the effort not fair, lol!

    Just is unjust and nature is cruel and savage. 32lbs make me weep inside a little, but those internal tears will just add a delicious salty tang to Shelley's Own Bitterade.
  • chicadejmu
    chicadejmu Posts: 171 Member
    I live with one of these people. I am married to one of these people and as much as I love him, I want to strangle him at the same time. I stopped buying regular coke for him and bought coke zero - he lost 10 lbs. I started sending him a banana and yogurt in his lunch instead of banana bread or blueberry muffins, he lost 8 lbs. I have been cooking healthier at home for all our meals and after the guilty look on his face this weekend when he came out of the bathroom I found out he has lost 32 lbs. Good for him but really, twice as much with half the effort not fair, lol!

    Yeah, my hubby dropped about 20 pounds just by cutting calories. But he practically starves himself to do it (1 good meal a day and snack or smaller meal). I can't function like that. Men are just built differently. They suck (no offense guys). :wink:
  • shelbyfrootcake
    shelbyfrootcake Posts: 965 Member

    Yeah, my hubby dropped about 20 pounds just by cutting calories. But he practically starves himself to do it (1 good meal a day and snack or smaller meal). I can't function like that. Men are just built differently. They suck (no offense guys). :wink:

    I hope that doesn't bite him in the bum when he changes his eating habits away from starving himself.
  • WickedGarden
    WickedGarden Posts: 944 Member
    I feel for you! Whenever I see someone who looks fantastic in the 'Success Stories' area I'm so happy for them, but then I wonder, "why is it so easy for them?" Then I see they say, "Oh I just cut out sugar and watched my diet" If it could only be so easy for me too!

    Currently battling a 3 month plateau, the scale is finally moving a little, but I have 15-20 more pounds to go.
  • shelbyfrootcake
    shelbyfrootcake Posts: 965 Member
    I feel for you! Whenever I see someone who looks fantastic in the 'Success Stories' area I'm so happy for them, but then I wonder, "why is it so easy for them?" Then I see they say, "Oh I just cut out sugar and watched my diet" If it could only be so easy for me too!

    Currently battling a 3 month plateau, the scale is finally moving a little, but I have 15-20 more pounds to go.

    We shall fight this uphill struggle in the name of fairness!! *sobs into my herbal tea*
  • daisiemae123
    daisiemae123 Posts: 277 Member
    I live with one of these people. I am married to one of these people and as much as I love him, I want to strangle him at the same time. I stopped buying regular coke for him and bought coke zero - he lost 10 lbs. I started sending him a banana and yogurt in his lunch instead of banana bread or blueberry muffins, he lost 8 lbs. I have been cooking healthier at home for all our meals and after the guilty look on his face this weekend when he came out of the bathroom I found out he has lost 32 lbs. Good for him but really, twice as much with half the effort not fair, lol!

    Yeah, my hubby dropped about 20 pounds just by cutting calories. But he practically starves himself to do it (1 good meal a day and snack or smaller meal). I can't function like that. Men are just built differently. They suck (no offense guys). :wink:

    I could almost take it if he was starving himself, but he isn't. He didn't need to drop a lot of weight it just kind of happened. Everyday for work he packs a banana, a yogurt, a sandwich with cheese, 2 granola bars, and two diet sodas. I won't even get into his coffee from Dunkin Donuts everyday and the calories that must add up to. He has the healthy dinner that I have prepared (sometimes almost a double portion) and ice cream or some other snack before bed. I get that men are built differently, but where is the justice, lol! He apparently inherited his father's metabolism ( the man was 5ft and was very excited to brag to me that he had finally gained weight and was weighing in at 110 lbs -- most he had ever weighted) and I can only hope my son takes after his father too I guess.
  • DebBeury
    It's NOT easy!!! It get harder as you get older. I'm 51 and I have hit several plateaus, but I keep trying different things. The latest was cutting back on bread and pasta. I already gave up soda, and diet soda. I have a horrible sweet tooth, I cut way back on my sugar intake also. I eat bread maybe once every two weeks. I don't miss it. I try and do some sort of exercise everyday. Going to the gym everyday is not easy. If I can't make the gym, I'll get out and walk for 10 to 30 min. or turn on some music and dance around the house, lol. Getting up and "moving" around helps get the metabolism going! Also, make sure you are eating/snacking every two hours, that will keep your energy level up :) You can do it!!!!
  • tourettte
    tourettte Posts: 142 Member
    I made small adjustments and pounds are going down. i spent my days sitting in front of my computer. Before i got to mfp i had 224 now i am 211. I started exercising 30 min a day, walking, i rarely use elevators, no more sugar, especially in my coffee (i realized I don't really need it) and salt, I reduced salt intake (i was salt junkie, i liked really salty food).
    But everyone's bodies react differently. I am dreading my plateau :)