Weight loss and buying new clothes.

So, I've lost damn near 50 lbs and nothing fits anymore, my question is what did y'all do during your weight loss journey when it comes to clothes, I don't want to be walking around and my jeans just drop to the ground (besides a belt). Any advice is appreciated :)


  • leska1216
    leska1216 Posts: 260
    Head to the thrift shop!! Cheap. And can usually find something. Love shopping this way -- change my wardrobe over at least half dozen times a year. And a couple times a year, buy something new and nice that you know you can use for awhile. Like a skirt, which is very easy to alter. Good luck on the weight loss!
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    I'm going through this right now too. I was between sizes for a few months, but now I've broken the plateau and started losing again and my clothes are all hanging off of me! Thrift shops still don't really have things in my size, so I try to just buy a few basic things that I can mix and match. Casual clothes are a lot easier because I can wear them baggier Work is a little harder, but luckily I can be fairly casual at work - not jeans, but I don't have to get too dressed up either.
  • hooperkay
    hooperkay Posts: 463 Member
    Big and baggy baby.... I'm too cheap. Waiting till I get where I wanna be. Don't care. Not buying something that I won't be able to wear.
  • ashharris424
    ashharris424 Posts: 68 Member
    Sell some of your nicer clothes that are getting too big and put the money toward new replacement items. See if there's a "trading post" in your area. We have one near me where you just post pictures of your stuff on Facebook and people arrange to meet up with you to purchase them. You usually get your money's worth on items this way. Or try Craigslist.
  • AsaraFuriosa
    AsaraFuriosa Posts: 293 Member
    Thrift store for sure! Im currently a 12 coming from a 24 going towards a 8/6. I pretty much got an entire wardrobe for $150.00 while I'm in between goal weights! :-) My nicer clothes that are to big, I'm taking to the consignment store. When my thrift store clothes get to big, I'm donating them back! Win win!
  • Dylaneysma
    You look young so if you have a platos closet in the area its like a thrift shop but for teens. I love this place and find great designer brands, especially if there is one on the rich side of town. Its a really good deal!
  • laurie62ann
    laurie62ann Posts: 433 Member
    Do you have a Plato's Closet in your area. I too have lost 45 pounds and need jeans. I went and got 3 pair of used gap jeans for $54. If i had bought them brand new it would have cost close to $150. I plan on losing more weight and didn't want to spend a lot of money. They have amazing used "in style" clothes.
  • kschhr
    kschhr Posts: 103 Member
    I haven't gotten to this yet, but I figure if I actually start losing fairly well I'll likely wear things that can easily work still after dropping 10-20lbs so I don't have to buy things as often. Yoga pants, sweatpants, tshirts. Days I want to look cute, dresses with a belt. Even old sweatshirts if you alter them a little (same with tshirts) can look pretty cute. Maybe cut off a shoulder or make something totally different using the fabric. I'm too broke half the time to constantly buy new clothes, even though I know I'll want to.
  • carogash
    My struggle with weight began after my pregnancy. I had purchased during my pregnany a 2 in 1 maternity Intimate to wear for my growing belly. Now I am not pregnant but still wear the intimate because it allows me to wear pants that are too small and too big until I reach my goal weight. Oh and it also holds everything in so I feel Skinny and then exercise. My friends that have never been pregnant love the 2 in 1 Intimate also, we joke about wearing maternity underwear it but it has saved us some major cash. I think the website is www.belly2babyapparel.bigcartel.com
  • casslivingston91
    Sorry I haven't replied at all, I've been so sore from the gym. LOL
    It makes me so sad to think about selling my clothes, is that bad?
    I'm going to end up going to thrift stores/tj maxx/ Plato's because literally....
    I put pants on and they fall off, my chest is getting to small too
    so almost none of my shirts fit either.
  • lepow
    lepow Posts: 92 Member
    I was actually thinking about this today as well. I was curious if there was some MFP clothing-swap we could put together or something. We're all going to be those in-between sizes and we're all at different stages. Is there a way we could put together a group or something to give the clothes that are too big to someone who is just starting out, and take the "fat" clothes from someone who is farther along in the journey? No money, just giving and receiving?

  • jlkhrk81204
    I told everyone I was close to about my weightloss journey and asked that if they had any clothes they were getting rid of to please pass them on to me. Very soon I had a whole new wardrobe of clothes I love in a range of styles and sizes. My rule is when it's too big get rid of it because you never want to wear it again.
  • jzaz903
    jzaz903 Posts: 306 Member

    Can't beat $7 jeans.
  • DeeVanderbles
    DeeVanderbles Posts: 589 Member
    I haven't gotten there yet but since I plan on losing more than just one pant size, I will only buy a small number of pairs of pants (ex. 2 pairs of jeans and like 3 pairs of dress slacks since I wear them to work every day) and then once I get down to my goal weight I'll enlarge my wardrobe. :wink:
  • Jennvandemark
    Jennvandemark Posts: 179 Member
    Like everyone said second hand stores are great for picking up transition clothing. I do LOVE to go to the store and try on jeans just cause I like to know how close I am to getting in to the next size. But if I find a pair of jeans that make me feel sexy I am all about buying those up. We work hard to be walking around in clothes that don't flatter us. I say if you can buy at least one thing that makes you feel pretty and show off all the great work you have done.
  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member
    I hate second hand store shopping, but I started doing it because whatever pants I bought would be too loose after a couple months.

    As a guy, I dont have a large wardrobe to begin with.... lol. so Im buying everything over and over again.
  • casslivingston91
    I was actually thinking about this today as well. I was curious if there was some MFP clothing-swap we could put together or something. We're all going to be those in-between sizes and we're all at different stages. Is there a way we could put together a group or something to give the clothes that are too big to someone who is just starting out, and take the "fat" clothes from someone who is farther along in the journey? No money, just giving and receiving?


    I think that's a great idea! :)
  • nataliexxxx
    Ive only just been shopping for new clothes, yesterday actually which was the first time since I started, I went to primark because its only cheap and I wont be buying any more clothes until I reach my target
  • nerolimoon
    nerolimoon Posts: 32 Member
    I am saving my money fo the day when I stop losing weight and stabilise, and then I'm going to splurge on a new wardrobe. So I don't want to spend too much money on clothes at the moment. I still wear most of my old tops, T-shirts and cardigans, and those skirts which I've been able to alter so that they don't fall down. I've bought some cheap trousers from Primark - like another poster said, the quality isn't great but it doesn't matter because I won't be wearing them for that long. I have had to buy new underwear - and I haven't economised on this!
  • frando
    frando Posts: 583 Member
    ebay!! and charity shops!