What works for you...share secrets...



  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    No secrets.

    Elbow grease (move your butt, lift heavy things, rinse and repeat)
    Eat right. (Balanced, healthy, whole, enough, non-deprivation)
    Drink enough water. (Drink until you're not thirsty anymore and your pee is clear)
    Get enough sleep. (Probably the most important thing)
    Laugh as often as you can (mind over matter).
  • BreeNJesse
    BreeNJesse Posts: 150 Member
    Good for you! I lift weights and a lot of them. I haven't lost any weight but it's amazing how quickly your body reacts to weightlifting. Muscle weighs more than fat so don't be discouraged if you don't see scale changes :) It all goes back to exercise and eat right! MFP has tools and amazing people to push you along the way!
  • pinkpolkadots25
    pinkpolkadots25 Posts: 101 Member
    Weigh everything on a food scale. I was shocked to see that what I thought was a portion/serving was actually 3x the proper amount! It's not something to do forever, but it was so helpful for me to retrain my brain to see things differently.

    Make changes that you can keep up forever. I know I can't eat 1200 calories a day for my entire life. But I *can* eat 1600 calories and burn 300-400 though exercise.
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    -Whole foods
    -Regular and scheduled exercise
    -Not eating my exercise calories, but eating forth weight I want to be.
    -Not having cheat days
    -Exercising 6 days a week
    -Low sodium, low carb, and low bad fats
    -Whole grains, low fat dairy, lean meats, fish, poultry and lots of water!
    -Logging everyday no matter what - even vacations and holidays.
  • amylou1977
    amylou1977 Posts: 41 Member
    Carb cycling and fasted HIIT cardio are my secret weapons when wanting to lean out

    do you do Chris Powells Carb Cycling? I am thinking of trying it
  • crystalflame
    crystalflame Posts: 1,049 Member
    If you can, prelog your food for the day so you know if you need to eat more or if you can't have that glass of wine with dinner.
    Lean meats, lots of greens and veggies, carbs from whole grains and fruits.
    Make your exercise a combination of cardio and strength training - you won't retain your muscle with just cardio.
    Use the forums as a resource - you can find just about any topic if you search for it. But take advice on here with a grain of salt, and do your research before you start down any particular diet strategy or exercise program.

    Good luck!
  • Wolfe1759
    Wolfe1759 Posts: 81 Member
    I second all the great comments people have already made.

    For me it is all about working activity into each day, and getting into a routine that I can stick to.

    I also find that tracking Every Single Thing I consume is important. I used to ignore "liquids", because how many calories could a drink have? How wrong I was! It has been much easier to lose weight since I have begun tracking drinks as well as food, since I am able to make informed choices.

    I also pre-plan dinners out, so that I can structure my day's eating appropriately. There are veterans of MFP who can automatically do this in their head, but I still use the app.

    Good luck!
  • truelypinkthing
    truelypinkthing Posts: 164 Member
    Log everything, every day, dont cheat-you are only fooling yourself.:smooched:
    Get lots of like minded mfp pals, world wide.:love:
    Drink lots of water.:drinker:
    Dont weigh yourself every day, do it once a week.:sad:
    Download endomoro onto your iphone and use it to track walks, runs etc.
    Have alook at fitnessblender.com

    Enjoy this website.
  • LosinItAll2012
    LosinItAll2012 Posts: 238 Member
    I take MFP with me everywhere. If I have to dine out I pull up the restaurant and pick my lunch/dinner from the MFP lists, not by browsing the restaurant menu. It has saved me a ton of calories (as well as sodium like you mentioned).

    I do this as well.... On crazy lunch breaks, I'm in the drive thru checking out the info on the foods I want to order...makes my decision for me!
    BRANDYGR8MOVES Posts: 87 Member
    Dont be afraid to experiment. Different things work for different people.

    Drink water. Lots of it.

    Never give up a food you love completely. Eat less of it. Strict restrictions lead to binges.

    Move more.

    Find good friends on here. Dont be afraid to delete absent ones.

    Prelog or preplan especially when eating out.

  • drentler
    drentler Posts: 12 Member
    :smile: Pre-Planning! I had no idea how helpful this would be and how much it fits my personality. I love to plan, make lists of things to do, etc. I use the diary to plan in the morning what I will eat during the day and then try to stick to it. It takes away any decision making about food for that day. It also keeps me from making bad food decisions. I just tell myself "that's not in the plan. If you want to add that in the plan for tomorrow, ok but for today this is the plan." It helps me to be accoutable to myself and really feel a sense of accomplishment at the end of the day, just like a "to do" list. Even if I deviated a little, I feel better that I stayed close to a good eating plan.
  • LosinItAll2012
    LosinItAll2012 Posts: 238 Member
    This is awesome Everyone!! Thanks a bunch!!!
  • LesleLu4
    LesleLu4 Posts: 14
    My thing that I keep telling myself is just "keep going". At the gym, when I feel like quitting because it's not fun, I keep going. When I feel down because I have so much to loose, I keep going. I won't lose it otherwise. Have a bad day? eat too much at one meal? Keep going, one day doesn't ruin anything as long as it stays at ONE.

    And, don't weigh yourself daily...I need to take my own advice on that one. I'm a bit of psycho at times with that dumb scale.
  • rugbyphreak
    rugbyphreak Posts: 509 Member
    I hate to say this, but their are no secrets. Trust me, before I found MFP, I tried every diet pill, bar, shake, tea, etc. And guess what?! They didn't work at all!

    -I now watch what I eat, but it's more about portion control than denying myself the things I love. If I want a cookie, I have ONE, not a few like I used to.
    -I do some sort of real exercise every day. I do the treadmill, lift weights, run stairs, go hiking, anything with the sole purpose of a workout.
    -I take extra little steps to burn more calories per day. I take the stairs instead of the elevator. I park further away from the stores or I walk or ride my bike there.
    -I grow a lot of my own food. I use these fruits and veggies to prepare of cook my own food so that I know EXACTLY what's in it. If I can help it, I try to do a lot of preservative and pesticide free foods, so growing my own really helps with this.

    In short, do things that you know you can stick to. If you try to do extreme things all at once, you'll more than likely fail. Simple things to start will make big changes.

  • aweigh2go
    aweigh2go Posts: 164 Member
    Getting up at 3:15 to go to the gym.
    I know it sounds horrible...and some mornings it feels it...but it's the only time of the day where my only possible excuse is "I just don't want to go."
    Nobody needs me that early. Not work, not the wife, not the kids. Nothing ever "comes up" that early to keep me from going.

    3.15?!! OMG. Is that not a little extreme?! What time do you go to bed - 7pm?!

    As we know, everyone is different and if this works for you then good on you. Its a little too hardcore for me though as I always wake up tired no matter what time I get up!

    What works for me? Location & climate. Hot & sunny and living by the coast I am working out, cycling, kayaking, walking, gardening etc all the time. However, at the moment I am living in a village 3 hours from a coast & it seems to rain constantly. So for me, a move back to the coast should provide motivation. If only someone would buy my house - stupid recession!

    Desperate times call for desperate measures.
    I've got a busy family and a very demanding special needs child. I decided I need to carve time out to take care of myself because I have people who seriously need me to take care of them.
    I go a little short on sleep...but I've gotten used to it, kind of. :-)

    I am slowling moving to BCOD workouts myself!