Anyone else start the 30 day shred August 5th?



  • gdbadass
    gdbadass Posts: 60
    still doing it!
  • Finally got around to starting level 2 last night. I don't know what it is, but I really suck at all of the different lunges. My balance is awful. haha
  • gdbadass
    gdbadass Posts: 60
    Hey James:

    Me too! I think the only way to improve on the lunges is to just keep doing them - I have seen improvement in my leg strength and balance so far, and I assume by the time i am ready to move on to Level 3 *and I am taking my time with moving up levels), my balance will be adequate. Good luck!
  • gdbadass
    gdbadass Posts: 60
    Had to take a break for three days for family issues, but I'm back and I think the break did me good - Level Two was a bit easier, overall. I'm starting to like Jillian Michaels!
  • MrsWilsoncroft
    MrsWilsoncroft Posts: 968 Member
  • I started today!!!! I've seen a lot of awesome results on here and I am hoping for the same :)

    Good Luck!
  • thepinkmoon87
    thepinkmoon87 Posts: 5 Member
    On day 4 of level 2. I skipped level 1 since I've been doing it on and off with running for the past few months. I was always sedentary and this is a BIG improvement haha. Can proudly say I stuck with level 2 for 4 days in a row! :D