Did you lose weight after having the Mirena taken out?



  • khouston22
    khouston22 Posts: 10 Member
    Pressure valve release sounds exactly like what I need! 4 days to go.....will update shortly thereafter.....
  • louiloui123
    louiloui123 Posts: 22 Member
    Day 1 after my removal and I feel a lot better generally, although stomach is apparent it is less bloated. I hope only good can come from here on
  • SyntonicGarden
    SyntonicGarden Posts: 944 Member
    5. Horrible cramps!:angry: It was just last night when I decided finally that I had had it! My boyfriend and I had just finished (well, HE finished, I DIDN'T (ANOTHER side effect of Mirena!)) and I had immediate severe cramping! Like, clutching my abdomen, curled over crying in pain type of severe cramping! So we talked about it, and decided to get it taken out (he suggested a Dr. but I'm just too stubborn).

    Just be careful, if you're not planning on having kids right away. Apparently, you can conceive as soon as it's removed and that many women are even more fertile at that point. If you're on OC, you need to be on it for at least 10 days, if not a for a full cycle, depending on the pill.
  • P.S. Taking it out was pretty simple.:smile: Initially, it took a while to find the strings and the searching felt uncomfortable (crampyness-wise, not in the "Oh I'm touching myself" uncomfortable). But once I found the strings and was able to get a grasp of them, it was as simple as taking out a tampon! Seriously, way better than paying $100+ to have a Dr. do the same damn thing!:smile:
    Thank you for posting about removing your Mirena! I just removed mine myself as well! As easy as removing a tampon! Yay! Thank you! Thank You! Thank you! I have gained over 20 pounds in 2 years (most in the first few months after having it inserted) and can't lose it no matter what I do. I look preggo. My stomach is huge. I know I will lose it now. Never again will I use Mirena or any hormone birth control.
  • SueGlazier
    SueGlazier Posts: 36 Member
    I LOVE my Mirena although I have noticed my sex drive is lower. I see others have had this complaint. Interesting. Can others share if they had that problem ? Sorry I know that isn't about weight loss.

    I have just had my third merina fitted so thats 10 years now. Have gained and lost weight depending on how I eat and my metabolism. Recently gained a little extra as I quit smoking but dropped that quite easily. Its the other stone (14lb) I gained in the year prior to the quit that I am fighting with right now, but is going...slowly. And yes, although my drive has never been anything special I have to admit it has been even lower since having merina. However its the only thing I can use. Regular pills the doctors will not allow me to have because I smoked for so many years.Mini pills (progesterone only) make me bleed very heavy every 2 weeks, which is the same problem as I was having with no contraception. Same with regular (copper) coil, so I guess I am stuck with this one. I still tend to spot a bit every 2 weeks at the beginning and for around the last 6 months of the 5 years of wearing it, but it does calm down in between. No other problems or side effects though. This should be my last one or maybe just one more though as I am 44 now so will be 49 when this one is removed.
  • UPDATE: 2 pounds down since I removed Mirena on Sunday. I haven't been able to lose any weight since I had it put in so I am so excited! I can't wait to get back to normal.
  • Cika2316
    Cika2316 Posts: 2 Member
    I had my mirena taken out on tues. so far one lb. down so glad the bloatedness has gone down I dont feel as tired cant wait to see what else happens. Still no period only spotting the first day :wink:
  • rubemann
    rubemann Posts: 3 Member
    I have had the Mirena in for 1.5 yrs. This is my second one and I have gained 20lbs since it's been in. I am very active I work out 6-7 times a week but have continued to gain weight since I have had it in. I even hired a personal trainer back in June she monitored my diet and exercise for 3 month no change other than 5lbs which some how came back. The only thing i can think of is the Mirena, I am having it taken out next Tuesday, hopefully this will work. I have had it in before after having my daughter, for 5 years and didn't have any issues, but this time I'm a always spotting, whether is blood or just disgusting fluid, it smell and I have had a yeast infection 3 times, i never get yeast infections. I am so moody and I have no sex drive. The first time I got the Mirena put in was when it came out back in 2001 not sure if they changed anything in the formulation. This time I got it put in because my periods are really heavy not for birth control, my husband got an vesictemy after I had my second child. I would rather have heavy periods back. Please keep posting I found this website very helpful.
  • rubemann
    rubemann Posts: 3 Member
    Have you lost anymore weight?
  • rubemann
    rubemann Posts: 3 Member
    Did you notice a difference after you had it removed? I have another week to wait, but can't stand the bloated tummy much longer....

    The difference was immediate with me. I don't know how to describe it other than it was like a pressure valve being released. The bloating went down drastically in the first few days and was gone completely in a week or so.

    It just blows my mind how different it can be for everyone. A really good friend of mine loves hers and is already back to her pre-baby weight. :huh:
    Have you lost anymore weight?
  • i had the mirena in for 5 years.....right after i had my son in 2007 i had gotten the depo shot which made me gain crzy weight in 3months....140 to 195........yeah crzy weight..... i had had the depo shot when i was younger... n it did the same i only got because i knew it worked and worked immediately.....after the 3months was up i decided to get the mirena...i was like 5yrs....hell yeah.....:love: with in a few week i had lost weight...... ithought it was going to continue like it did wen i was younger after gettimg off the dep...wrong:sad: i stayed 187 for 5years....:mad: i was like plz kill me........i had horrible moods swings.....they allmost costed me my 6yr relationship:brokenheart: n lacking labido...seriously lacking......i just got it removed oct 15 2012 few days ago.......mood hasnt changed alot but im alot nicer but its only been a few days so :smokin: hopefully i can shed the rest of this weight soon because itreied exercise...eating less all that good stuff and my body was not hearing that.....
  • I had mine in for 2 yrs and I have had all of those problems I have gained soooo much weight!! And it seemed the more I work out the more I gain! My sex drive was completely gone!! I got mine taken out like a week ago to try for another child and like the very next day my sex drive returned times 3 lol so I really think that it was a side affect and I will not get another one ever !! And I would not recommend it to anyone! I know it won't always effect everyone the same but all I can say is what happened to me!!
  • mavelotta
    mavelotta Posts: 1 Member
    I have had my Mirena for a yr and a half now I can't say the weight gain was from it bc I haven't been eating well or exercising but one side effect I HAVE had is acne! I have never in my life had acne, except for the occasional pimple from my period. I always had clear skin but started breaking out on a normal basis when I got the Mirena inserted. It sucks! I am using Clean and Clear now after trying Proactiv and Extra Strength Proactiv with NO results, I have tried a bunch of stuff but Clean and Clear seems to work the best. Adult acne is no fun, never had it as a teenager but I struggle with it now bc of Mirena. I guess I would rather have acne than another munchkin though so I will keep it in! haha

    Not sure if you're still having problems with this or not, but if you are, go directly to your dermatologist and ask for spironolactone. It's AMAZING stuff. It's a blood pressure medication, but the side effect in women is that it clears the skin. I suffered with Mirena-induced acne for about a year before I made a visit to the derm. She put me on spironolactone and I've been acne free for the last four years. My Mirena is set to be removed this week (so excited!!) as I've reached the 5 year mark. The last year with this thing has been terrible. No sex drive, weight gain, depression/lack of motivation, hair loss.... you name a side effect and I've had it! Good luck!
  • mishomart
    mishomart Posts: 25 Member
    I had mirena put in in May of this year. I didn't change how I ate, in fact I felt like I was being more conscious. I went from 233 up to 243, 244. Once I started MFP I lost 7 lbs easilly, but I've been stuck at 235 now for 3 weeks. I too have noticed horrendous (for me) breakouts on my face. Also very moody.

    Definitely makng an appointment tomorrow to get it out.
  • Really considering getting my Mirena out. I want to give it to the one year mark to see if things change since I've only had it 4 or 5 months. No weight problems with it, but I bled nonstop for the first month or so after getting it in and have had 2 week periods every 2 weeks since then :mad: As far as sex, forget about it. For the last 3+ months, I haven't had any urge AT ALL, I'm usually just taking one for the team. I like not having to worry about getting pregnant, but I don't want it to be because I can't stand the thought of having sex!!
  • j1wright
    j1wright Posts: 286 Member
    Wow guys you are so depressing. I got the mirena sometime in February or March of this year, I have lost somewhere around 40 some pounds since then. I take Wellbutrin so I have been pretty happy. Since this I now weigh what I did in High School, know I can't get pregnant, and more limber than ever now that I am more fit..I can't say enough good things about Mirena. Reading past posts everyone complains about sex drive, depression, and weight gain, I just debunked all of it. Before my son was born in December (and the 9 months and 16 days prior to his birth) I had the Mirena for three year's and I yo yoed on weight and was happy and sad at different points in life. I guess what I am trying to say, is the Mirena didn't change me, life went on like normal.
  • zebisis
    zebisis Posts: 157
    PREGNANCY changes our bodies. A lot.

    I haven't had an IUD- I chose the Depo shot. It works great for me.

    Are you counting CALORIES? Not just carbs?

    Add me if you like. I have gone through pretty much everything you mentioned, from weight gain, to lack of sex drive, to being nocturnal. Just... not w/ an IUD! It may be something other than BC method. (PS- Vote for Obama if you like having Planned Parenthood open and running! Romney will totally defund it if given the opportunity! NOT opening a political debate- jus' sayin'.)

  • I had my Mirena removed 10/2- best thing I ever did I think!! I had a hot flash 2 days later and totally felt like myself. I had become so moody!! But I gained 3 lbs after getting it out! So here is my question-- How soon after you got it out did you get your period. It has been 28 days and I have had no bleeding at all.
  • Hi everyone:) I just had my Mirena taken out yesterday after a 5 year stint. Removal for me really wasn't that bad, it was just a hard tugging feeling and a slight cramp. I'm 31 and have never had kids. It's easier for them to get the IUD out when the strings are left long enough. If they're cut too short they can get lost, and that's when it can get painful. For me, it was over before I even had a chance to react. The doctor had a really good technique of having me take a deep breath, and then exhale very quickly. On the sharp exhale, she pulled it out really fast. I think that really helped a lot. Before having the Mirena inserted, I was a slim 125lbs, but kept steadily gaining weight over the last 5 years and now weigh around 155. I've always eaten healthy and mod. exercise. I've even been doing a detox program and am on a paleo diet for the last 6 months. No change. I've had extreme bloat and discomfort for so long that I don't remember what it's like not to not feel bloated. Libido has been low, depression and energy up and down, you name it. One thing I have experienced that I haven't seen anyone else mention yet, is a burning inflammation feeling. IUD's can cause pelvic inflammation problems. It's too soon to tell, but since having it out, already I feel less pressure and bloating, and also not aware of the inflammatory pain.

    There were positive things about Mirena too- the light to no periods, decrease in cramps, and being able to be spontaneous were all perks. There's a give and take, and everyone has to figure out what's most important to them, and then try stuff out. BC is such a trial and error issue. I wish everyone luck! I will check back in to update again soon. If I drop weight after all this time of not being able to, I'll be so happy!

    Oh, I want to add this: I took 800 mg's of Ibuprofen before the appointment, which I think probably helped too, so if you're going to go in, be sure to take something first just in case. Other than some light spotting, I've been feeling pretty good so far!
  • nastycivilian
    nastycivilian Posts: 22 Member
    I was always a thin person (105-115 lbs) in my teens & early 20s. I had my son in '06 then had the Mirena put in 6 months later. I ended up gaining 20 lbs in 6 months!!
    I went back to the doctor & complained saying I wanted it out because I was always depressed plus now had 30 lbs added to my frame. I had lost all the baby weight I had gained while pregnant except 10 lbs then had the Mirena in 6 months & gained 20. The doctor informed me it was because I was "obviously over eating" which I was NOT. I never have been a large portion type of girl & for the doctor to ASSUME it was because I was over eating was just plain rude.
    I was still eating small portions & I had started exercising religiously & I could not lose a pound. After countless visits complaining to my doctor she FINALLY took it out.
    WIthin a month of having it out I dropped 2 lbs, without exercising.. I KNEW it was the Mirena! since I couldn't lose ANY weight while I had it in.
    So I ended up switching to the Paraguard & I ended up losing the 30 lbs I had left on me. I haven't had any side effects from the Paraguard & I LOVE it!