Hi new here..lost over 300lbs and about 200 to go!

Hi..My names Susan Meeks..I am new on here..I am on a weight loss, and health journey like the rest of you. Last Nov thru the end of Feb.I was in a long term acute care hospital..was on two forms of life support..could not walk .or talk, was on a vent.and trach..and 660 lbs..TODAY..I have lost over 300lbs..and am working out at least 3 times a week and usually more. I still have along way to go..with me this is a addiction..and it is strong..but GOD has brought me back from deaths door..and I am grateful.I will fight this fight with everything I have...would love give any support I can.and also learn things.that the rest of you are doing on your own journey.and get support..Hope you all have a great day..and look forward to meeting you!


  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 839 Member
    You've accomplished an amazing amount in a year! MFP is a great place for support, motivation and great recipe/exercise ideas. Welcome! Feel free to friend me if you'd like.
  • tr853
    tr853 Posts: 7 Member
    Very inspiring story. Good Luck on the rest of your journey.
  • senyosmom
    senyosmom Posts: 613 Member
    Hi Susan!! Wow - what you have already done is Amazing!!!!!!!!!! Keep up the great work!
  • Wow that is really amazing! You are over halfway there so keep going and don't give up! :)
  • daisiemae123
    daisiemae123 Posts: 277 Member
    Wow! Good for you and what you've accomplished. I would love to finish the journey with you! Feel free to friend me if you would like.
  • KettydeDios
    KettydeDios Posts: 125 Member
    Hi Susan, you are an inspiration. Congratulations on your weight loss accomplishment, that is impressive!!! How did you do it? I am trying to lose 30 pounds here and at times it has been very difficult. This time I am committed to reach my goal and so far I have lost 5 pounds!

    Did you lose over 300 pounds on your own, or you had surgery? Your story is really motivating! Welcome back to life!!!!!!:smile:
  • Way to go! Thank God you're with us!!! I'm so happy that you've taken this second chance and have already made wonderful health improvements and continue to do so! Rock on!!
  • connye13
    connye13 Posts: 19
    Amazing and what an Inspiration You Are....:)
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    What a true inspiration you already are. We are thankful to have join us. I am thinking you have much to teach as well. This site has been a true help for me and has been good to return to when I needed to.
  • Susan you are truly an inspiration to us all and living proof of the wonderful works of our God.
  • RainHoward
    RainHoward Posts: 1,599 Member
    Bravo to you. How long did it take you? And how did you do it? I am very curious.
  • shoniej
    shoniej Posts: 227 Member
    You are an inspiration!! Truly amazing what you have already accomplished!! MFP is a great place for support!!
  • Thank you soo much! Good luck to you also~
  • HurricaneElaine
    HurricaneElaine Posts: 984 Member
    Wow. Just... WOW. That is absolutely incredible.
  • DQue
    DQue Posts: 1 Member
    That is wonderful. Keep it up, you will make it.
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    Incredible story. Welcome and good luck. MFP is a wonderful place.
  • asugar
    asugar Posts: 178 Member
    that is unbelievable. Truly. Good luCk and friend me if u want.
  • gemfada1
    gemfada1 Posts: 18 Member
    What an inspiration you are ....keep up the fantastic work :happy:
  • ckitsch81
    ckitsch81 Posts: 7 Member
    You are amazing, Susan! What an inspiration! So glad you're with MFP!
  • Hi..My names Susan Meeks..I am new on here..I am on a weight loss, and health journey like the rest of you. Last Nov thru the end of Feb.I was in a long term acute care hospital..was on two forms of life support..could not walk .or talk, was on a vent.and trach..and 660 lbs..TODAY..I have lost over 300lbs..and am working out at least 3 times a week and usually more. I still have along way to go..with me this is a addiction..and it is strong..but GOD has brought me back from deaths door..and I am grateful.I will fight this fight with everything I have...would love give any support I can.and also learn things.that the rest of you are doing on your own journey.and get support..Hope you all have a great day..and look forward to meeting you!

    You are incredible. =]