Too much or Not Enough



  • BronnersHarris
    BronnersHarris Posts: 247 Member
    Maybe instead of doing 20 mins tread then 20 mins bike you should pick one but work out a hell of a lot harder. Instead of increasing time, why not increase the intestity of each workout.

    The classes at my gym are good, but I don't ache or feel exhausted like I do if I do my workout in the gym. Could you plan your own session and see if you get a harder workout in.

    Might just be time to step it up a knotch.

    Might be worth speaking to your PS about diet too as 1300 will not likely be sustainable when you're doing a lot of exercise.
  • bluechip777
    bluechip777 Posts: 160 Member
    hmmm, this is interesting! First off congrats to your commitment. One problem with the extended training at onset is where are you supposed to go from here? When you get 15 pounds out from your goal are you going to be in the gym for 8 hours? Maybe you should only be able to do your weights & cardio for example. I leave everything I have left in me in the 1-2hrs I'm in the gym. I am one hot sweat mess when I leave. If I knew I could still do another hour or so, maybe i'm not giving it all i got. Are you lifting heavy? Are you giving it all you got?
  • Ironphoenix
    Sorry sweetie but if you continue to put your body through so much exercise and feed it so little you are heading for burn out. You have children and you need to be fit and able to care for them. Theres only so long a body can cope with that amount of training. Your going to be limiting your progress by being so far into a calorie deficit. I work out 4 days a week, weights only and I eat 2,000 cals every day! Also your body will start to adjust to what you are doing and lower its processes in order to preserve itself, its very clever and will do what it can to protect itself. By all means exercise but you definitely need to put your calories up to double what your on now. Personally Id increase cals and decrease some of the exercise. Your personal trainer should be telling you this/1 If you were my client I would refuse to train you unless you were eating more.
  • waronmyfat
    waronmyfat Posts: 322 Member
    My kids come with me and I will go back to the gym when they asleep I'm very interactive with my children I can't be a good mum whilst fat n not play with them n be too stuffed cause of been unhealthy
    Thing is once your body gets used to that and you stop the weight will one back on

    You mention kids. How are you spending quality time with them when you're at the gym so much? Parents need me time but two hours a day is taking time away from your family. One hour is more than enough to achieve fitness and assist your weight loss goals.
  • waronmyfat
    waronmyfat Posts: 322 Member
    Well after having felt like i got creamed by a steam roller at boxing tonight( I forgot to eat 30mins before for energy whoops) I  have decided to cut back a little n get more quality not quantity outta my gym sessions . I will still be keeping my cardio at  5 days a week that's Mondays , Tuesday's , Thursday's at the gym doing classes n Fridays at pcyc for boxing n Sundays fir my personal training boxing session n 3 days a week for weights ... I will see how I go with this :) I'll keep my calories between 1300 and 1500 :) I'll be sensible about this don't want to burn out or hit a plateau as many of you have mentioned thanks so much for everyone's opinions plus this will also give me some more kiddy n I time
  • Perfectdiamonds1
    Perfectdiamonds1 Posts: 347 Member
    oh my goodness Yessss, too much. I go to the gym 6 day per week with a rest day on Sunday, but I'm thinking about just taking a walk on that day after church. I think you are doing too much. I usually spend 45 minutes to 2 hours at the gym. That depends on if I'm doing a class or not. You dont want to burn yourself out. Plus, you have you home and family. Going to bed last and getting up early, yes you will burn out within a couple of months.
  • Determinednoob
    Determinednoob Posts: 2,001 Member
    Three days per week full body barbell weight training. Eat less food. Cardio optional.
  • eviegreen
    eviegreen Posts: 123 Member
    I also work out 6 days a week, but I do think it's important to give your body some rest throughout the day, too. An hour of intense work out (such as your classes) is just enough. It's sustainable. If you have days where you can fit in a second work out, something low impact (going for a walk) is just fine, because your body needs time to recover from the intense work out. Don't work it too hard. If you're not worried about possible fitness burn out, at least worry about the possibility of injury. Your muscles need to be able to recover after your work out -- they can't if you're working them a second time.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    I  have decided to cut back a little n get more quality not quantity outta my gym sessions

    Good idea. It will get you better results :-)

    Please don't think I was criticisms you. I'm sorry if that's how it came across.
  • MessyLittlePanda
    MessyLittlePanda Posts: 213 Member
    Good idea to focus on the quality and not just push and push. You might get injured that way. I went in to my training too full on and ended up injured, I was really enthusiastic but I didn't build up and pushed myself too hard, ended up crashing and burning. Am building up again now more sensibly, and it's working well. I was like you for the first few weeks, I felt full of beans, and great and then crash, shoulder injury and I burned out and even ended up low on vitamins and stuff.

    Do eat back your exercise calories, and try and net your BMR at least.

    Alternatively, this tool helps you to determine your Basal Metabolic Rate which is the number of calories your body needs just to function, and the total number of calories you need to eat for the level of exercise you do, the weight and height you are, and your weight loss goals.

    It might seem like a lot of calories at first, but the science behind it works - if you eat at the calorie level that you would need to maintain your goal weight, you will drop down to that weight and your body will stabilise there. No low calorie, no being hungry, no yo-yo dieting. If you are going to train hard (and I applaud that, it's what I love too) you need to fuel it properly.
  • Tina180130
    Tina180130 Posts: 127 Member
    I think you know you are doing too much :smile: Exercise should be something that you can sustain which I doubt you could for another 5-6 weeks. If you were a professional athlete (maybe training for the Olympics) then of course you would have a busy schedule (which you do)!. I love exercising too but quantity is not necessarily quality. I do 1hrs sessions per day - 6 days per week. I lift heavy 3 x per week and the rest is Spinning, Cardio & Walking. I would suggest maybe cutting it down slightly and see if it makes any difference to your weightloss. If the results are that you are still losing then what you were doing before is in excess but, give the body time to adjust. Stick to your calories of 1500 and retain some energy (even if you think you dont need to).
  • ishtar13
    ishtar13 Posts: 528 Member
    I had written something snarky, but realized it was snarky and deleted.