BACON rant

I am so tired of everyone giving BACON a bad name.

" has bacon, it must be high in fat, calories, sodium"

"BACON? That can't be HEALTHY!"

"BACON? I only eat TURKEY bacon because it is SO much better for you".

END the NONSENCE already! :mad:

According to MFP data base lets compare:

Oscar Mayer Hardwood Bacon

Serving Size: TWO slices
Calories per serving: 70
Sodium per serving: 270
Fat per serving: 5 grams
Protein per serving: 7 grams

Oscar Mayer Turkey Bacon

Serving Size: ONE slice
Calories per serving: 35
Sodium per serving: 180
Fat per serving: 3 grams
Protein per serving: 2 grams

Not sure about everyone else, but I will eat my TWO slices of REAL BACON with LESS sodium, LESS fat and MORE protein!



  • alsunrise
    alsunrise Posts: 386 Member
    And I hate it, but turkey bacon does NOT taste like real bacon!! anyone who says it does is lying to
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    There are no bad foods, only bad eaters. With a little planning and foresight you can include pretty much any food you enjoy in your diet - just exercise a little restraint. (PS I :heart: bacon.....)
  • weathergirl320
    ever tried beef bacon? i never have but its on my must do list lol
  • heddy90
    heddy90 Posts: 144 Member
    I see nothing wrong with having a few slices of bacon with a meal. They're tasty, and you don't have to eat a whole pack of them everytime you make them. I think people who think bacon is a no-no, is people who find it hard to restrain themselfes, they can't stick to just a few pieces, so then it's easier to just cut it out entirely.
  • chrisyoung0422
    chrisyoung0422 Posts: 426 Member
    Turkey bacon tastes like crap. It is almost an insult to call it bacon.
  • alsunrise
    alsunrise Posts: 386 Member
  • thetipster99
    Love bacon.. but I feel bad for those piggies.
  • Amberonamission
    Amberonamission Posts: 836 Member
    The Nitrate free Turkey Bacon i get from Trader Joe's is yum. I'd rather eat it than regular bacon.

    Any other turkey bacon is the pits tho.
  • metre30
    metre30 Posts: 20 Member
    Agreed! Turkey bacon is not good.

    Here's the thing about bacon: it packs so much flavor in a small bite. You can crumble one piece of bacon onto your salad or into your egg white omlette and for only 35 calories you are adding more flavor than you would get from the same caloric amount of salad dressing or cheese. Adding a small amount of bacon to your dish is a very smart way of tricking your brain into thinking you've eaten a rich, satisfying meal. Its just like everything else though, it has to be all in moderation. That's just my two cents anyways :blushing:
  • jaimeteague
    jaimeteague Posts: 95 Member
    Agreed! Turkey bacon is not good.

    Here's the thing about bacon: it packs so much flavor in a small bite. You can crumble one piece of bacon onto your salad or into your egg white omlette and for only 35 calories you are adding more flavor than you would get from the same caloric amount of salad dressing or cheese. Adding a small amount of bacon to your dish is a very smart way of tricking your brain into thinking you've eaten a rich, satisfying meal. Its just like everything else though, it has to be all in moderation. That's just my two cents anyways :blushing:
    I agree - a little bit of bacon goes a long way! I love a little bit crumbled onto a steaming bowl of vegetable soup, delish!
  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    I am still waiting for someone to tell me where bacon comes from on a turkey. No one has yet to explain it to me.

    Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm bask in the love for BACON!!! :heart: :heart: nom nom nom
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    I am still waiting for someone to tell me where bacon comes from on a turkey. No one has yet to explain it to me.

    Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm bask in the love for BACON!!! :heart: :heart: nom nom nom

    What, you've never seen turkey belly? :P
  • PhotographyChick
    PhotographyChick Posts: 43 Member
    Turkey bacon tastes like crap. It is almost an insult to call it bacon.

    almost? no, it is. haha
  • angiemartin78
    angiemartin78 Posts: 475 Member
    I get this awesome turkey bacon from Whole Foods that is nitrate/nitrite free and my family loves it! It's not that I dislike regular bacon, but just prefer my turkey bacon :wink:
  • frando
    frando Posts: 583 Member

    I can't not live without bacon, and its such a great seasoner for food!

    Cooking with it still produces healthy food, like my dinner tonight cooks with it- adds a beautiful smokey taste, good fats to cook with (I won't need to add any further fat to cook with) and so much protein I feel full for the rest of the evening.

    Smoked bacon for all!! (And blue for those odd people)!
  • GadgetGuy2
    GadgetGuy2 Posts: 291 Member
    I'm wondering why the OP didn't include cholesterol and other fats in the comparison.
  • marthathebear
    Love bacon! Can't live without bacon. Now I want some bacon!
  • Jay_Jay_
    Jay_Jay_ Posts: 194 Member
    Turkey bacon = frankenbacon! Its far worse and processed for you than bacon ever can be.

    Bacon has the perfect macro nutritional break down. It is the god-meat.

    4 slices a day keeps the weight away.
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    Your argument is invalid, oscar mayer bacon is not real bacon

    Go to your butcher and get some thick cut bacon

    bacon pr0n
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Well, to be fair the slices of Oscar Meyer turkey bacon are thicker than their regular bacon.

    IMO bacon is a food that should be eaten in moderation, especially if it's cured bacon such as Oscar Meyer. I have no problems limiting it because, like most other traditional American breakfast foods, I'm just not that crazy about it. I like it on a BLT or club sandwich now and then, but that's about it. I've never understood why people want to put it on burgers.