Breast Implants



  • Dana2282
    Dana2282 Posts: 9 Member
    good topic. I too have often thought about getting implants. I'm a 34B but would love to be a full C cup. My husband and I have discussed this many times. He says he's worried they wouldn't look or feel completely "real" and doesn't want me to lose my natural beauty. Although it's obvious you are a natural beauty, personally I say do whatever makes you happy. And if that's your motivator to workout then more power to you!!
  • caterpillardreams
    caterpillardreams Posts: 476 Member
    I cant understand why women want bigger breasts. 34B is a perfect size, you should enjoy them! No back problems and there are men like me who love small breasts! Since your husband doesnt want you to have implants, that means he like small breasts too so be happy with them! :P

    I guess I should, which is why I am still debating it. I know my husband loves me the way I am and I am lucky he does. Looking at the media it seems like every woman who is considored sexy has huge breasts! I want to feel sexy too!

    You are so right about the media and many stars getting implants. You have to make that decsision for yourself. There also very natural breasted Actresses and they are beautiful and I hope they never get implants. Kate Hudson, Gorgeus does not need implants and she is beautiful. Zoe Saldana, Michelle Pffeifer, Lucy Liu. There are so many, its just that its easier to see the big breast, wether real or not.

    I have vey small breasts, I do not think I ever want bigger breasts, I actually enjoy my small ones, but I know many people who want bigger ones, or shapely ones. I also know a friedn who got them reduced to a very small size, said she felt uncomfortable exercising with them

    Think it over and its so awesome that your man does lets you know you do not need them.
  • dawLs
    dawLs Posts: 84
    I would wait until you reach your goal to make a decision. I'm a 32A and the thought has crossed my mind before but the more and more I think about it, I really wouldn't get them done. It is kinda funny, but I like the option of being able to throw on a pushup bra if I want a different look, but not be committed to always having the same size! And being able to go without a bra.
  • ohheyy125
    ohheyy125 Posts: 295 Member
    so.. I have implants. honestly for me it was the best thing I ever did. best money I ever spent and I love looking in the mirror and being able to look great in tops. but I know my boyfriend and a lot of men prefer the real thing. the only thing is I was an A before and now I'm a large C, and let's just say my small breasts did not match my curvy lower body. it literally looked akward. so I didn't do it for my boyfriend or anyone else for that matter.. I did it for me and I don't regret it one bit.
    my only advice to you is to go to a great doctor with great reviews, get them under the muscle, get the gel and not the saline, and go with the armpit or belly button option because I cut right under the breast and that's my biggest regret. the scars fade but not enough.
  • ohheyy125
    ohheyy125 Posts: 295 Member
    oh yeah and like someone else said, I would go a bit bigger than you think you actually want, because you are pain a lot might as well go big or go home. I regret doing a big C instead of a little or big D. that's my second biggest regret.
  • gldnlark
    gldnlark Posts: 53
    How ironic... I want to lose weight so I can get a lift and reduction! I had Cushing's Syndrome which blew up not only my entire body, but my top half from a nice, comfortable 34B to a 38D/DD! I HATE it! And no, when I lose weight, it doesn't come off up there. It aggravates the arthritis in my back and I can't sit at a desk or cook at the kitchen counter for long without horrid pain. My body is just not cut out for big boobs.

    As for implants? 'Not unless I am forced to by breast cancer or an unfortunate-freak accident with an electric knife...
  • Jonesingmucho
    Jonesingmucho Posts: 4,902 Member
    You were kind enough to give me advice earlier this morning about changing my avatar because of the cleavage showing. You said something about maybe that is my only asset. And you said some other stuff...

    I am glad I read this forum from you. I understand where you are coming from a little better now. I hope that you are able to find happiness whether you decide to stay with your perfect 34B or get the implants.

    For what it is worth, I offer one thought. Being sexy is 50% confidence. What I am trying to say is that whether your breasts are larger or small, your sexiness comes from your heart. I know people who are drop dead sexy AND too skinny or too fat or ugly, but they are freaking sexy! I also know people who are physical perfection, but not one ounce of sexy in their entire body.

    Look in your husband's eyes, and you will see how sexy you already are.
  • Nessiechickie
    Nessiechickie Posts: 1,392 Member
    I don't have any advice to give since I don't have them but always wanted them.
    But then my boobs must have gotten the memo and had a growth spurt from 32B to 32D and i think they are still growing and the crazy thing is I'm losing weight.... :laugh: :laugh:
  • sherisse69
    sherisse69 Posts: 795 Member
    I would never do it personaly because you are garanteed to need to have more then 1 surgary, there is like a 52% chance of complications, either they turn hard, bust, your body rejects it, and they have to be replaces every 10 years or something like that, I seen a guy of TV awhile back that does breast implants, and he advised against women getting them, so ya, Ill stick to a good bra, Im also a 34B but if thats what you realy want, then go for it.

    I am a year away from my BSN degree so the complications are what truly freaks me out. More so than that my major downfall for getting them would be the required upkeep surgery every 10 years. Yet, then a lot of my friends say it is worth it all and they would do it all over again. I am torn.

    I would really take the time to examine WHY you want them. I get that looking around at others can make you envious, BUT being large chested, is not all the fun you think. Clothes don't fit the same - you look slutty vs cute with certain styles that others can where no problem. They bounce, they sag, they get in the way, lol.

    In additon to that - many say they just want to be "this big" - but once you go and look, and try "them on" - most come back wanting BIGGER than they ever thought they would - those that don't complain after surgery.

    It really is a lot to think about. Plus, if you want kids - well - if you CAN breast feed, you will likely need a "boost" post.

    Think on it, and be SURE before going through with it.

    Good luck!
  • AuddAlise
    AuddAlise Posts: 723 Member
    Finally, I don't know your life plan or anything like that, but you are still pretty young... Breast implants will affect whether or not you can breastfeed if/when you decide to have children. Also, pregnancy/childbirth/breastfeeding change your body in ways you cannot even fathom. If you do plan on having kids, you may want to save your surgery until after that.

    ^^I can't tell you how muchI agree with this. I went from a 32AA before kids to a 36F after my 1st. It happens. Now after 4 kids in 8 years I am at a 34D sometimes DD.
  • rickgomez2003
    It would depend on your body type.
  • hannydee
    hannydee Posts: 246
    You can buy bras that make you look up to 2 cup sizes larger - why not just do that if you feel a bit insecure? Saves a heck of a lot of money and pain.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member

    I am a year away from my BSN degree so the complications are what truly freaks me out. More so than that my major downfall for getting them would be the required upkeep surgery every 10 years. Yet, then a lot of my friends say it is worth it all and they would do it all over again. I am torn.

    What upkeep? Unless you are thinking of having babies, then you should wait until after you are done having children. If you get your implants at a time when you body won't be changing much again, there should be no need for upkeep. I have the Mentor cohesive gel (gummy bear) textured silicone implants and they carry a 25 year warranty. I've had them for 9 years, and don't know why I would want to get another surgery at this point for "upkeep." They look and feel great, still.

    They are "overs" which helps with the natural appearance.

    1. Shop around and make consultations with 2-3 doctors before you go under the knife. I actually went with the 2nd doctor I visited because he was not only better qualified by professional organizations, but he was willing to use silicone before it was available on the open market again.

    2. Listen to what your doctor tells you, and follow his/her instructions.

    3. Don't go in with a cup size/ number that you want to be. Implants don't work like that. There are so many variables to think about, such as the shape of your rib cage, how your pectoral muscles are developed, whether or not there is some asymmetry between the sides, ect. Instead have a photo(s) of how you want your figure to look post-op.

    4. Then be prepared for all the condescending attitudes from family and coworkers after you have them done. It's crazy what people feel they can get away with saying because you did something for yourself to feel more beautiful. No one is judgy about getting braces on your teeth for cosmetic reasons, but for some reason it is okay to criticize cosmetic techniques on the body.
  • KingChoco
    KingChoco Posts: 10 Member
    Personally I am a fan of small breast. I dont think its anything wrong with getting them but If you look good the way you are then keep yours. What happens if you get them and no longer happy with them? Then you are just left with a scar
  • Skinny_Jeans_Soon
    Skinny_Jeans_Soon Posts: 326 Member
    This is my main reward for reaching goal as well.
  • ahmommy
    ahmommy Posts: 316 Member
    I am a 34B and after nursing two babies, they're not perky. While nursing my older daughter, I was an E cup. At the time it didn't seem that big to me, but looking back at pictures, my boobs were wider than my chest. It looked strange (to me, on me), even though I'm tall so I could support a larger bust. While nursing my younger daughter, I was a D cup and I think that looked more natural on my frame. But I couldn't wear any of my bathing suits without feeling like I was about to pop out, and DH even said it was way too much cleavage. I couldn't wear half my wardrobe because the big boobs made my clothes indecent.

    I'm happy and secure now with my breast size. I've been on the flip side, and it wasn't all it's cracked up to be. Plus I have a husband and two small children, so the potential complications affect much more than just me. I'm also the type of person who won't take tylenol unless I really need it, so it's natural that I would shy away from major surgery that's not medically necessary.

    Part of my goal is to develop the muscles in my chest some to see if it helps perk up what I do have. And I'm going to spend some money on some really good bras.
  • jeslyn2360
    You can buy bras that make you look up to 2 cup sizes larger - why not just do that if you feel a bit insecure? Saves a heck of a lot of money and pain.

    I have like 5 of these bra's from Victoria Secret. The "Bombshell bras" believe me they are not all they are cracked up to be. I want the real things. Bra's only work when you have clothes on!
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I have them, and honestly it's one of the best decisions I've ever made. I absolutely love mine and they look very natural.

    I am glad they turned out how you wanted. I think I seriously need them for a confidence boost. I have low self esteem when it comes to my body. I am hoping they would make me feel better about myself and confident! Thanks for the input!

    Um, no offense, but that really doesn't sound like "for the right reasons". Boobs won't fix your self confidence issues. Only you can do that.
  • Luvmesumkenny
    Luvmesumkenny Posts: 779 Member
    WOO HOO!!! I'm happy I'm not the only one..
    30 pounds to go and I will get to buy my new Funbags. :wink:
  • annabanana05
    i don't think so. i have about the same amount to lose and i told my husband that's what i wanted when i lost my weight! i say go for it