New Rules of Lifting for Women



  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member
    I've heard of it before, but don't know much about it. I want to do more free-weight stuff... anyone have more information on it they'd like to share? I could google it, but personal experiences seem more benefical.

    It's a book which provides a plan & instructions on every move for women to lift heavy weights. It's broken into 7 stages, and after the introductory stage 1, the workouts also include some HIIT. The group link has loads of personal experiences in the board, but for me personally, it's been transformative. I've lost 2" off my waist (through stage 4), and dropped 2 jeans sizes (from 18 to 14) even though I've *only* lost 7 lb. since I started it in April. Aside from physical changes, it gives me more energy, reduces my stress, and I have so much more self-confidence than I've had for a long time. Every time I do something I might have thought I could *never* do, the joy & high from that is indescribable!

    Like planks. I struggled to hold one for 60 seconds at the beginning, but now I can hold one for 120 seconds. My form's not perfect for that whole time yet, but I keep myself up that whole time, and I know 100% that if I keep practicing, it will just keep getting better.

    Or this evil component in stages 3 & 5 called "body weight matrix" - it's 24 squats, 24 lunges, 24 jump lunges, and 24 jump squats, done as quickly as possible with good form. The first time I did it, it took me a whopping NINE minutes. By my 4th workout with this requirement, I could do it in 5:30. And today, I did my first one under 5 minutes (4:50). During those minutes, it's incredibly challenging, but when it's done, and you realize you're getting faster, it is soooooooooo rewarding.

    Or HIIT. I tried taking up jogging last year, but ended up with achilles tendinitis, which took months to finally feel better, and I had pretty much given up on jogging/running. So I was s.l.o.w. Like 4 mph slow, maybe 4.5 or 5 mph if I pushed hard. But in this plan, you increase the intensity a little bit every time, and you only ever do 1 minute hard, then 2 minutes recovery. And no-one is more surprised than me that I can run a full minute as fast as 7.4 mph now. I'm going to try 7.5 mph in my next NROLFW workout, and do you know what? I'm sure I can do it, and it'll be hard, but I'll feel great afterwards.
  • linz1125
    linz1125 Posts: 441 Member
    Did my first workout yesterday....and I have never been more aware of every muscle in my body lol! It was definitely a challenge...for me the hardest were the prone jackknifes! But I have no balance. I am hoping to rethink my workout schedule so I can fit in the 3 workouts, not just 2 like I originally planned. It's a great feeling finishing the first workout, and I can't wait to do the B workout.

    I highly recommend protien afterwards - It is an exhausting workout if you haven't done anything like that before.
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,412 Member
    I've completed it twice! Great workouts - funny book :)
  • dare2love81
    dare2love81 Posts: 928 Member
    I just bought the book last weekend and started reading it last night. Can't wait to get started!!
  • kooltray87
    kooltray87 Posts: 501 Member
    Im doing Insanity right now, but after that I would love to hit the weights! What kind of weights does this program require?
  • MoveTheMountain
    I recommend getting someone to walk you through proper form for deadlifts and squats.. because you can really hurt yourself if you do them wrong, and most people do them wrong.

    Squats = *kitten* to the grass, legs should go down past 90 degrees. Like you are squatting for a pee outside, not hovering over a dirty toilet.
    hah sorry for the imagery, but its the best way to explain.

    Go ahead and start going *kitten*-to-grass low, but don't beat yourself up if, as the weight goes up, you can't keep going quite that low. Really, all you need to go is parallel, which is to say, your hip joint should be even with your knee joint. From the side, it will actually look like you're a little below parallel, but you aren't.

    The best book on form I'm ever seen for squats, press, deadlifts, etc., is Starting Strength. It's definitely worth its weight in gold. He covers everything from where your eyes should be looking to how your feet should be placed and everything in between. Invaluable if you're going to start compound joint exercises.

    Best of luck!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    I've heard of it before, but don't know much about it. I want to do more free-weight stuff... anyone have more information on it they'd like to share? I could google it, but personal experiences seem more benefical.

    Join the group. The lin is in one of the replies above. You'll get a good idea about all stages and meet some pretty amazing women too!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    I'm at the end! Stage 7. It was a fun ride. I am soooo much stronger! Did my first chin up and underhand pull ups last week in my life!

    OMG you are my hero... one of these days I hope!!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    I really dislike it when people discourage anyone from challenging themselves.

    You can A2G at all sorts of weight and just because it's hard doesn't mean you shouldn't try. It's all a process. Don't think you can't just because someone else says he or she can't. Before you add weight, be sure you have the form down pat.

    Since you're asking about NROL4W, let me just say that there is a forum on that will help with even more information and there are so many vids out on youtube of women demonstrating good form for these moves.

    Do it! Do your best. Work on form first and weight second and I promise you you will completely transform yourself, not just physically but in every way imaginable!
  • twinkletoes66
    twinkletoes66 Posts: 89 Member
    I'm in week 2 & I LOVE it!!!