Guilted by clean eaters?



  • aqm22
    aqm22 Posts: 153 Member
    IMO, eating "clean" is a fad. Just like low/no-carbs, organic, low fat, gluten free, etc. all other "bad/dirty food" out there. None of that matters. All that matters is a balanced diet, knowing what you put in your mouth and making sure you have all the nutrients necessary to fuel your body. If you do that, I think you're good. If not, well, it's not necessarily bad.

    It's just my humble too cent.

    And no, I don't feel guilty. I find it aggravating people spouting off that certain food (rice and pasta seems to be the new enemy right now) are bad and make you sick. I try not to comment on those post anymore. I don't think they listen anyways.
  • BikinimomE
    BikinimomE Posts: 116 Member
    I think that this is an area where common sense should trump dogma.

    Are you eating "mostly" nutrient dense foods, and are you making some effort to limit processed foods when possible? Do this and I think you'll be in an excellent spot for both body composition and health even with the inclusion of some processed junk food.

    Are you just creating a deficit eating almost all processed foods? Do this and you'll still lose weight, you might even get the same body composition benefits if your macros are set up and hit correctly, but you could possibly have health problems, satiety issues, performance issues, etc.

  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    IMO, eating "clean" is a fad. Just like low/no-carbs, organic, low fat, gluten free, etc. all other "bad/dirty food" out there. None of that matters.

    Well. No. You're wrong. Some people eat clean because they have no other choice. :)
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    I am a clean eater - not by choice though. I just have a lot of allergies and can't eat packaged food.

    I have this very important thing to say, and I say it without judgment;

    Every path is not perfect.

    Some choices are less good for you then others.

    Clean eaters aren't making you feel guilty. YOU are making you feel guilty. So stop it.

  • Determinednoob
    Determinednoob Posts: 2,001 Member
    I eat my bacon in the shower. S'ok?
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    IMO, eating "clean" is a fad. Just like low/no-carbs, organic, low fat, gluten free, etc. all other "bad/dirty food" out there. None of that matters.

    Well. No. You're wrong. Some people eat clean because they have no other choice. :)

    "Clean" is another word for whole, natural, healthy foods. Few of us are eating completely clean, but many of us do the best we can. Whole, natural foods are a "fad"? LOL. Ever since day 1 on MFP someone occasionally says I am following a "fad" and warns me to "be careful". I don't know whether to laugh or cry... Less than a hundred years of eating foods that come in a box or plastic package and many of us think that's the "normal" way to eat. I think the whole modern lifestyle is a "fad"!
  • super_monty
    super_monty Posts: 419 Member
    IMO, eating "clean" is a fad. Just like low/no-carbs, organic, low fat, gluten free, etc. all other "bad/dirty food" out there. None of that matters.

    Well. No. You're wrong. Some people eat clean because they have no other choice. :)

    Eating clean is hardly a fad people where doing it for 1000's of years until multi million corporations starting filling food with e numbers, fat, salt, sugar then marketing at kids and helping the nation get sick, they dont care about health only profit.

    I also thing eating clean can be great if you know little about food, cook a lean bit of fresh meat, some veg and a couple of small potatoes and you have a well balanced meal, often low sat, low bad fats and high in fire and vitamins.

    I ate rather clean for a while, it helped me lose 41 lbs and it was easy to do, if the weight goes on again the clean eating with be my 1st stop.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    More good food for me. Sounds like a win-win.
  • linz1125
    linz1125 Posts: 441 Member
    I'm not a very clean eater either, but I figure I'm just not THERE in my journey yet. Right now, I'm focused on religiously logging & keeping up with steady exercise. Once I get those habits down, then I can set new goals for myself.

    I think clean eating is a lifestyle change that you need to do when you're ready. But of course, more fruits and veggies in your diet sooner than later can't hurt.

    Don't feel bad. Be proud of the lifestyle changes you've made and maintained since the start of your journey!

    I completely agree with this 100%. This is your journey- own it! Do what you are doing, as long as it is working for you. Even though I am a major advocate of clean eating, it is not for everyone. For me it was a very gradual change - and something that I struggle with every day.

    I always felt guilty if I wasn't the one doing low-carb when it was the craze. But for me, that just wasn't right. I am the daughter of an Italian bread baker and beer brewer - so our entire diet was basically beer, pasta and bread! That wasn't right for me...I finally found what is right for me, and I may get a little over-zealous when giving advice to others about it, but that's because it is something I truly believe in it.

    Do what is right for you- at the end of the day, you need to feel good about what you are doing for yourself- which is making changes to better yourself. Be proud of yourself and your journey.
  • aqm22
    aqm22 Posts: 153 Member
    IMO, eating "clean" is a fad. Just like low/no-carbs, organic, low fat, gluten free, etc. all other "bad/dirty food" out there. None of that matters.

    Well. No. You're wrong. Some people eat clean because they have no other choice. :)

    Eating clean is hardly a fad people where doing it for 1000's of years until multi million corporations starting filling food with e numbers, fat, salt, sugar then marketing at kids and helping the nation get sick, they dont care about health only profit.

    I also thing eating clean can be great if you know little about food, cook a lean bit of fresh meat, some veg and a couple of small potatoes and you have a well balanced meal, often low sat, low bad fats and high in fire and vitamins.

    I ate rather clean for a while, it helped me lose 41 lbs and it was easy to do, if the weight goes on again the clean eating with be my 1st stop.

    I'm not talking about prepackaged food that comes in boxes. I'm weary of those too, trust me. It's worse for me because I know a lot of what those weird pronouncing ingredients mean. I'm talking about when people denounce almost every food on the planet because they don't think it's "clean".

    I like my rice (I really don't understand why people think white rice is processed food, but whatever). I like my msg (especially the expensive kind that comes from mushrooms, yum). I didn't get fat from eating those. I got fat from sitting on my butt.

    And in my post I clearly state that if you know what you put in your mouth then you should be good. It's all about balanced. That's just my lowly opinion. But I guess I shouldn't talk, I buy fresh meat/fish and veggies and cook almost every night =)
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    My reason for posting this though is that I read all these posts on the community that (I feel) ridicule those of use who don't eat clean. They guilt us into thinking we're putting garbage in our mouths if we don't eat like they do.

    For sure.

    But then I remember the whole eating clean concept is for stupid people who are not numerically adept, that struggle with elementary school level math and/or for people that are weak and not capable of controlling themselves. The rest are just gullible souls who are into that us vs. them thing that buy into the marketing hype.

    Most of them are fat too.

    Health food is a myth. Deal with it.
  • super_monty
    super_monty Posts: 419 Member
    IMO, eating "clean" is a fad. Just like low/no-carbs, organic, low fat, gluten free, etc. all other "bad/dirty food" out there. None of that matters.

    Well. No. You're wrong. Some people eat clean because they have no other choice. :)

    Eating clean is hardly a fad people where doing it for 1000's of years until multi million corporations starting filling food with e numbers, fat, salt, sugar then marketing at kids and helping the nation get sick, they dont care about health only profit.

    I also thing eating clean can be great if you know little about food, cook a lean bit of fresh meat, some veg and a couple of small potatoes and you have a well balanced meal, often low sat, low bad fats and high in fire and vitamins.

    I ate rather clean for a while, it helped me lose 41 lbs and it was easy to do, if the weight goes on again the clean eating with be my 1st stop.

    I'm not talking about prepackaged food that comes in boxes. I'm weary of those too, trust me. It's worse for me because I know a lot of what those weird pronouncing ingredients mean. I'm talking about when people denounce almost every food on the planet because they don't think it's "clean".

    I like my rice (I really don't understand why people think white rice is processed food, but whatever). I like my msg (especially the expensive kind that comes from mushrooms, yum). I didn't get fat from eating those. I got fat from sitting on my butt.

    And in my post I clearly state that if you know what you put in your mouth then you should be good. It's all about balanced. That's just my lowly opinion. But I guess I shouldn't talk, I buy fresh meat/fish and veggies and cook almost every night =)

    I dont think you should worry about it, should like you are pretty balanced.

    I will always eat rice, i need the carbs. Even if a go on a so called eating clean diet i will still cheat a little and eat rice. People don't like it because it bleached and a starchy carb.

    I got fat for loads of reasons, inactivity, carbs, processed crap, smoking, video games, apathy, denial, depression.

    keeping totally clean gets boring quick imo, so just do what you can. its more about eating healthy.

    e.g. I hated salad and spinach etc never ate until 12 months ago. Yet if I put a tea spoon of processed low carb light dressing on it (10 cals) I can eat a big bowel of it everyday. A pretty good trade off i would say and i would stick that under clean so what ;-)
  • I hear ya. Everyone should be allowed to eat however they want and not feel guilty about it. Everyone's needs are different.