juggling. it. all

how do busy moms find the time to workout? Seriously...between running all the kids (5) to sports, dance, cheer, homework, IEP meetings (2 of my boys have ASD), doctors appointments, throw in a full time job, part time business, and then household duties...I literally don't have time in the day. Also, I struggle with having time to prepare meals...practices are always hitting at dinner times, so it's too easy to go to a drive thru. What are some ideas out there with these obstacles??


  • soehlerking
    soehlerking Posts: 589 Member
    bump. not at that stage in life, but curious how you SuperMoms are able to do it all!!
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    the truth is, when you decide your health can no longer take a back seat, you'll find the time in your day.

    Are you being honest with yourself? IEP meetings? Those take place yearly, not daily.

    Excuses are easy. That's why they don't produce any results.

    Decide that working out is non-negotiable, like brushing your teeth. Then fit it into your unique life in the way that suits you best.

    You can do this, but excuses will get in your way as long as you allow them to.
  • Virgo75
    Virgo75 Posts: 9 Member
    I get what your saying and I agree for the most part. IEP meeting have been a big issue lately for my kids because of the new year. I've had I can' tell you how many phone calls and meeting just leading up to the IEPs. Conferences with teachers, counselors, therapists, doctors and Autism specialists. My district is very small and I as the parent am expected to do alot of the leg work, or it won't get done. I work on it DAILY, I know they SHOULD be once a year but with my kids they are not.

    But IEPs aren't the only thing I mentioned...

    Should I ask someone to take my kids to lessons and practices, to feed them, to help with homework? I really don't know how to do this. When you say find a unique way, what worked for you? I just need ideas.

    I'm not trying to make excuses, I just need to know how moms logistically manage everything.
  • RLDeShazo
    RLDeShazo Posts: 356 Member
    how do busy moms find the time to workout? Seriously...between running all the kids (5) to sports, dance, cheer, homework, IEP meetings (2 of my boys have ASD), doctors appointments, throw in a full time job, part time business, and then household duties...I literally don't have time in the day. Also, I struggle with having time to prepare meals...practices are always hitting at dinner times, so it's too easy to go to a drive thru. What are some ideas out there with these obstacles??

    While at your child's practice, walk around the fields or whatever. With 5 kids, delegate some of those household duties and take a 20-30 minute walk in the evenings.

    For meals, you can try preparing a weeks worth of meals on the weekends. Then you just have to heat and serve.

    Also, you didn't mention a husband, but I'm going to assume one is there. Why can't he help out a little and take some of the burden off you?
  • LNZimmer
    LNZimmer Posts: 94
    I work full time (M-F, 8-5) and have a 3 year old. I just go to the gym on my lunch. I am sure it will change once she does get into school and sports, but if you want it bad enough, you will find a way and figure it out.
  • Meatsies
    Meatsies Posts: 351 Member
    Was in the same boat. Finally acknowledged that I just wasn't prioritizing a healthy lifestyle.

    I get up earlier now to workout before work. (I'm up at 5 every day).

    I've used my crock pot 4 times this week to have healthy meals available when we finally stagger into the house.

    I'm a single mom of twin preschoolers, working full time, too, with a million other things going on.

    If you want it badly enough, it will happen. I agree with the poster who said to think of it as a necessity, as vital as brushing your teeth, and you'll FIND the ways to fit it in.

  • chunkydunk714
    chunkydunk714 Posts: 784 Member

    Also, you didn't mention a husband, but I'm going to assume one is there. Why can't he help out a little and take some of the burden off you?

    ^^ I agree...hopefully the husband is one that helps cuz that will take a load or two off.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    I guess us busy single dads don't much matter...
  • marthathebear
    I'm over all that, my baby is 25. Try to make your exercise part of their life as well. Good for you is good for them. Same with diet.
    We rode bikes, walked, played ball and whatever together. It is so fun you won't know how much exercise you are getting. Also, setting a good example they will remember. My daughter grew up with me trying to eat better and exercise more and I am grateful because she is extremely fit now!
  • kit8806
    kit8806 Posts: 222 Member
    I'm a single mom to a 4 yr old and I do all of the school meetings and therapy on my own, while working full time and all the house work etc... a tip I got from my mom (single mom to 4 very sports active girls) is pick a day and cook all your meals for the week and freeze them or put them in the fridge. This way, you have a healthy dinner that will just take a few minutes to heat up and you can eat! Have fruits and veggies cut up and maybe in "grab bags" so when you are on the go, you can grab something healthy! This way, instead of cooking and waiting 45 minutes for dinner, grab a 20 minute walk then eat! Any little bit can help! Freeing up just a little bit can go a long way!!! :) I can only imagine your busy schedule!! Good Luck!! Hope this was helpful!!!!
  • Teliooo
    Teliooo Posts: 725 Member
    Kudos to you hun, you have 5 children, that alone is enough to not have much free time, and with a full time job and part time business, I am not surprised. I can't even imagine where to tell you to make the time. I guess try something like 30ds which only takes 30 mins, that three times a week is enough for how busy you must be. I only have one, a part time job and about 3 business and I struggle. 5 kids is unimaginable to me.
  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    And I thought my life was busy! I've heard that asking for help is a good idea (even if we don't "need" it). See if you can find a parent of a kid on the same team as your kid to drive them home/car pool to practice.
  • MsP90X
    MsP90X Posts: 1,053 Member
    It isn't easy but it is doable when you decide you are worth the investment.

    Trust me, I know what you are talking about because we have similar lives... just choose to make it your priority. If it means getting up an hour earlier and packing lunches the night before... then do it. If you can't muster up the energy in the morning (like me) do it at night REGARDLESS of the hour (I finished my workout after 11pm one night this week, which is past my bedtime). Commit to it, Do it and your results will take over and become your motivation. You are worth it...

    PM me if you wish to have more details :)
  • happypath101
    I only have one child. FIVE!! Good on you! On the other hand, I'm a single Mom and I work more than full time. Here are some of my tips:

    * Let go of working out any specific time. Stock up on DVDs and home equipment and work out when you can. (Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred is awesome. You'll see a difference and the workout is only 20 minutes. It's a killer 20 minutes. But, it does work.)
    * Let go of working out with the proper clothes on and all that. Seriously, if you really pressed for time, don't worry about changing in and out of workout gear. Go for a long walk in your jeans. It's all good.
    * Try to fit it in around the kids. I walk my kid to and from Martial Arts. While he's doing that, I go for a walk or a run.
    * You might want to get some Shape Ups. They are a little controversial but I love mine and I swear they've toned my legs and butt a lot. You can wear these while you do your grocery shopping, errands, etc. (Every little bit helps.)
    * See if you instigate family walks/bike rides/swims whatever. Get out there and physically play with the kids. That's exercise too and they'll love it. (Lie down on your back, lower back pressed to the floor. Feet up in table top. Feet pressed to toddlers' belly. LIFT and lower. Repeat, repeat, giggle, repeat.)

    Be creative. Don't try to do it the way that young childless people do. Don't give up. You can do it!!!
  • Teliooo
    Teliooo Posts: 725 Member
    I guess us busy single dads don't much matter...

    hey, chill, I don't think she meant to offend.
  • marthathebear
    Jacksonpt - your matter very much. My hat is off to you. It can't be easy but it is so worth it.
  • Dropitlikeitshotchic
    I totally understand where you are coming from. I am a single mom of 3... all are active in sports and I am running from one field to the next. The only time I have for myself is early in the morning. I typically get up at 4:30 and exercise with other moms at 5-6, then come home and get myself and them ready for the day. This is not what I want to do... but truly is the only time I have for myself. I used to make excuses but HAD to stop to make a difference in my life and health. When I have to go through a driv thru... I get a happy meal too..or just 1 sandwich off the $ menu... no fries. It has worked! I am happier and healthier.
  • MD1978
    MD1978 Posts: 477 Member
    I get up 30 minutes earlier 3x week to work out before everyone else gets up. I do a quick workout like 30 day shred or C25K. As far a working in dinner w/ afterschool activities...I plan for crockpot meals or something quick like sandwiches, stir fry ect. on those days. Good luck I know it can be challenging, but your health is important too :flowerforyou:
  • helenecg
    helenecg Posts: 43 Member
    It is hard, but it can be done. You need to have a schedule. For the past 4 years, I work out on same nights at the same time (2X a week). My husband and family all know that those nights I work out. Also, I work out at lunch or before work. I also work out with the kids, they will ride their bikes and I run, or rollerblade. I will jog around the field during their sports practices. Eventually, they come to know and expect that I need a work out, if I have missed the last day or so. The upside of all of this, is that my kids believe that exercise is a normal, expected part of life (my husband is also very active). It is not easy, but so worth it! Good Luck.
  • KGraham97
    KGraham97 Posts: 12 Member
    I too feel like there is not enough time in the day, but once I decided that I have to take care of myself first, it just all fit in. Try the Jillian Michael's DVDs like the 30 day shred or Ripped in 30. 20 to 30 minutes is all it takes. I do alot of mine pretty late at night, but I get it in and feel so much better after. It relieves the stress from the busy day. Meals - crock pots are my family's best friend. I'm sure you will succeed just keep trying.