juggling. it. all



  • jcjsjones
    jcjsjones Posts: 571 Member
    how do busy moms find the time to workout? Seriously...between running all the kids (5) to sports, dance, cheer, homework, IEP meetings (2 of my boys have ASD), doctors appointments, throw in a full time job, part time business, and then household duties...I literally don't have time in the day. Also, I struggle with having time to prepare meals...practices are always hitting at dinner times, so it's too easy to go to a drive thru. What are some ideas out there with these obstacles??

    While at your child's practice, walk around the fields or whatever. With 5 kids, delegate some of those household duties and take a 20-30 minute walk in the evenings.

    For meals, you can try preparing a weeks worth of meals on the weekends. Then you just have to heat and serve.

    Also, you didn't mention a husband, but I'm going to assume one is there. Why can't he help out a little and take some of the burden off you?

    ^^This. I have a full time job, go to school full time, both kids in cross country, and trying to help my husband open a business. I totally take advantage of cross country practice. The coach allows parents to run with the kids. Believe me, trying to stay up with middle schooler's will make you work! LOL!
  • JoleneCooper
    JoleneCooper Posts: 74 Member
    I have a hard time and my list isn't nearly as long as yours! I have a FT job, 1 toddler and a hard working husband. 3 young cousins that are in sports and we try to see that as much as possible though....Somehow, we keep a clean house and avoid the drive-thru often. Hope this little bit of advise helps... I recommend the crock pot for your meals. If you can set aside 1 hour on your grocery day to prepare your crock pot meals you can freeze them and then dump them in the pot the day you want to eat that meal. Very easy!
    As for the exercise I want you to ask yourself about TV...do you watch it? If so - you have time to exercise. Workout while you watch or just decide that you are now more important than {insert TV show here}.
  • WickedBean
    WickedBean Posts: 244 Member
    Not to be an *kitten* but where is your husband? (if it was asked and answered already ignore me i didnt read everythign) Get him to take the kids to lessons and stuff. Schedule time for yourself.. put it on a calendar (between this time and this time mom is not available) shut your phone off, leave the house and go to the gym or for a walk or something.

    It is great you take wonderful care of your kids but take care of yourself too. People will soon learn that between those times you do not answer your phone, you aren't at home etc. Like anything it just takes time to get used to it. But schedule it and keep it scheduled like you would a dr's appointment.
  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    It is hard. I have four kids, and a full time job as Assistant Director of a 911 center. I used to say that I just did not have time to prepare healthy food, workout, etc. But then I decided that I had to start taking care of myself so that I would be around for my kids, and I have managed to make time for all the things I thought I couldn't. I actually get up at 4 a.m. most days so that I can get my exercise in before everyone else is up. And I do a lot of preplanning so that meals are easy when I don't have much time. And part of it now is that since I started eating better and working out, I have a TON more energy, so the things that used to seem so overwhelming just aren't. I used to be exhausted in the evenings,but now I still have energy left after work!
  • rchupka87
    rchupka87 Posts: 543 Member
    You have to be willing to adapt. At any given time. Saying I am going to the gym every night after work, isn't always an option. I use my breaks at work to walk in the parking garage. On the nights my kids have soccer, I run at the soccer fields. My found a gym that has a day care to watch the little one for me while I work out on the days they DONT have activities. Some nights I run in the neighborhood - after the kids are in bed, the dishes are in the dishwasher, and the laundry has just been put in, and hubby settles down for TV time. Do Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. It's only 25 minutes. Excercise with your kids! They love doing DVDs with me - they think it's funny.

    As for food - Planning, planning, planning. I do a lot of prep on the weekends. Everything goes in ziploc bags in the freezer. Lots of crock pot meals. Bake enough chicken for the entire week. Chop all your veggies when you get home from the store. One night, do one of the healthy meals YOU enjoy, and throw a pizza in the oven for the kids. I have a crazy life too (plus, we only have one vehicle). But if you want it bad enough, you'll do it. There are work arounds for everything. Maybe you don't have an hour at a time, but do you have 30 minutes twice a day? 15 minutes here and there? 10 minutes to do pushups, jumping jacks, and planks before you jump in the shower?

    Start slow and work your way into it. Nothing happens over night.
  • chezileigh
    chezileigh Posts: 255
    Well my son is 14 now, and although my life is busy, yours sounds a lot busier.

    The only bit of advice I can offer is that although it seems impossible when you are starting out, once you set aside half an hour per day for yourself and start doing it, things look instantly easier. 30 day shred is a good way to get excellent results from half an hour per day, and some of the people on this thread seem to have similar lives, so add them as friends and go through this journey together with them, this will keep you committed to your own journey, and in some ways, theirs to. It makes it much easier.

    Good luck I know you can do this!!!
  • kg2run
    kg2run Posts: 25
    Was in the same boat. Finally acknowledged that I just wasn't prioritizing a healthy lifestyle.

    ^^ this!

    I get up 45 minutes earlier than I used to and get my workout in before everyone else's day starts.

    When you make it a point to not have yourself be your last priority things seem to fall into place.
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    I guess us busy single dads don't much matter...

    I am a single Dad with 3 at home and a grand daughter there as well.
    Kids Mom is not even in their lives.
    I see a man in your pic, if he is their Dad what is he up to?
  • Susan_Rae_1
    Susan_Rae_1 Posts: 154 Member
    You have to be willing to adapt. At any given time. Saying I am going to the gym every night after work, isn't always an option. I use my breaks at work to walk in the parking garage. On the nights my kids have soccer, I run at the soccer fields. My found a gym that has a day care to watch the little one for me while I work out on the days they DONT have activities. Some nights I run in the neighborhood - after the kids are in bed, the dishes are in the dishwasher, and the laundry has just been put in, and hubby settles down for TV time. Do Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. It's only 25 minutes. Excercise with your kids! They love doing DVDs with me - they think it's funny.

    As for food - Planning, planning, planning. I do a lot of prep on the weekends. Everything goes in ziploc bags in the freezer. Lots of crock pot meals. Bake enough chicken for the entire week. Chop all your veggies when you get home from the store. One night, do one of the healthy meals YOU enjoy, and throw a pizza in the oven for the kids. I have a crazy life too (plus, we only have one vehicle). But if you want it bad enough, you'll do it. There are work arounds for everything. Maybe you don't have an hour at a time, but do you have 30 minutes twice a day? 15 minutes here and there? 10 minutes to do pushups, jumping jacks, and planks before you jump in the shower?

    Start slow and work your way into it. Nothing happens over night.

    good advice!
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    Yea. Because having 5 kids was mandatory.

  • mrsdutra07
    My mom said something to me when I had my son and was going through that "new mommy meltdown" we all know and love. She said "If you don't take care of yourself, how can you properly take care of anyone else?"

    That really resonated with me, especially recently. I'm crazy-busy too. Full time job, 2 1/2 hours a day communitng, my husband plays softball competitively 3-4 days/week and I am trying to buy a house right now to boot!

    I agree with a lot of the other posts - if YOU make it important, it will be. I've recently invested in a jogging stroller with off-road capabilites. There will be no more "oh, sorry. I can't go for a jog/walk/hike because I don't have a sitter" I'm going, darn it!

    And as far as meals go, I menu plan on Sundays. I sit down with my Cooking Light magazine and decide what we're having for the week. They have a great section for weeknight/fast cooking that takes 20-30 minutes and it's on the table. I tend to cook a lot of those :)

    It gives me some peace of mind to know that I'm giving my son proper nutrition and teaching him how to live a healthy, active lifestyle. He has become my motivation and inspiration. I hope he doesn't remember having a chunky mom, and I never want to say to him "Do as I say, not as I do."

    Sorry for the long post, I think it may have helped me more to write it out than anyone will benefit from reading it.
  • kit8806
    kit8806 Posts: 222 Member
    Yea. Because having 5 kids was mandatory.


    It's not mandatory, but some people love having a big family! I want 3 or 4 more kids! It's a choice, no reason to bash. As everyone says, this isn't a diet, it's a lifestyle change. Asking for help isn't a bad thing when it comes to balancing things out.
  • srhershey
    srhershey Posts: 181 Member
    I work full time Mon-Fri and have a 4 1/2 yr old daughter. On Mon and Wed, she goes to karate and once I'm confident she can participate in Karate without goofing off, I will be able to do a workout they offer at her Karate place while she's in her class. I also have the Xbox Kinect and my daughter and I will do Just Dance for about 30 min a few times during the week. This helps get me get a workout in and also bond with my daughter. Sometimes we take our dog for a walk when the sun is setting so it's not too hot. When the weather is nicer, we will play outside more either chasing each other, kicking a ball back and forth, just something to get us moving. As for dinner, I'll make something simple that doesn't take too long, or I'll make a big pan of lasagna which will last a few days. I plan on larger dinners over the weekend when I have more time to cook. My daughter also helps me with cleaning the house and laundry, although she's not perfect at cleaning, she still tries and does a decent job.

    One of the girls I work with is a single parent with 3 boys. Almost every day Mon-Fri, she takes them to football practice and while they're practicing, she's running around the track.

    If you are truely ready to workout and excersise, you will find a way to incorporate some type of excersise during your schedule...even if it means waking up earlier or waiting until the kids are asleep.
  • fcp1234
    fcp1234 Posts: 1,098 Member
    Before work, early morning is the only time I can work out. I get everything ready the night before, so in the morning I just have to get myself and kid ready.

    As far as cooking, crockpot or grill. Nothing crazy, real dinner are for weekends only
  • Angie_Fritts
    Angie_Fritts Posts: 263 Member
    I guess us busy single dads don't much matter...

    If you don't have positive input why did you respond?
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    I guess us busy single dads don't much matter...

    If you don't have positive input why did you respond?

    Just to irritate people.
  • tismyhardbody
    tismyhardbody Posts: 100 Member
    Get up before they do.
    Plan what your meals are going to be in advance (prep too if you can)
    Crockpot rocks!
    Dont beat yourself up. It is what it is, do your best and you will get where you want to go!
  • tismyhardbody
    tismyhardbody Posts: 100 Member
    Yea. Because having 5 kids was mandatory.


    Aww that was so sweet!
    Because somehow how big of a family you have somehow determines what type of person you are eh?
  • rompers16
    rompers16 Posts: 5,404 Member
    I have 5 kids too and all I can tell you is delegate, delegate, delegate. When they were younger we did a ten minute cleanup each night. Didn't matter what they chose to clean...as long as they were busy the full 10 min. You'd be amazed at how much can be done in that time. You can apply it to anything, whether it's making their lunches for the next day, getting laundry folded, etc. The idea of getting some exercise in while your kids are at practice is good as well.
  • chocolateandpb
    chocolateandpb Posts: 453 Member
    Yea. Because having 5 kids was mandatory.


