Game: Urban Dictionary. com says my NAME means.....



  • still_crafty
    still_crafty Posts: 682 Member

    Fun, crazy, beautiful, witty, sarcastic, loving, kind, stupid funny, precious, good-catch, smart, kinda psychic, loves to be looney, loves chocolate way too much, eyes the color of the carribean, empathetic, a girl you can't live without, once you've met can't get her out of your mind. Once you've kissed her, you're hooked. When she falls in love with someone, she falls hard and deep and will stay by you forever...unless you do some dumb ****. She loves to laugh, play, and have fun. You don't want to ever see or make her cry. True inner beauty, loves God, babies, and small animals. Hates spiders and roaches. Loves to cook and bake...a very good mother. Total package

    ^^ this is quite scary, really.
  • natalianogueira
    natalianogueira Posts: 76 Member
    1. Natalia 868 up, 117 down
    a fantastic amazing girl who is beautiful and kind and has a strong personality as well as being extremely intelligent.

    someone who everyone is in love with.

    also very polite and skilled in all that she does.

    if you meet a natalia, persist in staying in touch. a natalia is someone you ought to keep for life.
    -that girl is sooo amazing; she is practically a natalia!

    -i know, i love her, she GREAT

    -lets go stalk her!!!!


    But this one got my attention:

    6. Natalia 297 up, 1049 down

    1. The Boobular One, that is, the girl with big boobs

  • BeautifulArtemis
    BeautifulArtemis Posts: 641 Member
    Rafferty - To make a complete mess of a Job, where a Job is broken beyond repair and the end user is "flapping" because it cannot be rescued
    "Oh No what a complete rafferty Job"

  • AuddAlise
    AuddAlise Posts: 723 Member
    Cerdwin - isin't defiend yet. :huh: :sad:
  • Ha, this one's great.

    1. gavin 1599 up, 1034 down

    What the **** is with all these utterly retarded definitions? Gavin is a name. It means battle hawk. You people are complete and utter idiots.
    It's a NAME, not a ****ing internet-word to be spewed at random ten ****ing thousand times a day by someone who doesn't even know the meaning of it.
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member

    Someone who has a great zest for life, always remain calm and collected and are able to be in control of situations. Has an unprecedented sense of humor. It is rare to cheer everybody up in different situations, yet she always manages to do it. Moreover, she is the life and soul of a party, which makes her extremely sociable. She is not quick-tempered, in fact deep down, she is really an amiable person. Lisa has a very unpredictable lifestyle, for this reason she spends a lot of time exercising. Intelligent and very focused. Strong set of character, which makes her stands out from the rest. Never one who gives up. Extremely beautiful. Great lover.
  • JamieSK
    JamieSK Posts: 266 Member

    Jamie is the hottest girl in the world to guys. She's beautiful inside and out. She's loved by many, and disliked by almost none. Jamie is so fun and easy to get along with. She's amazing at anything she tries to do, and has many talents. Jamie is such an amazing friend. She can be shy at times, but can party harder than anyone. Jamie's an amazing athelte as well. She's commited and will go far in life.

    A Great Wonderful amazing person who takes care of those she loves and doesn't let anyone push her around. Has a big heart and a beautiful smile. A family person who loves imaginary agriculture, but needs to work on her growing skills. She has a great sense of Humor and knows how to cheer someone up when they are down. Often uses phrases like "Shazzam" and causes laughing fits even when she isn't trying to.

    The most amazing girl in the world, alot of people are lucky to know a Jamie. Is very intelligent, but can be a ****ing dumbass at times. Her presence among others is very valued by everyone, and people always want to be around her. Is very beautiful inside and out, always good to have around for a good laugh. (I'VE NEVER BEEN A DUMB *kitten* - JUST MAYBE A SMART *kitten* ON OCCASSION!!) :tongue:

    Thanks for the fun & laughs! :laugh:
  • Behl9
    Behl9 Posts: 95 Member

    Stephanie I love you more the you could possibly imagine, you’re my shoulder to lean on when I’m not feeling great you’re my best friend and favourite person in the entire world you’re the reason I wake up every morning and fall asleep at night with a giant smile on my face you’re the reason I walk down the hallways singing a song or snapping my fingers. My life began the day I met you. I don’t know what the world has in store for us but the one thing I am sure of is that ill be with you forever and ill love you forever. People say finding your true love other half or soul mate is something that will just never happen but I found mine I found you and Stephanie from now until the day that I die you’re the only thing that I will ever need I love you so much sweetheart you’re my one and only now and forever. I love you more then you will ever see more then my heart could ever show I love you more then you will ever know.

    Stephanie is, to say the least, an incredible girl. She is an immediate soul mate, before you even have the time to realize it. She is gorgeous, but still stands out from the other pretty girls. She has a sense of humor that never dissapoints or keeps you from laughing. She has this aura about her that no one else could ever have. She carries herself with grace worthy of Grace Kelly herself. Stephanie is loving, unique, and maybe even a bit quirky; but its in a cool addictive way. Once you meet a real Stephanie, don't ever let go.

    i am pretty awesome ;)

    Stephanie here too! We are pretty amazing aren't we :wink:
  • Amanda
    A women named Amanda is typically very beautiful with an incredible body and nice eyes. They are known to be very loveable. Amandas are envied by other women.

  • cdngirl71
    cdngirl71 Posts: 2,641 Member

    Melanie means dark lady in Greek. Awesome person and someone you should definitely get to know. Someone funny and loves to make people laugh. Isn't afraid to get embarrassed and a great friend. Hard to be serious at times, but she's always going to make the right choices in the end. A very lovely lady and great at pranks. Someone whose outgoing and willing to try new things. She's pretty, smart, hot, sexy, and etc. She naturally understands people and accepts them. Even the weird and different. Has extreamly high ambition and morality but wont force any on anyone else.
    Loves to flirt. Is Beautiful. Gets lots of attention. Good to bring to any party. DONT EVER EVER argue with a Melanie.
    Shes right. YOUR wrong. End of story.

    Everyone needs some Melanie in their lives!!
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member

    First definition is this:::

    Slang for Crystal Meth.
    WOW REALLY????? I had no idea wtf?

    2. Tina, meaning "little one." Derived from Latin. Competitive - a leader, independent, strength, creative and original. A refined intellectual, a woman who's studious, analytical and very research oriented . . .

    3. A very pretty outgoing girl. She doesn't let anything get in her way and is very independent. A smart person who has a great personality. Is a good person to hang out with and nice when you get to know her. If you get on her darkside she can turn into a *****! Very kind person and always tries to find the good side in every bad situation. Great person to talk to and is very honest. She gives really good advice. A person who likes to try new things even if they can be crazy. Very creative and funny and is loved by many.
  • LiftBigtoGetFit
    LiftBigtoGetFit Posts: 3,399 Member
    the best guy ever, he is so sweet, head strong, doesn't take **** from anybody, best lover ever. If you are ever lucky enough to get a timothy in your life keep him close because

    he da ****!!! he super hot omg ... not small down south ;) and not weak ... at all. love him forever i know i will <3<3<3
    timothy= for sure badass :p

    The best ever
    Is the ****
    Outstandingly amazing
    The greatest thing in your life
    He loves his girlfriend
    You keep him forever
  • ilovemybuggy
    ilovemybuggy Posts: 1,584 Member
    the best guy ever, he is so sweet, head strong, doesn't take **** from anybody, best lover ever. If you are ever lucky enough to get a timothy in your life keep him close because

    he da ****!!! he super hot omg ... not small down south ;) and not weak ... at all. love him forever i know i will <3<3<3
    timothy= for sure badass :p

    The best ever
    Is the ****
    Outstandingly amazing
    The greatest thing in your life
    He loves his girlfriend
    You keep him forever

    oddly enough- this was the name of the friend who posted it....LOL Only it does NOT apply.
    I think like the third definition was something about being a pornstar......TISK TISK
  • LiftBigtoGetFit
    LiftBigtoGetFit Posts: 3,399 Member
    the best guy ever, he is so sweet, head strong, doesn't take **** from anybody, best lover ever. If you are ever lucky enough to get a timothy in your life keep him close because

    he da ****!!! he super hot omg ... not small down south ;) and not weak ... at all. love him forever i know i will <3<3<3
    timothy= for sure badass :p

    The best ever
    Is the ****
    Outstandingly amazing
    The greatest thing in your life
    He loves his girlfriend
    You keep him forever

    oddly enough- this was the name of the friend who posted it....LOL Only it does NOT apply.
    I think like the third definition was something about being a pornstar......TISK TISK

    i just went with the first one that came up... there were about 10 different ones... I could say this is all true, oh heck it is :tongue:
  • NeonRainbow83
    NeonRainbow83 Posts: 118 Member

    A very HOT HOT HOT individual who has everything going for her. Does amazing things with amazing people. No one can ever get enough of Clare.

    C-L-A-R-E is the coolest spelling of the name.

    *Basks in the flattery*
    P.s it really is the coolest spelling.
  • samra2012
    samra2012 Posts: 715
    Gabriela....a really beautiful girl with amazing boobs that is really hard to get. if you get her you are a lucky man. often gets mistaken for a ***** but shes the nicest person you will ever meet. chillest girl on earth and if you get to know her you will love her, The name Gabriela means 'God is my strength', Someone yo ucan fall in love with and feel all the comfort in the world just by sitting across, or even better, next to her. Whether as a lover or as a friend, you are truly a lucky individual to know Gabriela, A very special girl. She loves the beauty of life, flavors, colors, music, etc... A very independent woman but sometimes she behaves like a child. She knows what she wants. She's very nice but sometimes she's a b**h. She's very inocent but inside she's wild and very kinky and ready to give sooo much love, but not misunderstand, she is very hard to get.... Really hard to get but has a nice *kitten*. She has the best BFF in the world. Gabriela is not afraid to say what she wants cuz she feels like saying so she says it. She luvs soccer and Football. She is a great kisser and she has the most silkiest hair of all. She has a thing for guys named Ben. She luvs to run. And will never forget these people...hahaha
  • JenG_2011
    JenG_2011 Posts: 79 Member
    Kinda surprised nobody posted this one yet.. here's mine


    Highly intelligent, attractive, and creative. Witty and usually sarcastic. Compassionate & very loyal once you win her over -- warning, she will hold her own and do what's necessary if you prove incapable of being a healthy asset to her life. Ah, and certainly not least she is also very sensual... you'd be damn lucky to get her in bed let alone find a place in her heart.
    "Jen is the woman of my dreams."

    Who me, sarcastic?? And I am always in my dreams.. so dead on..
  • ki4yxo
    ki4yxo Posts: 709 Member
    The Classification of Italians that normaly are Canadian from Toronto. They are considered as Ginos because of there musical preference, known as beats and their tight clothing by brand makers such as Diesel. They are The Male verions as the females are called Gina's.
    1- Canadian slang: a derogatory term used to designate a male of Italian descent.
    A person of mostly Italian,Greek or Persian descent that uses massive amounts of gel and only listens to trance,techno and house.They follow the religion of ginoism whose prophets are Tiesto, Benny Benassi and Armin Vun Buuren. It is worthy to mention that any insult to these prophets will result in an immediate jihad.They enjoy going to clubs and consuming huge amounts of alcohol while dancing with female ginos also known as ginas. The typical gino usually hits on a gina with the following line

    Gino: hey whats your favorite song?
    Gina: the one that goes like
    Gino: me too!
    Gina: Lets mate!

    Guess they don't like me in Canada.
  • Peezy4President
    Peezy4President Posts: 292 Member
    My name is Romero

    1. The most nicest people there are.

    2. A sex move in which you insert your finger into someone's *kitten* while giving them anal sex.

    3. To *kitten* using the hand of a recently dead person.

    4. To sit on one's own hand until it goes numb; (otherwise known as "The Stranger") then holding it in ice water until it reaches the desired temperature of a corpse and masturbating with it.

    woooow! my name is nasty as hell... LMAO (i might try the stranger) lol jk
  • ilovemybuggy
    ilovemybuggy Posts: 1,584 Member
    the best guy ever, he is so sweet, head strong, doesn't take **** from anybody, best lover ever. If you are ever lucky enough to get a timothy in your life keep him close because

    he da ****!!! he super hot omg ... not small down south ;) and not weak ... at all. love him forever i know i will <3<3<3
    timothy= for sure badass :p

    The best ever
    Is the ****
    Outstandingly amazing
    The greatest thing in your life
    He loves his girlfriend
    You keep him forever

    oddly enough- this was the name of the friend who posted it....LOL Only it does NOT apply.
    I think like the third definition was something about being a pornstar......TISK TISK

    i just went with the first one that came up... there were about 10 different ones... I could say this is all true, oh heck it is :tongue:

    hahah! naughty.