Breast Implants



  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I had pretty much decided to get implants when I was younger. I have a lot of asymmetry going on. I was going to get them when I was done having children. I didn't think they'd make me sexier or have better self esteem. I just think they are pretty and thought they'd be fun during sex.

    But then I had 2 daughters. I imagined them in the situation you are in now, teenage (or older) low self confidence, blaming small breasts for their problems. How could I sit there and tell them to love themselves for who they are, and to find someone to love them for who they truly are when I had undergone a major surgery to change my own appearance? So I decided against them.

    As I've lost weight and built muscle my breasts are more symmetrical than they've ever been. They fit and match my new lean body. They are sexy! I am sexy while wearing only a 36 A. And they've fed 3 babies which is really the only purpose for them anyway. AND I can buy cute $12 Target sports bras.
  • SFbarmaid
    SFbarmaid Posts: 117 Member

    I have low self esteem when it comes to my body. I am hoping they would make me feel better about myself and confident!

    What if they don't?

    Personally I think each to their own, but I don't think you should get them to 'fix' other issues other than wanting larger breasts.

    If you have low self esteem, fake breasts will not fix the problem. You will then find something else to focus on and dislike about yourself. Why don't you work on loving yourself first, the way you are? seems like your husband already does. :)
    Also, consider waiting till after you have children. Then, you will wish you had the breasts you have now.
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    As someone who has actually had the opposite procedure (breast reduction, and I'm still a DD), I would caution you to think long and hard about it. If your self-esteem is wrapped up in your breast size, what happens if you develop breast cancer and have to have a mastectomy? Does that make you less valuable...of course not. I would examine carefully WHY your self-esteem is so wrapped up in your breast size. We all have things about ourselves that we don't like, but I don't think I would go under the knife to change that (my reduction surgery was due to severe back pain from carting around GGs on my chest!).

    You might want to try buying a really large size bra and stuff it and wear it around for several days. Try shopping for clothes with it on. I know it sounds silly, but you'll quickly decide if you are going to be able to find clothes that you like or if they will be in your way. I remember an episode of Designing Women (might have been before your time!) where the character Mary Jo wanted breast implants, and the doctor gave her these fake foam boobs to wear around! She quickly decided that implants weren't for her (if you want to see the episode, go here: The thing you don't want is to go through all the expense and pain of surgery only to find out you hate it.

    Good luck with your decision.
  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    It's one of my motivators too. I'm still 19 so I want to wait awhile. I have different reasons why, though. My breasts are extremely uneven, one a DD, the other a B. Its plays a HUGE role in my self esteem, and believe it or not, it affects my everyday life, and quality of it. I can't find bras that fit right, shirts that fit right, etc. I always have to adjust my top because it goes sideways and stuff. I've been looking that they can take the fat from one breast and put it in the other. I'm still debating on that or the implants. The fat injections are far more expensive. I'm still debating if I want a full C, or a D. Definitely don't want the DD..but who knows. Plan on getting it when I graduate from my masters.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    It's one of my motivators too. I'm still 19 so I want to wait awhile. I have different reasons why, though. My breasts are extremely uneven, one a DD, the other a B. Its plays a HUGE role in my self esteem, and believe it or not, it affects my everyday life, and quality of it. I can't find bras that fit right, shirts that fit right, etc. I always have to adjust my top because it goes sideways and stuff. I've been looking that they can take the fat from one breast and put it in the other. I'm still debating on that or the implants. The fat injections are far more expensive. I'm still debating if I want a full C, or a D. Definitely don't want the DD..but who knows. Plan on getting it when I graduate from my masters.

    Get one of those chicken cutlets to put in one side of your bra. That's what I had to do when nursing. My little breast doesn't grow (but my big one shrinks so now that they are both little they match).
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    My fitness goal for losing my desired 22 pounds is to get breast implants once I reach my goal weight. My husband doesn't want me to have them, but I am a 34B and I feel like if I am doing it for the right reasons then why not? I am thinking of a large C cup. Do you think this is a bad weight loss motivator to have? I have always wanted them and I'm 25 now, I think I am able to make this decision rationally at this point in my life. Thoughts?

    Sounds to me like it's a decision between you and your husband not a message board on a public forum. Obviously communication between the both of you to make a mutual decision. I've seen a lot of implants in the middle of domestic disharmony. It would be more of a financial decision, a decision that would be considered if you ever decide to have children (if you don't already) due to breastfeeding problems, employment issues, etc etc. It's certainly not a decision which comes from a weight loss motivator.

    I was a DD before I lost weight and am a 32B now, but I've also taken up running and am quite thankful they don't get in my way when I run or having to worry about a correct fitting of a bra. Plus, Victoria Secret is amazing, and faking it with a great pushup bra works perfectly fine for me. My flat chest is now a family joke with all the men in my life from my husband, employer, kids, parents, family friends... it's all what you make of it. I'd rather have my 17% body fat and boobless any day.
  • Moniqua1
    Moniqua1 Posts: 195 Member
    Honestly, motivation is motivation. Do whatever you want, it's your life. I personally was considering doing the same thing. My mom got them and they look great, but she says if she had to do it all over again, she wouldn't. I've been with a girl who had them (don't judge, I venture sometimes lol) BUT!! It turn off for me because they just don't feel natural. They looked great, though. Heavily consider what you're doing. I've also seen women who have terrible work done and end up deformed looking. I hope whatever you decide, that you are happy with the outcome.
  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    It's one of my motivators too. I'm still 19 so I want to wait awhile. I have different reasons why, though. My breasts are extremely uneven, one a DD, the other a B. Its plays a HUGE role in my self esteem, and believe it or not, it affects my everyday life, and quality of it. I can't find bras that fit right, shirts that fit right, etc. I always have to adjust my top because it goes sideways and stuff. I've been looking that they can take the fat from one breast and put it in the other. I'm still debating on that or the implants. The fat injections are far more expensive. I'm still debating if I want a full C, or a D. Definitely don't want the DD..but who knows. Plan on getting it when I graduate from my masters.

    Get one of those chicken cutlets to put in one side of your bra. That's what I had to do when nursing. My little breast doesn't grow (but my big one shrinks so now that they are both little they match).

    I do, and I have bras that have the inserts in them. But it's not the same. It's extremely uncomfortable, and they're still not even..and when I take off the bra, the unevenness is still there.
  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    I cant understand why women want bigger breasts. 34B is a perfect size, you should enjoy them! No back problems and there are men like me who love small breasts! Since your husband doesnt want you to have implants, that means he like small breasts too so be happy with them! :P

    I guess I should, which is why I am still debating it. I know my husband loves me the way I am and I am lucky he does. Looking at the media it seems like every woman who is considored sexy has huge breasts! I want to feel sexy too!

    You are fine the way you are.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    It's one of my motivators too. I'm still 19 so I want to wait awhile. I have different reasons why, though. My breasts are extremely uneven, one a DD, the other a B. Its plays a HUGE role in my self esteem, and believe it or not, it affects my everyday life, and quality of it. I can't find bras that fit right, shirts that fit right, etc. I always have to adjust my top because it goes sideways and stuff. I've been looking that they can take the fat from one breast and put it in the other. I'm still debating on that or the implants. The fat injections are far more expensive. I'm still debating if I want a full C, or a D. Definitely don't want the DD..but who knows. Plan on getting it when I graduate from my masters.

    Get one of those chicken cutlets to put in one side of your bra. That's what I had to do when nursing. My little breast doesn't grow (but my big one shrinks so now that they are both little they match).

    I do, and I have bras that have the inserts in them. But it's not the same. It's extremely uncomfortable, and they're still not even..and when I take off the bra, the unevenness is still there.

    I so feel your pain. It sucks. But really, it's very common. Although I know that doesn't make your feel better.
  • octleigh
    octleigh Posts: 86 Member
    My fitness goal for losing my desired 22 pounds is to get breast implants once I reach my goal weight. My husband doesn't want me to have them

    This to me would be something to heavily consider.
  • jeslyn2360
    Wow, I can't beieve this post is still going...
  • kiminikimkim
    kiminikimkim Posts: 746 Member
    You can easily boost your chest size from a B to a C with the right bras!

    Why get breast implants? Do you want to show your breasts in public? If you can achieve a C cup with clothes on, I don't see the point of having surgery.
  • pg3ibew
    pg3ibew Posts: 1,026 Member
    My fitness goal for losing my desired 22 pounds is to get breast implants once I reach my goal weight. My husband doesn't want me to have them, but I am a 34B and I feel like if I am doing it for the right reasons then why not? I am thinking of a large C cup. Do you think this is a bad weight loss motivator to have? I have always wanted them and I'm 25 now, I think I am able to make this decision rationally at this point in my life. Thoughts?

    No need for me to read any further than the first post. Best investment you could make. My wife liked them so much, she did them twice.