
So, I'm logging in my food everyday, and am horrified to see how many of my calories come from my coffee everyday! (thanks to the cream). I drink 2-3 cups a day...and either have to drop that, or my use of creamer... ugh. ...oh.. and definately lay off those specialty coffees!! Holy Crow! :noway:


  • beautifulbay
    beautifulbay Posts: 159
    So, I'm logging in my food everyday, and am horrified to see how many of my calories come from my coffee everyday! (thanks to the cream). I drink 2-3 cups a day...and either have to drop that, or my use of creamer... ugh. ...oh.. and definately lay off those specialty coffees!! Holy Crow! :noway:
  • tlitzner
    tlitzner Posts: 124
    I love my morning coffee. I was able to cut down to just the one cup every morning. I use fat free creamer and sweet n low. I know, I know, not the healthiest, but lower in calories for sure!
  • beautifulbay
    beautifulbay Posts: 159
    I love it too, but refuse to eat fake sugar and non dairy creamers .... my only choice is to cut back...either on the coffee or the cream..... :cry: but....I looooove the cream :cry:
  • blondeheat
    blondeheat Posts: 254 Member
    You might try different types of black coffee. I am in love with the Brazilian brew from Starbucks. Got a mini french press at work to feed my addication. Only 8 calories per cup!
  • rethun01
    rethun01 Posts: 167
    I switched to tea just to eliminate the need for cream. I must have my morning caffeine or I'm terrible. :angry:
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    I measure my half & half now--you might want to switch to that--it's got a better taste than creamer. I just switched over to fat-free half & half, which cuts back the calories even more, and I can't taste the difference.

    I also add a tiny amount of Swiss Miss Diet Hot Cocoa, which gives it a really good chocolate taste--Yum!!
  • 2catowner
    2catowner Posts: 94
    I love my coffee as well-- I can give up my wine, beer and alcoholic beverages, but I am not giving up my coffee-- heck you have to have some kind of treat! I love the sugar free flavored creamer, like Nestle or International -- french vanilla. Maybe you could try some and see if you like any:wink:
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    Watch out for those Sugar-Free Creamers!!

    I tried them and loved it, until it had, well let's just say a very unpleasant impact upon my body!

    I stayed in the bathroom the rest of the day. Some of us react very poorly to the sugar substitutes they use in some of the sugar-free stuff.
  • Rachael2179
    Rachael2179 Posts: 148 Member
    I am a coffee lover too!!!!:smile: I still drink a cup in the morning and a cup in the afternoon.... No way I am giving up the cream and the sugar. I just cut calories in other places to make up for it. :smile:
  • tschmitt2002
    Coffee... YUM! What about skim milk or vanilla soy milk instead of cream, just a thought. I have been using skim milk and splenda and really haven't missed my cream and sugar. My husband's advice is to just go straight black, but I can't do that yet. The tea was a great idea too, that someone posted.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • beautifulbay
    beautifulbay Posts: 159
    I've tried switching to never took for me...can't enjoy it as much as coffee...
    Perhaps I'll try to stay at 2 cups a day in the am and one in the late afternoon...and see how that goes for a while....I can't think of a good way to cut the fake stuff...half and half is great...but no stright milk in coffee....don't like it....
    sigh ... I hate being I'm counting calories AND being picky ..... oh man .... this is going to be hard
  • beep
    beep Posts: 1,242 Member
    I love fresh roasted, fresh ground coffee YES with half and half too, so much that I just do without something else. I have to have at least 2 cups a day in the morning. So, I just count it in.
  • tschmitt2002
    Tee hee. Picky is great! I unfortunately am not picky and will eat anything (but peas and brussel sprouts) Good luck with the coffee.
  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    im probably doing my body harm, I drink it black..maybe sometimes a tinsy amount of soy milk in it
  • rogers8702
    rogers8702 Posts: 533 Member
    i use splenda which is really good for a fake product and i use sugar free creamer only 30 calories
    i am a coffe aholic and CANT live without it it wasnt so great the first few days but now i like it and some days dont even use the spelda.
  • Texas_Candy
    Texas_Candy Posts: 55 Member
    I LOVE my Starbucks! I only treat myself on the weekend and that's because the nearest Starbucks is in the next town. I used to work in a construction firm and I had a Starbucks across the street. That was probably the reason I only stayed at that job for three months...I gained too much weight!
  • beep
    beep Posts: 1,242 Member
    Your baby is precious, Candy. :sad: I miss babies. Mine are 9 and up.
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    Ali w/out coffee :grumble:

    Ali w/ coffee :laugh:

    I love it love it love it....and I am down to one big cup in the am when I wake...and maybe a small cup at work, like an iced blueberry w/ skim milk mmmmm blueberry coffee!!!....I use fat free french van. creamer in the morning and used to use splenda but now just nada the cream makes it sweet enough...ooooo I can't wait for morning to have my java!!!! I also have non fat frees that I use sparingly because I LOVE THEM...coconut cream, chocolate raspberry, marshmallow mocha....OH and my allllllll time fav which is only out during the winter months:grumble:......
    :heart: PEPPERMINT MOCHA!!!!:heart: (if this site had'd have just heard a choir of angels!!!) lol

  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Ali w/out coffee :grumble:

    Ali w/ coffee :laugh:

    I love it love it love it....and I am down to one big cup in the am when I wake...and maybe a small cup at work, like an iced blueberry w/ skim milk mmmmm blueberry coffee!!!....I use fat free french van. creamer in the morning and used to use splenda but now just nada the cream makes it sweet enough...ooooo I can't wait for morning to have my java!!!! I also have non fat frees that I use sparingly because I LOVE THEM...coconut cream, chocolate raspberry, marshmallow mocha....OH and my allllllll time fav which is only out during the winter months:grumble:......
    :heart: PEPPERMINT MOCHA!!!!:heart: (if this site had'd have just heard a choir of angels!!!) lol


    I love peppermint mochas! Ali..get out of my head!!!!!!! AHHHH!! lol
  • beep
    beep Posts: 1,242 Member
    Yumm yumm yumm yumm. I might just have to have a cuppa now:drinker: